New from NY


Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Central NY
United States
Dash Cam
BOOMYOURS 2.7 dual lense
Hey all. New guy here. New to dash cams. Bought a cheap Boomyours 2.7 off of Amazon for $60 a few months ago. Addicted to running a cam now and am looking to leaning more about these things.

I know what I'm currently using is a bit pathetic, so I really wanted to join a group that knows their stuff and can eventually help me find a cam that fits my needs and wants list while I save up for a better one.
Welcome fellow NYer. How ya Doin?

This a great place with friendly, knowledgable people. If you want, share some video, let's see your camera in action.
Audio quality is my biggest concern right now. And remembering to not pick my nose.
... find a cam that fits my needs and wants list while I save up for a better one.

Here's a good page in which to browse for your next dashcam...

Re audio quality, my Mobius is much better than I expected... loud & clear. The similarly-sized Innovv C1/C2 is apparently even better in this respect.
Thanks for the welcome guys! I'm gonna hang out and read and ask lots of newbie questions before I jump in with my own "what cam should I buy" thread!:D
This is what I'm rockin right now. I noticed it isnt even on the radar for you guys!
I'm not so sure about the whole watching myself drive thing. I'm sure my passengers wouldn't be down with it either. Sound on it is Ok, though to me sound is an extra not neccesary item. So far I haven't found a great use for sound except calling out plates.
I'm not a fan of watching me either! When I watch it, save it, upload it, I can tell it which camera I was to see. On the camera itself, I can tell it which I want to record. Both, me or the road. I bought one with the two cams because I wanted video and audio of the window for when I get pulled over. But now, I'm thinking that with a swivel mount, or a secondary velcro mount will work for just one cam like a Mobius.
I'm gonna hang out and read and ask lots of newbie questions before I jump in with my own "what cam should I buy" thread!:D

You are one of the few who chose right approach.
Most "other newbies" comes here with "their recipe" and asking us to "cook" ready meal for them, without doing any preparations from their side :(
Not that we are not helping them, - not at all! DashCamTalk forum is The most friendly online forum / community I have participated and we all trying to help each other here. It's just some time from newbies comes "copy-paste" type questions where we can see that they don't want to do some preparation work themselves.
@schmendrick That was not a nose pick, just a wipe, a bit long but acceptable. I''ll show you nose picking (scooping, mining) when I get my internal camera in a few months. So you don't have to worry about nose picking.

Singing however...


Sound on it is Ok, though to me sound is an extra not neccesary item. So far I haven't found a great use for sound except calling out plates.

I still think sound recording has a valid use with arguments that pertain to what was said or not said. With the wife, girlfriend in mind. Have yet to test if it will hold up in "wife court" yet.
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Oh it wasnt a full on nose pick, but thats where it was going if I hadnt remembered the cam was on!