NT96650 1000000120130201 LD:GS650 DRAMINFO STRGINFO 2013/06/25 v0.32 CODEINFO ( '^G Section-%.2ld: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X (LOAD) ^R*** StackOverflow task[%d][%s] stk start[0x%08x] size[0x%08x] ^R*** Math error: type=%d name="%s" arg1=%f arg2=%f retval=%f err=%d ^R*** CPU Exception! cause=0x%08x, by [%s:0x%08x] [%c] ^RAssert:`%s' is failed! (%s:%u) %s::%s():%d: ^N(_main begin) %s::%s():%d: (reg exp handler) %s::%s():%d: (kernel init) %s::%s():%d: (Install code section) %s::%s():%d: (Install code zi) %s::%s():%d: (Install Drv ID) %s::%s():%d: (Install User ID) %s::%s():%d: (Install User ID for mempool) %s::%s():%d: (kernel startup) %s::%s():%d: (_main end) POOL_ID_GFX_IMAGE POOL_ID_GFX_STRING POOL_ID_GFX_TEMP POOL_ID_EXIF POOL_ID_DATEIMPRINT POOL_ID_APP Hello, World! Byebye, World! event loop - begin! event loop - end! USB Charge delay power off action ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: low battery ********** SysMainExe UI_GetData(FL_POWER_ON_LONGHOLD_KEY) = %d,ld=%x,power type =%d %s,DrvKey_DetNormalKey()= %x System_CntTimer ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: BREAK LD VERISON: %s FW --- Daily Build: %s %s Jun 25 2013 bind - begin! bind - end! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Current mode (id: 0x%02x) is not exist! ignored. ^MMode {%s} SleepLeave begin ^MMode {%s} SleepLeave end ^MMode {%s} SleepEnter begin ^MMode {%s} SleepEnter end ^MMode {%s} Close begin ^MMode {%s} Close end ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Next mode (id: 0x%02x) is not exist! ignored. ^MMode {%s} Open begin ^MMode {%s} Open end ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: This mode is invalid! ^MSLEEP Begin (Lvl: 0x%x) ... ^MSLEEP End (Lvl: 0x%x) lockcaf:%d %-25s (%-20s):%s, %s ========================================================= NT96650 Application version info. NT96650 Library version info. NT96650 Common version info. ^GTest_multi_af ^GSelWin:%d ##start idx:%d, end idx:%d ##Cmd_lens_af_test - end Get Zoom Step= #%d, *%d, %d USB PCC Mode USB MSDC Mode Playback Mode Movie Mode Photo Mode Shutter2 release Key Shutter1 release Key Shutter2 Key Shutter1 Key zoom release Key Zoom Out Key release Zoom In Key release Zoom Out Key Zoom In Key Down Key PwrIC Playback Key ##Cmd_lens_af_test - begin af wait-begin af wait-end. MaxIdx = %d Write focus calibration data ok! Write focus calibration data failed! Read calibration data back Read focus calibration data ok Zoom sec_%d: peak_idx:%d Read focus calibration data fail Set zoom speed as slow. Set zoom speed as normal. ^R check signal ZPR&FPI Lens Retract... Focus_iris Init... Zoom Init... Cmd_lens_test_iris ^R Focus backward test ^R Focus forward test ^R Shutter on test - MSHUTTER format ps key delete key playback key zoomin key zoomout key zoom release key shutter1 key shutter2 NT96650 Driver version info. Dsc Shutdown this is sample cmd! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get buffer fail Audio Filter H264 Library JPEGBRC_Default.a Scene Render SceneRenderLib.a USB PCC (UVC) File System FileAccess.a Audio Process (Filter/NR) AudFilter.a Movie Play API for frame decoding GxVideoFile.a File DataBase Face Detection Smile Detection Image D2D Process Flash charge control Power Control Image Edit Plug for PB FileAccess Plug for PB CPU DMA Utility CompareView CompView.a Display Service Exam Service Font To Yuv FontToYuv.a Firmware Service GxSystem.a MsdcNvt Plug-File MsdcNvtCb_File.a MsdcNvt Plug-Disp MsdcNvtCb_Disp.a Partial Load PartLoad.a Rectangle Zoom RectZoom.a RedEye Remove Plug for PB PBXRedEye.a SlideEffect Common lib SlideEffect_Default.a SlideEffect ClientLeft2Right SlideEffect_ClientLeft2Right.a SlideEffect ClientRight2Left SlideEffect_ClientRight2Left.a SlideEffect Fade SlideEffect_Fade.a SlideEffect PushFadeRight2Left SlideEffect_PushFadeRight2Left.a SlideEffect R5HDrapeUp2Down SlideEffect_R5HDrapeUp2Down.a SlideEffect SlideinRight2Left SlideEffect_SlideinRight2Left.a Playback App AppPlayback.a Media Rec Application AppMediaRec.a Media Play Application AppMediaPlay.a dumpvercommon dumpverdrv dumpverlib dumpverapp dumpverall zoomoutrel shutter1rel shutter2rel test_ustep_f test_ustep_b test_nd_open test_nd_close szs_normal cali_af_far full_search test_multi_af af_offset1 af_offset2 Not Support SOUND_CB event=%d Output_LED loader chekc err Display_DetTV audio => case 1:codec=DEFAULT device=SPK audio => case 2:codec=DEFAULT device=LINE audio => case 3:codec=HDMI device=NONE audio => case 4:codec=DEFAULT device=SPK audio => case 5:codec=DEFAULT device=SPK USB unplug - begin USBConnectType=%d,%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RFS: unmount FAIL SysStrgExe ^G[INNERMEM] ^GTotal Partitons = %d ^G Loader: Offset=0x00000000, Size=0x%08x ^G Part-%d: Offset=0x%08x, Size=0x%08x (Device=%d) Incorrect storage FW bin write failed FW bin read fail. ^G[LOAD-FW] ^GTotal Sections = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: PART_TWO start (%08x) > PART_ONE loaded end (%08x)! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: PART_LAST end (%08x) > MEM_CODE end (%08x)! ^MPL_begin ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Process failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Close failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: FW updated: fail! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Init failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PStore Open fail %d format Storage_Card1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Storage mount %s fail %1d%02d%02d Card_DetInsert System_DetBusy Input_DetPKey Input_DetNKey Input_DetSKey GxPower_DetAutoPoweroff GxPower_DetBattery GxFlash_DetFlash GxFlash_DetReCharge ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter error in LensAPICB() (%d) SysLensExe System_DetCloseLens %d/%02d/%02d, %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: VIEW IS NOT FOUND! UICTRL_GFX_SEM_ID ^GDUMMY FLIP!!! ^RPhoto buffer error! Skip display update. %s:paramenter wrong UIMovObj_InitPlayMovie is Failed!! UIMoviePlayObj UIMovieRecObj UIPhotoObj ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [AppPlay_SetData]no this attribute ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_COPY2CARD PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Support Copy command %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_NOVALIGHT_FIX PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_NOVALIGHT_DISPLAY PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ROTATE_DISPLAY PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_RESIZE PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ROTATE_EXIF PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ROTATE_EXIF THIS IMAGE HAS NO EXIF INFO!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ROTATE_EXIF not support this rotation yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_RESAVEFILE PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_FIXREDEYE PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_SLIDEINIT PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_BROWSESINGLE PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ZOOMINIT PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_BROWSEINIT PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ZOOMNAVI PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_ZOOMINOUT PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_PLAYSINGLE PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [AppPlay_GetData]no this attribute %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_DELETE PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NVTEVT_PROTECT PARAMETER ERROR!!! ^R DpofVendor_GetDPOFInfo Parameter error! ^R DpofVendor not open yet! ^R DpofVendor_SetCurrDPOFQty Parameter error! ^R DPOF has been opened! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no this attribute ExifVendor %04ld:%02ld:%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld 2012:01:01 01:15:01 Mobius ActionCam 2013/06/25 v0.32 %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d PM %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d PM %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d AM %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d AM %02d:%02d:%02d 0000/00/00 00:00:00 AM 0000/00/00 00:00:00 MsdcNvt_Init() Failed! Storage_Nand1 Error open USB MSDC task MsdcNvtCb_AdjGetNumOfItem MsdcNvtCb_AdjGetItemsDesc MsdcNvtCb_AdjSetItemsData MsdcNvtCb_AdjGetItemsData MsdcNvtCb_PhotoBegin MsdcNvtCb_GetDisplaySettings2 MsdcNvtCb_GetDisplayCurrentBufSel MsdcNvtCb_CaptureJpgWidthGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_CaptureRawWidthGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_UpdFwGetInfo: FwSrv_Cmd Failed MsdcNvtCb_UpdFwSetBlock: Invalid Key MsdcNvtCb_UpdFwGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_UpdFwGetWorkMem MsdcNvtCb_UpdFwSetBlock ###### format card###### not format card!!! USB is unplugged......formating Format Card... ###### SetSystemSetting###### Check Flag err!!! NVTEVT_EXE_SIZE system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_TIMELAPSESHOOTING system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d system message OptionIndex = %d,movie cycle recorder time = %d system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d system message NVTEVT_EXE_MOVIE_DATE_IMPRINT OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_POWERON system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_POWEROFF system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_MOVIE_AUTO_REC system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_TVOUT system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_DISPLAYRATIO system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d GetVersion:%d != %d EasyPicTech ^MMODE %d->%d [IMG] Pool size read %d %s::%s():%d: ^BFlowMode_GetPowerOnMode begin %s::%s():%d: ^BPower-On DscMode=%d %s::%s():%d: ^BFlowMode_GetPowerOnMode end %s::%s():%d: ^B USB mode %s::%s():%d: ^B Photo or Movie mode %s::%s():%d: ^BFlowMode_IsPowerOnPreview begin %s::%s():%d: ^BUI Mode=%d %s::%s():%d: ^BFlowMode_IsPowerOnPreview end %s::%s():%d: UI_Switch_DscMode: DSC mode switched to %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UI_Switch_DscMode: Unknown DSC mode 0x%x %s::%s():%d: ^BFlowMode_OnPowerOn begin %s::%s():%d: ^BFlowMode_OnPowerOn end FLG_ID_ENGINEER uiSize = %d,uiQuality = %d,uiFrameRate = %d--bitrate s %d,t %d, ^R Parameter error in Get_SaturationValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_SharpnessValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_DatePrintValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_FDImageRatioValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_ImageRatioValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_DscmodeFromValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_BlinkValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_AFWindowValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_AFWindowIndexFromValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_BShutterValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_SceneModeIndex() ^R Parameter error in Get_SceneModeValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_ISOValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_ColorValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_WBIndexFromValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_WBValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_QualityValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_SizeValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_EVIndexFromValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_EVValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_FlashIndexFromValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_FlashValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_MacroValue() ^R Parameter error in Get_FocusIndexFromValue() UIFlowWndWrnMsg OnTimer: Unknown event 0x%x UIFlowWndWrnMsg_StatusTXT_Msg UIFlowWndWrnMsg UIFlowWndUSB_StaticTxt UIFlowWndUSB UIFlowWndPhoto_OnKeyZoomOut: Unknown evt 0x%x UIFlowWndPhoto_OnKeyZoomin: Unknown evt 0x%x UIFlowWndPhoto_OnExeCapture%d,%x--%x UIFlowWndPhoto_OnExeCapture,%d UIFlowWndPhoto_OnKeyShutter2: Card or memory full! UIFlowWndPhoto_OnKeyShutter2: Battery is too low! UIFlowWndPhoto_OnKeyShutter2: Unknown evt 0x%x UIFlowWndPhoto_StaticICN_DSCMode UIFlowWndPhoto_StaticTXT_FreePic UIFlowWndPhoto_StaticTXT_Size UIFlowWndPhoto_StatusICN_Storage UIFlowWndPhoto_StaticTXT_DZoom UIFlowWndPhoto_StatusICN_Battery UIFlowWndPhoto_PNL_Histogram UIFlowWndPhoto_PNL_FDFrame UIFlowWndPhoto_StatusICN_MotionDet UIFlowWndPhoto_StatusICN_LED UIFlowWndPhoto_StatusICN_LOCK UIFlowWndPhoto ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Motion Detection: AE do not stable UIFlowWndMovie [37mCHK: %d, %s !!!---Authentication Fail!!!--- !!!---Authentication OK!!!--- FileSys_DeleteDir failed A:\FWTLCAM.bin !!!---No card!!!--- UIFlowWndMovie_OnExeRecord: Battery is too low! UIFlowWndMovie_Static_camera UIFlowWndMovie_Status_CyclicRec UIFlowWndMovie_Status_MotionDet UIFlowWndMovie_Status_LED UIFlowWndMovie_Status_battery UIFlowWndMovie_YMD_Static UIFlowWndMovie_HMS_Static UIFlowWndMovie_Status_Storage UIFlowWndMovie_Static_time UIFlowWndMovie_Static_maxtime UIFlowWndMovie_Static_resolution UIFlowWndMovie_Zoom_Static UIFlowWndMovie_Status_Sound UIFlowWndMovie_Static_RedPoint UIFlowWndMovie_StatusTXT_MSG FlowMovie_StartRec: Not yet,g_MovSelfTimerSec=%d UIFlowWndPlay_OnKeyEnter: Can't open Video file! error parameter!! UIFlowWndPlay_StaticICN_DSCMode UIFlowWndPlay_StaticTXT_Size UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_Storage UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_Battery UIFlowWndPlay_TabHistogram UIFlowWndPlay_StaticTXT_Filename UIFlowWndPlay_StaticICN_Protect UIFlowWndPlay_StaticTXT_Date UIFlowWndPlay_StaticTXT_Time UIFlowWndPlay_Histo UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_MovPlay UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_MovStop UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_MovPrevious UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_MovNext UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_MovBwd UIFlowWndPlay_StatusICN_MovFwd UIFlowWndPlay_StaticTXT_MovPlayTime UIFlowWndPlay_StaticTXT_Speed UIFlowWndPlay UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel0 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel1 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel2 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel3 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel4 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel5 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel6 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel7 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_Panel8 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect0 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect1 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect2 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect3 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect4 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect5 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect6 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect7 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_Protect8 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm0 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm1 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm2 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm3 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm4 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm5 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm6 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm7 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_StaticICN_FileFilm8 UIFlowWndPlayThumb_ThumbID UIFlowWndPlayThumb %03ld-%04ld %02d/%02d/%02d %02ld:%02ld:%02ld Display w = %d, h = %d Thumb setting error! wThumbWTotal=%d > uiDispW=%d Thumb setting error! wThumbHTotal=%d > uiDispH=%d ^R UIInfo: Photo_GetUserIndex: Unknown item %d ^R UIInfo: Photo_SetUserIndex: Unknown item %d DCF Folder full ^R UIInfo: Write sys param fail ^R UIInfo: PStore error msg :%x A:\SYSCFG.TXT {TLCAM MOV: FileSys_WriteFile size = %d filesize:%d read from system:%s system message 2: system message FL_MOVIE_1_SIZE = %d FL_MOVIE_1_FRAMERATE = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d system message FL_MOVIE_2_SIZE = %d FL_MOVIE_2_FRAMERATE = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d system message OptionIndex = %d,FL_MOVIE_LOOP_REC = %d NVTEVT_EXE_SENSOR_ROTATE system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_EV system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_WB system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_CONTRAST system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_COLOR system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d NVTEVT_EXE_SATURATION system message OptionIndex = %d,MovieSettingIndex = %d g_DateSetting:%d,%d,%d read system message FL_MOVIE_2_SIZE = %d FL_MOVIE_2_FRAMERATE = %d, read from set : A:\LDTLCAM.bin ^R UIInfo: PStore sys param fail ^R UIInfo: PStore Read sys param fail Old Date:Y=%ld,M=%ld,D=%ld Old Time:H=%ld,M=%ld TimeDiff=%ld ^RZone Calc Error!! Date can not before 2000/1/1 ^RZone Calc Error!! Date can not after 2099/1/1 New Date:Y=%ld,M=%ld,D=%ld New Time:H=%ld,M=%ld (OLD) LOCALE=%s, ZONE=%ld (NEW) LOCALE=%s, ZONE=%ld >>> DIFF=%ld %02ld/%02ld/%02ld %02ld:%02ld %02ld/%02ld/%02ld %02ld:%02ld%s %04ld/%02ld/%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld%s %02ld/%02ld/%04ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld%s %04ld/%02ld/%02ld %02ld:%02ld%s %02ld/%02ld/%04ld %02ld:%02ld%s %04ld/%02ld/%02ld %02ld/%02ld/%04ld Save Date:Y=%d,M=%d,D=%d Save Time:H=%d,M=%d Save DateFmt:%d Save TimeFmt:%d Curr Date:Y=%d,M=%d,D=%d Curr Time:H=%d,M=%d,S=%d Curr DateFmt:%d Curr TimeFmt:%d Date is invalidate=%d,M=%d,D=%d Date is clamped=%d,M=%d,D=%d Date is saved A:\engmode CALIBRATION ^R Wait background task idle timeout %s::%s():%d: Capture image! UIMovieExe %s::%s():%d: Capture full size image! ^R %s, parameters error MovieExe_OnMovieFrameRate = %d %s::%s():%d: idx=%d MovieExe_OnEV idx=%d---%d %s::%s():%d: idx=%d---%d CustomMovieObj %s::%s():%d: ===UIMovie_LDWSCB ldws_warning=%d === %s::%s():%d: ===AF Start! - %d=== %s::%s():%d: ===AF Done! - %d=== %s--%d,%d,%d,%d %s::%s():%d: EVENT %d: Cut file end! %s::%s():%d: EVENT %d: Delete file! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: devRatio w=%d, h=%d UiAppPhoto ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Imgratio w=%d, h=%d PhotoExe_PrvCapture: %d--%d,%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Encode failed! PhotoExe_OnTimeLapseShooting: uiSelect %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Flash is charging! %d,%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ImageRatioIdx =%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wrong param 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: in capturing ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong param Num %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wait AF Idle ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ParamNum %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unknown zoom control 0x%x PhotoExe_OnEV %d -- %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Capture start in Capturing ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Capture start in AF CustomPhotoObj ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Debug message of JPEG end is overflow!! UiDateImprint: strlen=0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FolderID reaches 999. UIStorageCheck ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileID reaches 9999. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: A:\DCIM Directory is READONLY. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: A:\DCIM is not existing. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UI_Validate_Storage: DIR:999 is existing! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UIStorageCheck: %d Card locked ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UIStorageCheck: %d Card Error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UI_StorageCheck: Unknown item = 0x%x CustomPlayObj ^R UIPlayComm: Only support navigation key [SetupObj] set DualDisp %d SystemExe: Error parameter (%d) with SetupExe_OnHDMIFormat SystemExe: Error parameter (%d) with SetupExe_OnTVFormat SystemExe: Error parameter (%d) with SetupExe_OnDisplayDev [SetupObj] do NumReset SystemExe: Error parameter (%d) with SetupExe_OnLCDOff SystemExe: Error parameter (%d) with SetupExe_OnPowerOff UISetupObj: Unknown current DSC mode 0x%x UISystemObj: Unknown current DSC mode 0x%x UISetupObj [AppBKW_SetData]no this attribute Zoom In/out + Focus in 3 seconds! Focus Forward N steps in 3 seconds! Iris switch in 3 seconds! Record Stop! SetupExe_OnNumReset(), DirNum = %d, FileNum = %d did over %d Not Support Copy command %d Error open USB PCC task CustomUSBPCCObj MSDCOpen TO:%d MSDC: Wait for FS start... CustomMSDCObj ^R[SSWAV] PStore read WAV size fail!! [SSWAV] PStore prepare read WAV size = %d WAV_id %d ^R[SSWAV] PStore read WAV data fail!! Read WavSize-PStore Fail:%d Close WavSize-PStore Fail:%d Open WavSize-PStore Fail PStoreR Space=0x%x,0x%x < 0x%x Read Wav[%d]-PStore Fail:%d Close Wav[%d]-PStore Fail:%d Open Wav[%d]-PStore Fail GET USER-LOGO [SSWAV] Pool size read %d [SSWAV] PStore read file = %s [SSWAV] PStore read %d WAV size = %d [SSWAV] PStore write section %d WAV success size = %d ^RPHFE Need check if POOL_ID_APP enough Create PF sec Fail %d PF Write Fail %d,%d [WP] PStore Read WP[%d] fail [WP] PStore Prepare WP[%d] fail [WP] PStore Write WP[%d] fail Set SoundData Fail:%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support with pDestDC with JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support with this pSrcDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support StretchBlt if not provide Palette for converting. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support with this pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! General error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Copy - ERROR! Not support copy pSrcDC/pDestDC with JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Copy - ERROR! Format is different between pSrcDC and pDestDC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Copy - ERROR! Size is different between pSrcDC and pDestDC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Copy - ERROR! General error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Not support convert to pDestDC with INDEX format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Not support convert to pSrcDC with non-JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Size is different between pSrcDC and pDestDC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Only support convert to pDestDC with FB/BITMAP type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Only support convert to pDestDC with YUV format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Pitch of pDestDC is not word alignment. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Pitch of pDestDC is not equal to width. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Size if different between pSrcDC and pDestDC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Color mapping table is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support BitBlt pDestDC with JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support BitBlt pSrcDC with JPEG type but not YUV422 format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support this ROP with pSrcDC:ARGB format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support BitBlt if not provide Palette for converting. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support this ROP with pSrcDC:INDEX format. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_Image - WARNING! Failed to alpha multiply. Ignore effect. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support this ROP with pSrcDC:RGB format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support this ROP with pSrcDC:YUV format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! General error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CopyEx - ERROR! Not support copy pSrcDC/pDestDC with JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CopyEx - ERROR! Size or format is different between pSrcDC and pDestDC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CopyEx - ERROR! Not support for this format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CopyEx - ERROR! General error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Clear - ERROR! Not support format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Line - ERROR! Not support with pDestDC:JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Line - ERROR! Not support this pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Rect - ERROR! Not support with pDestDC:JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Rect - ERROR! General error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Rect - ERROR! Not support this pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Ellipse - ERROR! Not support with pDestDC:JPEG type. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Ellipse - ERROR! Not support this pDestDC format. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_Image - WARNING! Image is null. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_TextInRect - WARNING! String is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_TextInRect - ERROR! Font is null. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_TextInRect - WARNING! Failed to make warp effect. Ignore effect. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_Text - WARNING! String is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_Text - ERROR! Font is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_TextChar - ERROR! Not support this pDestDC format. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_Char - WARNING! Failed to make font effect. Ignore effect. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_TextPrintInRect - WARNING! String is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_TextPrintInRect - ERROR! Font is null. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxGfx_TextPrint - WARNING! String is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_TextPrint - ERROR! Font is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support convert between pSrcDC/pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_FontEffect - ERROR! Not support make effect to this pDestDC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support to this pSrcDC/pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support this pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support this pSrcDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Not support convert between pSrcDC/pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_BitBlt - ERROR! Need specify mapping for ROP_FONT. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_FillRect - ERROR! Not support this pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Not support with this pSrcDC/pDestDC format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! JPEG decode image failed. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_Convert - ERROR! Failed to make temp buffer for JPEG decode. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: JPG err=%08x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: JPG header err=%08x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetSize - ERROR! Image table is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetSize - ERROR! Output Size pointer is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetSize - ERROR! ID is of of range. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetSize - ERROR! ID is not valid. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_FMT - ERROR! Image format is invalid. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetInfo - ERROR! Image table is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetInfo - ERROR! Info pointer is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetInfo - ERROR! ID is of of range. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_GetInfo - ERROR! ID is not valid. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _ICON_MakeDC - ERROR! DC is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_MakeStr - ERROR! String table is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_MakeStr - ERROR! Output Str pointer is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_MakeStr - ERROR! ID is of of range. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_MakeStr - ERROR! ID is not valid. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_GetLen - ERROR! String table is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_GetLen - ERROR! Output Len pointer is null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_GetLen - ERROR! ID is out of range. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _STR_GetLen - ERROR! ID is invalid. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_PushStack - ERROR! Not assign work buffer for stack. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_PushStack - ERROR! Not enough space for push stack. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx exit fail! not init yet, or already exit. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx init fail! already init, not exit yet. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx init fail! no working buffer. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx init fail! working buffer is smaller than 0x1000. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not support this BitBlt ROP! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support bitblt from pSrcDC:YUV without src offset word alignment. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: _GxGfx_StretchBlt - ERROR! Not support bitblt from pSrcDC:YUV without src pitch word alignment. current storage is card(%s). current storage is nand(%s). new storage is card(%s). new storage is nand(%s). invalid storage? ignore cmd. ignore cmd. unmount %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unmount fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: mount fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]NULL FUNC %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgCap_getEvtID ERROR NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgCap_EvtEnter ERROR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgCap_EvtAssignBuf ERROR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgCap_EvtProc ERROR %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]function NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ERROR NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgProc_EvtEnter ERROR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgEnc_EvtEnter ERROR ImgCap_Tsk ImgProc_Tsk ImgEnc_Tsk ImgWriteFile_Tsk ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]Mode = %d fail Cap_Single Cap_InfBurst Cap_EBurst Cap_EInfBurst Cap_Burst16 Cap_PreShot Cap_CoupleShot Cap_AlbumShot Cap_PanCap Cap_HighSpeed Cap_HighSpeed1 Cap_MFANTISHAKE Proc_Single Proc_Burst Proc_InfBurst Proc_EBurst Proc_EInfBurst Proc_Burst16 Proc_PreShot Proc_CoupleShot Proc_AlbumShot Proc_PanProc Proc_HighSpeed Proc_HighSpeed1 Proc_MFHDR Proc_InVid Proc_MFAntiShake Enc_Single Enc_InfBurst Enc_EBurst Enc_EInfBurst Enc_Burst16 Enc_PreShot Enc_CoupleShot Enc_AlbumShot Enc_PanEnc Enc_HighSpeed Enc_HighSpeed1 Enc_MFAntiShake Write_Single Write_Burst Write_InfBurst Write_EBurst Write_EInfBurst Write_Burst16 Write_PreShot Write_CoupleShot Write_AlbumShot Write_PanWrite Write_Last Write_HighSpeed Write_HighSpeed1 Write_MFHDR Write_InVid Write_MFAntiShake ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]SelIdx = 0x%.8x error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Value = %d(%d) error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: size check fail mod 8 != 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: size check fail mod 16 != 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: driver mode error (%d) PRIREF_END ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]write debug message overflow Total Size = 0x%.8x Used Size = 0x%.8x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: raw buffer overlfow %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: jpg manual mode buffer not enough ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: jpg auto mode buffer not enough ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: jpg buffer overlfow %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buf. not enough 0x%x<0x%x THUMB_STREAM SCREEN_STREAM ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Raw header error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]raw buffer overlfow %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]jpg auto mode buffer not enough ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]jpg buffer overlfow %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Buf. not enough 0x%x<0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]HS_GET_PROC_FLOW fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Buffer full %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]error operation 0x%.8x!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ImgCap_Sim ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ImgCap_SimEnter ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]MutiFrame HDR pic num error %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: jpg buffer only support manual mode ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: YUV buffer overlfow %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]MutiFrame Anti-Shake pic num error %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d getimgnor % getimgburst % getimghdr % getimghs % getimgeburst % getimglast % getimgvid % getimgmfhdr % getimgmfas % ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: function NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [tsk]ImgWriteFile_EvtEnter ERROR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]unsupport format %d !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not support format %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not support format %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PRIVSubRatio overflow %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PRICCSubRatio overflow %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: QVVSubRatio overflow %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: QVCCSubRatio overflow %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DataStamp_Imprint fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]enctype fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport format %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: decode buffer overflow (0x%.8x < 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport output address!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not support ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Idx = %d error ********** Cap BUFFER MAP ********** Buffer TabCnt = %d MapCnt = %d Buffer resource 0x%.8x ~ 0x%.8x 0x%.8x %d %d %d 0x%.8x ~ 0x%.8x 0x%.8x %s %d %d %d 0x%.8x ~ 0x%.8x 0x%.8x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Idx = %d IMG_CAP_BUF_NO_USE ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]TabCnt = %d overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]Idx = %d overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]buffer(0x%.8x, 0x%.8x) overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [flow]resource range(0x%.8x, 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: total need size 0x%lx bytes, given 0x%lx NOT enough! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR: Configured paramenters is NULL!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Media Player is not open! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR: table index = %d is exceed the maximum count =%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR: the audio output device table is not configured yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR: Get current status is not PAUSE state!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR: only MJPG can be stepbystep!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS conti FAILS, handle NULL! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Play]FS conti FAILS, handle=%d! ret=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: read filepos=0x%lx, fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer is not enough!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File type get error!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Create File Container fails... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR in Parse Header!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR in read moov atom!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR!! MediaPlay_Show1stVideo need pinfo->type!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: videoPlay fails... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaPlayErrorAndExit, play finished... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaPlay Parse 1st Media Info failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Media playback buffer too small. NeedBufSize=0x%X, AllBufSize=0x%X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: BUF FULL MediaAPlay ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: BUF EMPTY ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no audio data! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Frame of name index number %d is large than totoal frame %d! MediaVPlay ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Frame of name index number is not I-Frame! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: jumplevel must be 0!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: frameFF[%d] = 0x%lx! Wait Decode ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [%d] frame error pos=0x%lx!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MEDIAVIDEOPLAYTASK need VideoDecode Object !!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: decode error!!! video task finished !!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: decode videoframe Err22!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: decode videoframe Err33!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FS read error msgID = %d!!! MediaRecover ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaRecvry_MP_FileRecovery function fails... MediaPlayTsk MediaVideoPlayTsk MediaAudioPlayTsk FLG_ID_MEDIA ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: search V = searchV(%d) fail... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GOLF SHOT support max vfr = 240, not %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GOLF SHOT VR = %d, resolution must be smaller than 1280x720! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: something error, no video in saveQueu ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: elinQ=%d, front=%d, get=%d, topaddress=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Savefile queue empty! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Queue: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Savefile queue full! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Rec] Need Output Addr !!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Rec] Need Output Addr3 !!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Rec] Need Output Addr4 !!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsafe ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: bitrate control not enable..! BytesPerSecond is zero!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: bitrate control not enable..! Seamless cuttime is 5min!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaCMD busy!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NEED SetInfo() ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaRec_PreRecordStartWriting FAILS: gMediaFlashStart is normal!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaRec_PreRecordCut FAILS: gMediaFlashStart is normal!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RecResult is SLOW!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: -- Media ERR -- Record Fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Golfshot param fails vfr=%d, wid=%d, hei=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: -- Media ERR -- not ready. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: -- Media ERR -- Already Recording. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR! No callback for changing IPL to VIDEO! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]MediaRecSetVAmemoryAddr error !! need=0x%lx, given=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^G MediaRec_ReAllocBuf2VA FAILS!! cannot record!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: REACH MAXtime!! moov size=0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CARDFULL!! moov size=0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: STOP start=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: aud=%d, slow22 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: slow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR! No callback for changing IPL to PREVIEW! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R MediaRecUti_AllocBuf2VA FAIL!!!!! need=0x%lx, given=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: libCut time is %d!! maybe error!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CARD slow and cut fail!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: search V = searchV(%d) fail...2011/10/12 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Only support max frame rate %d, not %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: type=%d, p1=%d! error!!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unsupported now!!! Sec = %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set Endtype error!! not %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set audio samplerate = %d, ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set aud channels = %d, ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiRecFormat %d not supported22! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Don't have enough disk space. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Only support JPG and H264, not %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Only support max frame rate %d, not %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Only 10/15/20/24/25/30/60/120/240fps can be served.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiRecFormat %d not supported! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CLUSTER SIZE is equal to ZERO!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: recording fails!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: free space too small!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MEDIA RECORDER IS NOT OPEN!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: start to record fails!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Recording! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NOT 1S OK!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: 1S OK NOW!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IGNORE this file!!! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: not open yet ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Already open! %08lX : %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX G wrong! pre %d, cur %d, rem %d ^RDrop %lx, %d, %d P seq! %lx, %d, %d, %d, %d P wrong! pre %d, cur %d, rem %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL READY BUF Y = 0!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL READY BUF CB = 0!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL READY BUF CR = 0!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL READY BUF Y line offset = 0!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL READY BUF UV line offset = 0!!! ^R JUNKUPDATE FAIL, ptr = 0x%lx! ^G JUNKUPDATE OK!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NO IPLGetReadyCB, might ERROR!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: need media encode SetInfo function ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FRAME RATE = %d !!! need to verify !!!!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FRAME RATE = %d !!! cannot make B frame!!!!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaRec VIDEO need more memory buf and size 0x%lx!. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not in movie recording! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Input parameter zero! WARNING: old pad not enough! ^R MediaRec_AddLastVData FAILS!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Video encode trigger timer open failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AVI: H264 Desc size should not this length 0x%lx!!!!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: OUTPUT BUF ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Video Frame Encoded Error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AAC: audio Frame Encoded Error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R MediaRec_AddLast Audio Data FAILS!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AUD BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FS Disk INFO FAIL!!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: A FAST than V 1=%d, 2=%d. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio BUF_FULL, gAudDmadone=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio trigger timer open failed! A:\PCM.RAW ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: err = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaRec AUDIO need 0x%lx memory buf and size, given 0x%lx. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS close FAILS, handle NULL! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS close FAILS, handle=%d! ret=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]DCF setNextID FAILS, did=%d! fid=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS make DIR FAILS, path=%s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]DCF get folderpath FAILS 2, dirID=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS conti FAILS, handle=%d! ret=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]Get Deleteq Fails..did=%d, fid=%d,path=%s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS Deleteq Fails..path=%s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]FS delete folder FAILS folderpath=%s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]DCF get folderpath FAILS, dirID=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]DCF GetidBySeq OK..seq=%d, dirID = %d, fileID = %d!%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]DCF GetidBySeq Fails..seq=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]Create file Fails..no ACTIVE filehandle did=%d, fid=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [REC]DCF GetNextid Fails..did=%d, fid=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ADDR ZERO!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SIZE %d morethan ClusterSize %d!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MediaRecCMD BUSY! cancel fail!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NO FILE IN DCIM!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: seamless sec MAX =%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Delay one file block oldname=%s!newname=%s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCF Delete %s fail! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCF ADD %s fail! change name done! MediaRecTsk MediaRecFSTsk MediaRecCmdTsk MediaVideoRecTsk MediaAudioEncTsk FLG_ID_RECMEDIA FLG_ID_RAWENC ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: given size=0x%lx, need size = 0x%lx bytes NOT ENOUGH! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RawEnc wait for file system init timeout ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RawEnc Task is not open!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RawEnc Task is busy!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RawEnc image not ready! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Memory not enough or writing speed too slow! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RawEnc: this format is unsupported now!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Id(%d) overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Idx(%d) overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: exception flag 0x%.8x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input function error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input buffer error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer over flow!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buf size 0x%.8x(used 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: cache buf size 0x%.8x(used 0x%.8x) Photo1stTsk PhotoTskObj[PHOTO_ID_1].FlagID Photo2ndTsk PhotoTskObj[PHOTO_ID_2].FlagID Photo3rdTsk PhotoTskObj[PHOTO_ID_3].FlagID PlaybackTsk FLG_ID_PLAYBACK FLG_ID_PB_DISP ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unsupported parameter! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileDB is disabled! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid file format! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid Parameter(s) for PBEDIT_RESIZE! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid Parameter(s) for PBEDIT_REQTY! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid Parameter(s) for PBEDIT_ROTATE! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid Parameter(s) for PBEDIT_ROTATEDISP! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid Parameter(s) for PBEDIT_CROP! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NLightLvl is over Spec! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open Specific file Error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ViewState %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not support movie BG ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Can't Open PlayTimer ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Can't Open PlayTimerOut ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Assign buffer FAIL(2)! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Set Flag Decode error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Set Flag Read File error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Set Flag Write File error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Set Flag Init File error ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Set Flag No image File ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Status = NOIMAGE ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Status = INITFAIL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GetMOVBuf fail:0x%x < 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CaptureSN NG1! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CaptureSN NG3! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileSys Init Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer is NOT enough for NLight!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer is NOT enough for Nlight!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dec thumbnail error(1)! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dec thumbnail error(2)! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer is NOT enough for keeping image ratio!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ReEnc primary data NG! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exif data error ! Just save primary data. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid mode (Zoom)! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: division by 0 (1) ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: division by 0 (2) ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Crop ReEnc Thumb/SN NG! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No Thumbnail! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Crop Fail(5) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File is too big to decode! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Read file error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Decode Pri-File Error ! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Search no valid file ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Read File Error !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Decode File Error ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Read Unknown-File Error !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Update EXIF FAIL! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Update File Error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dec primary error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wait FileSys Init FAIL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Write File NG1! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Write File NG2! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File Read (Pos + Size) is over the file total size!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MEM insufficient! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Mem insufficient! Use remaining buffer size(%d) to be the target size. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Free space isn't enough!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer is NOT enough for Crop!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileAttr NG ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SRC NG ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DST NG ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: error rotate dir %d The followings are the latest %d posted event The followings are the latest %d dispatched event ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UIFrameworkFlushCommand: Mailbox ID incorrect! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UIFrameworkWaitCommand: Mailbox ID incorrect! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UIFrameworkWaitCommand Error event_id = %d, size = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Ux_PostEvent: Mailbox ID incorrect! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Ux_PostEvent: Error - 2 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Ux_PostEvent: Error - 1 UIFrameworkTsk NVTUSER_MBX_ID UIBackgroundTsk NVTBACK_FLG_ID NVTBACK_MBX_ID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Mailbox ID incorrect! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: 2 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: 1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: event_id = %d, size = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no Background Table nvtmsg_element %X nvtmsg_free_table %X free_index %d nvt_rcv_msg (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: event(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiMode(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [xSysMan_OnNormalKeyChangedCB] PARAMETER ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Config failed! POOL_ID_DISP_OSD2 POOL_ID_DISP_OSD2TEMP POOL_ID_DISP_OSD1 POOL_ID_DISP_OSD1TEMP POOL_ID_DISP_VDO2 POOL_ID_DISP_VDO2TEMP POOL_ID_DISP_VDO1 POOL_ID_DISP_VDO1TEMP POOL_ID_PS_BUFFER POOL_ID_FWS_BUFFER POOL_ID_STORAGE_NAND SetActive! %s::%s():%d: POWERON_CB_STGOPEN %s::%s():%d: POWERON_CB_PSTOPEN %s::%s():%d: POWEROFF_CB_PSTCLOSE %s::%s():%d: POWEROFF_CB_STGCLOSE ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RCard unknown ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Strg_CB Err event(%d) POOL_ID_FS_BUFFER POOL_ID_STORAGE_SDIO POOL_ID_STORAGE_SDIO2 xSysMan_Tsk xNandMan_Tsk xSensorMan_Tsk xLensMan_Tsk xDispMan_Tsk xCardMan_Tsk xAudioMan_Tsk xUsbMan_Tsk DMSYS_FLG_ID DMNAND_FLG_ID DMSENSOR_FLG_ID DMLENS_FLG_ID DMDISP_FLG_ID DMCARD_FLG_ID DMAUDIO_FLG_ID DMUSB_FLG_ID DMSYS_SEM_ID DMNAND_SEM_ID DMSENSOR_SEM_ID DMLENS_SEM_ID DMDISP_SEM_ID DMCARD_SEM_ID DMAUDIO_SEM_ID DMUSB_SEM_ID SYNCSYS_FLG_ID SYNCNAND_FLG_ID SYNCSENSOR_FLG_ID SYNCLENS_FLG_ID SYNCDISP_FLG_ID SYNCCARD_FLG_ID SYNCAUDIO_FLG_ID SYNCUSB_FLG_ID Failed to SysDispSrv_CfgMode ^POOL_SIZE_DISP_VDO1 not enough, need more %d Error open playback task ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Unknow event ID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Display Scale Buffer is NOT allocated!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Addr=0x%x,Size=0x%x,Fmt=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Opening media record task failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: EVENT %d: Overtime! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: EVENT %d: Full! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: EVENT %d: HW error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: EVENT %d: Slow card! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wait IME ready timeout! IPL mem: addr 0x%X, size 0x%X UICTRL_FLG_ID UICTRL_WND_SEM_ID UICTRL_DRW_SEM_ID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Null pParentWnd or pWnd ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Null pRootWnd ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wnd not created ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Null ppWnd ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Failed pCurrnetWnd = %s pRootWnd = %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wnd index Failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: close double!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WindowNumber 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s not created. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: parameter number exceeds %d. Only take %d ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: post event NVTEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW %s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: exceeds MAX ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Framework not open %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed %s is not a wnd type ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: post event NVTEVT_OPEN_WINDOW %s! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Assign Renderer! get event NVTEVT_OPEN_WINDOW %s! get event NVTEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW %s! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Try to get a window when no one is created. cmd: 0x%08x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong Property ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong Type ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No font table ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No Palette table ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Ux_DrawShowObj->Wrong Type ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s %s %d type error,is ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s %s UxButtonCtrl ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MENU_DRAW_IMAGE_TABLE ,plz assign table UxListCtrl ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s %d %s 0~%d UxMenuCtrl UxPanelCtrl UxProgressbarCtrl value error UxScrollbarCtrl ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SliderUI Fail:rectGapX=%d,thumbGapX=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SliderUI Fail:rectGapY=%d,thumbGapY=%d UxSliderCtrl UxStateGraphCtrl UxStateCtrl UxStaticCtrl UxZoomCtrl ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: null control !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unknown type %d!! ^M>%6d.%03d,%8d,%6d.%03d, [%s::%s()] ^M>Total-Time, Count, Avg-Time, [Module::Func()] ^M>------------------------------------------------------------ ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not opened! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Max MT exceed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: already opened! cdiouxXfEeGgs ^RERR: No Action! ^RERR: No Module! [%s] action: ^RERR: No Any Module! module list: ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: already closed!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: already opened!!! Syntax: ? : display help of all module module ? : display help of given module module action ? : display help of given action ^RERR: No part ^RERR: Length of is too short ^RERR: Null function of ! ^RERR: No match ^RERR: No match ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: is not exist! Switch to console. ^RERR: Bad command syntex. Please '?' for help Switch to console. CommandTsk Dummy INT_ID_%.2ld ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Cannot Add Mempool! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Not OS_BeginHeap() yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Null Mailbox pointer! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: MempoolID[%d]: Out of id range ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: ^RMempoolID[%d] %s: Not match to fixedID[%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: MempoolID[%d] %s: Add failed, [er=%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Cannot Add Mailbox! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: MbxID[%d] %s: Out of id range ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: MbxID[%d] %s: Not match to fixedID[%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: MbxID[%d] %s: Add failed, [er=%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Cannot Add Semphore! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Null Semphore pointer! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: SemID[%d]: out of id range ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: SemID[%d] %s: Not match to fixedID[%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Semphore[%d] %s: Add failed, [er=%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Cannot Add Flag! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Null Flag pointer! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: EventID[%d]: Out of id range ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: EventID[%d] %s: Not match to fixedID[%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Flag[%d] %s: Add failed, [er=%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Cannot Add Task! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Not OS_BeginStack() yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Null Task pointer! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: TaskID[%d]: Out of id range ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: TaskID[%d] %s: Not match to fixedID[%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: TaskID[%d] %s: Null Task entry! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: TaskID[%d] %s: Zero stack size! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: TaskID[%d] %s: Out of stack space[0x%x] ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Task[%d] %s: Add failed, [er=%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NullTsk ID=%d [%s] Wait for Semaphore[%.2ld, %s] Wait for unknown SemaphoreID Wait for Flag[%.2ld, %s], Pattern: 0x%.8X, Wait for unknown FlagID, Pattern:0x%.8X, Wait for MailBox[%.2ld, %s] Wait for unknown MailBoxID Wait for Unknown [in-kernel] Wait-Suspend, Wait for wakeup Not start yet ======== Task Info======== Task[%.2ld, %s] Priority: %.2ld Stack: ^M[0x%.8X>^N ~ ^C<0x%.8X]^N, Stack Pointer 0x%.8X and size=0x%08X(%d) ^RStack might overflow ======== Kernel Resource Summary ======== ^GTask : Total=%d, Used=%d ^GFlag : Total=%d, Used=%d ^GSem : Total=%d, Used=%d ^GBuf : Total=%d, Used=%d ^GMbx : Total=%d, Used=%d ^GPool : Total=%d, Used=%d Stack Area: ^M[0x%.8X>^N ~ ^C<0x%.8X]^N, Pointer: ^G[0x%.8X] ^R###Stack overflow!### Stack Content: ^G[0x%.8X] ^M[0x%.8X> ^C<0x%.8X] .......... .......... .......... .......... ^R{0x%.8X} ^Y<0x%.8X> ======== Stack Info======== Ready Queue: (First task is running task) Task[%.2ld, %s] Task[%.2ld, %s] -> Priority: %.2ld Semaphore[%.2ld, %24s] -> %c (Max: %.2ld, Cur: %.2ld), Owner: Waiting Task Queue: Flag[%.2ld, %24s] -> Flags: 0x%.8X Task[%.2ld, %s] Pattern: 0x%.8X, remain counts of free buffer queue = %d [%s], params in message queue: [%X][%X][%X] ======== Ready Queue ======== ======== Task ======== The status of other tasks are "Not start yet" or "Not exist" ======== Flag ======== ======== Semaphore ======== ======== MailBox ======== Memory Map ^YTotal Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X ^GCode Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X Section-%.2ld: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X ^C Section-ZI: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X ^GStack Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X TaskStk-%.2ld: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X, %s ^GHeap Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X MemPool-%.2ld: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X, %s ^GResv Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X (kernel stack and isr stack) ======== Kernel Memory Summary ======== ^GCode Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X, UsedEnd[0x%08X], FreeSize[0x%08X] ^GStack Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X, UsedEnd[0x%08X], FreeSize[0x%08X] ^GHeap Region: Range[0x%08X~0x%08X] Size=0x%08X, UsedEnd[0x%08X], FreeSize[0x%08X] addr = 0x%08X, length = 0x%08X filename=%s addr = 0x%08X, data = 0x%08X Please follow syntex: mem w addr data Please follow syntex: mem dump addr [length] [filename] addr = 0x%08X, length = 0x%08X Please follow syntex: mem r addr [length] command format:ker dump stack dumpstack % ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Not given ZI limit! ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: Not OS_BeginCode() yet! %s: No HW timer, polling system timer Get Date:Y=%ld,M=%ld,D=%ld Get Time:H=%ld,M=%ld,S=%ld %d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d Set Date:Y=%ld,M=%ld,D=%ld Set Time:H=%ld,M=%ld,S=%ld Audio driver is not opened %s: aud is closed %s: exceed maximum re-sampling one buffer size %s: buf size not word align: 0x%lx Set Information should be at stop status! Resampling Buffer is too small! %s: aud is busy %s: Unsupported Resampling Ratio, Target %d, Set %d %s: I2S format not support: 0x%lx %s: installed SR %d, but current SR is %d setParameter Err! %s: sampling rate 0x%lx not support DBGUT_FLG_ID DBGUT_SEM_ID Iterval=%d ms %08X %08X %d ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %d FW: %08X - %08X HEAP: %08X - %08X USER: %08X - %08X, IncCpu=%d ^RUser[%d]: 0x%08X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Heap[%d]: 0x%08X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Fw[%d]: 0x%08X USBCtlStartTsk() USBSetupHalTsk() usbhost_inthd() drv_ist2() drv_ist1() FLG_ID_INT FLG_ID_INT2 FLG_ID_INT3 FLG_ID_INT4 FLG_ID_INT5 FLG_ID_INT6 FLG_ID_GPIO FLG_ID_GPIO2 FLG_ID_USBTSK FLG_ID_IST SEMID_JPEG SEMID_H264 SEMID_I2C2 SEMID_SPI2 SEMID_SPI3 SEMID_SDIO SEMID_SDIO2 SEMID_XDNAND SEMID_UART SEMID_UART2 SEMID_TIMER SEMID_PWM_0 SEMID_PWM_1 SEMID_PWM_2 SEMID_PWM_3 SEMID_PWM_4 SEMID_PWM_5 SEMID_PWM_6 SEMID_PWM_7 SEMID_PWM_8 SEMID_PWM_9 SEMID_PWM_10 SEMID_PWM_11 SEMID_PWM_12 SEMID_PWM_13 SEMID_PWM_14 SEMID_PWM_15 SEMID_PWM_16 SEMID_PWM_17 SEMID_PWM_18 SEMID_PWM_19 SEMID_PWM_CCNT0 SEMID_PWM_CCNT1 SEMID_PWM_CCNT2 SEMID_PWM_CCNT3 SEMID_ADC_0 SEMID_ADC_1 SEMID_ADC_2 SEMID_ADC_3 SEMID_ADC_4 SEMID_ADC_5 SEMID_ADC_6 SEMID_ADC_7 SEMID_GRAPHIC SEMID_GRAPHIC2 SEMID_REMOTE SEMID_SIE2 SEMID_IFE2 SEMID_LVDS SEMID_CSI2 SEMID_TOP_STRG SEMID_CRYPTO SEMID_AFFINE %s: DMA address should be word align, but 0x%lx %s: Only support internal audio MCLK %s: Only supports I2S master mode %s: only supports I2S standard format %s: f/m clk ratio 0x%lx not support %s: f/b clk ratio 0x%lx not support %s: wait semaphore fail EAC GET PARAM ERR! EAC Get Param Err! EAC SET PARAM ERR! EAC Set Param Err! [1mcpu_sw1Isr INT [1mcpu_sw0Isr INT [1mcpu_onCoreTimerIsr timeout schflag=0x%08x int[%d] ^RNot in ISR, Exp cause [0x%02x], Exp at[0x%08x] taskID[%02d] Exp at delay slot Exp not at delay slot ^RIn ISR, Exp cause [0x%02x] [1mcpu_getPerfCountMode error: unknow reg [%d] [1mcpu_setPerfCountMode error: unknow reg [%d] [1mcpu_setPerfCountMode error: unknow mode [%d] No Support VID number! Not HDMI support Audio mode HDMI MUTE STS!Timeout! hdmi config none HDMI Clk No Stable!Timeout! DDC close fail Desired Video Format Sink not support!! Output HDMI Basic format! (%d) i2c transmit err! Non-Supported Frame Rate (%d)Hz HDMI Configuration EDID Flag: 0X%08X HDMI Native EDID Parsing Results Flag: 0X%08X HDMI Supported Short Video Descriptor Format Code DDC Abort!0 DDC Abort!1 DDC Abort!2 DDC Abort!3 DDC Abort!4 BAD EDID Header, Stop parsing EDID Block-1 check sum error, Stop parsing No EDID extension blocks. EDID Ext-Block-%d check sum error, Skip this block. HDMI illegal 3D Parser Type Extension block tag code error!! HDMI EDID Parsing Results Flag: 0X%08X Skip InitDDC EDID does not support 861B, Stop parsing IDE: V2 DMA burst larger than 64/64 IDE: V1 DMA burst larger than 64/64 value %x larger than maximum %x Unsupported Video1 format %d %s: Can't get priority of DMA_CH_H264_5 Illigal dma channel request by %s Unknow dma channel = [%02d] Another dma channel assert wp status dma_clrWPStatus unknow dma write protect channel[%2d] dma_chkDmaWR2ProtectAddr unknow dma write protect channel[%2d] Set[%d] addr(0x%08x)~(0x%08x) Overwrite by %s(%d) Mem Overwrite by %s %s: Set to super high but not SIE channel, force to high %s: Can't change priority of DMA_CH_H264_5 read_DQS0_phase = %d T read_DQS1_phase = %d T write_DQ_phase = %d T write_DQS_phase = %d T cmd_phase = %d T clk_phase = %d T DQ_low_byte_pull_up_driving = %d DQ_low_byte_pull_down_driving = %d DQ_high_byte_pull_up_driving = %d DQ_high_byte_pull_down_driving = %d DQS_pull_up_driving = %d DQS_pull_down_driving = %d CMDADDR_pull_up_driving = %d CMDADDR_pull_down_driving = %d CLK_pull_up_driving = %d CLK_pull_down_driving = %d DMA utilization => [%02d%] heavy loading test fail @[0x%08x] V[0x%08x] vs X[0x%08x] Heavy loading test unknow result sts = [0x%08x] DMA_HVY(ch%d): already enabled register 0x%08x DMA_HVY: size less than 1 word DMA_HVY: Pattern0 not configed, assign random number 0x%08x DMA_HVY: Pattern1 not configed, assign random number 0x%08x DMA_HVY: Pattern2 not configed, assign random number 0x%08x DMA_HVY: Pattern3 not configed, assign random number 0x%08x Unknow dma write protect set 0 channel [%2d] Unknow dma write protect set 1 channel [%2d] Unknow dma write protect set 2 channel [%2d] %s: SGPIO29 can't be set to input mode when driving is 0x%lx Force driving to 12.5mA... %s: Invalid parameter! %s: I2C_SECTION%ld is not opened! %s: Not supported ID! %s: I2C_SEC%ld is not opened! %s: Wait for bus free timeout! I2C: Receive NACK, send STOP, wait for ready timeout! %s: I2C_SEC%ld is not opened or locked! %s: Wait for ready timeout! %s: There is no more free I2C section! %s: invalid IN operation ID 0x%lx %s: grph%d: img A lineoffset 0x%lx should be word alignment %s: grph%d: img B lineoffset 0x%lx should be word alignment %s: grph%d: img C lineoffset 0x%lx should be word alignment %s: invalid image ID 0x%lx Invalid image A addr: 0x%lx Invalid image C addr: 0x%lx Invalid image B addr: 0x%lx %s: unsupported graphic ID 0x%lx %s: unsupported GOP: 0x%x %s: GOP%d image A address 0x%lx should be word align %s: GOP%d imageC address 0x%lx should be word align %s: GOP%d image A width %d should be 8 bytes align %s: GOP%d image A height %d should be 16 lines align %s: GOP%d image A height %d should be 8 lines align %s: GOP%d image A width %d should be 16 bytes align %s: GOP%d image A height %d should be 4 lines align %s: unsupported request format %s: invalid pointer in input images %s: GRPH ID %d NOT support AOP %s: unsupported request format 0x%lx %s: A_COPY only support 8bits format: 0x%lx %s: AOP%d image A address 0x%lx should be 2 byte align %s: AOP%d image B address 0x%lx should be 2 byte align %s: AOP%d image C address 0x%lx should be 2 byte align %s: AOP 0x%lx only support 8bits format: 0x%lx %s: grph cmd 0x%lx should pass width/height through image C %s: not supported request format 0x%lx %s: AOP%d image B address 0x%lx should be 4 byte align %s: AOP%d image C address 0x%lx should be 4 byte align %s: unsupported AOP: 0x%x %s: property not found %s: U property not found %s: V property not found %s: invalid pCkeyFilter pontr 0x%lx %s: R property not found %s: G property not found %s: B property not found %s: no property is passed to driver %s: no skip control is passed to driver AOP22: invalid LUT address 0x%lx %s: invalid controller ID: %d %s: controller not ready 0x%lx Losing IST event [0x%.8X] of module %ld %s: div should >=3, but %d Non-supported Clk Mask ID! (0x%x) %s: id out of range: 0x%lx %s: input pFreq is NULL SIE MCLKSRC not support PLL2/2! CPU Clock frequency exceed 480MHz! OCP clock must not exceed 480Mhz! PRE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! IPE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! DIS Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! IME Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! FDE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! ISE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! DCE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! IFE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! IFE2 Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! RDE Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! H.264 Clock frequency exceed 240MHz! NAND Clock frequency exceed 60MHz! SIE-Mclk clock must not exceed 108MHz! SIE-Mclk2 clock must not exceed 108MHz! SIE-clk clock must not exceed 297MHz! SIE2-clk clock must not exceed 297MHz! IDE-1 clock must not exceed 297Mhz! IDE-2 clock must not exceed 297Mhz! MI clock must not exceed 80Mhz! DSI clock must not exceed 60Mhz! SP clock must not exceed 80MHz! ADO clock must not exceed 25MHz! HDMI-ADO clock must not exceed 25MHz! SDIO clock must not exceed 108MHz! SDIO2 clock must not exceed 52MHz! SPI clock must not exceed 96MHz! SPI2 clock must not exceed 96MHz! SPI3 clock must not exceed 96MHz! Target(%d) freq can not be divided with no remainder! Result is %dHz. %s: uiSetting out of range: 0x%lx Change (%s) clock freq fail! (%s) is using %s. %s: pll%d should be disabled before set. %s: PLL %d not support spread spectrum %s: PLL %d must be disabled HDMI audio %s: TIMER_%ld is already opened %s: invalid pinmux: 0x%lx %s: PMI_2 can only up to 9 bits: 0x%lx %s: PMI2 conflict with HVLD: 0x%lx %s: PMI2 conflict with LCD CCIR601, CCIR656 16 bits, RGB 16 bits, RGB888/666/565: 0x%lx %s: PMI2 conflict with SIF1_2: 0x%lx %s: PMI conflict with LCD: 0x%lx %s: PMI conflict with HVLD: 0x%lx %s: PMI conflict with LCD2 CCIR656, Serial RGB/YCbCr: 0x%lx %s: PMI 16/18 conflict with LCD2: 0x%lx %s: PMI 16/18 conflict with SIF1_2: 0x%lx %s: SMI 2 bits conflict with LCD CCIR601: 0x%lx %s: SMI conflict with LCD CCIR601/656 16 bits, RGB 16 bits, RGB888/666/565: 0x%lx %s: SMI conflict with LCD2: 0x%lx %s: invalid MI config: 0x%lx %s: 2nd PMI can only up to 9 bits: 0x%lx pinmux_init(): pConfig context error %s: invalid config: 0x%lx %s: invalid locate: 0x%lx %s: AUDIO_2 conflict with SDIO2 1st pinmux %s: AUDIO_2 conflict with BMC %s: AUDIO_2 conflict with SPI_2 %s: AUDIO_MCLK_2 conflict with SDIO2 1st pinmux %s: AUDIO_MCLK_2 conflict with BMC %s: AUDIO_MCLK_2 conflict with SPI_2 %s: PWM0 conflict with to MES_SHUT0: 0x%lx %s: PWM1 conflict with to MES2_SHUT0: 0x%lx %s: PWM4 conflict with to SPI3_2: 0x%lx %s: PWM5 conflict with to SPI3_2: 0x%lx %s: PWM6 conflict with to SPI3_2: 0x%lx %s: PWM7 conflict with to SPI3_2: 0x%lx %s: PWM16 conflict with to MES_SHUT1: 0x%lx %s: PWM17 conflict with to MES2_SHUT1: 0x%lx %s: CCNT3 conflict with to REMOTE: 0x%lx %s: CCNT4 conflict with to SP_CLK: 0x%lx %s: REMOTE conflict with to CCNT3: 0x%lx %s: SPI_2 conflict with SDIO2 1st pinmux %s: SPI_2 conflict with BMC %s: SPI_2 conflict with I2S %s: SPI_1 conflict with NAND %s: SPI2_2 conflict with UART2 %s: SPI3_3 conflict with I2C_2 %s: SPI3_3 conflict with SIF0 %s: SPI3_3 conflict with SHUTTER %s: SPI3_2 conflict with PWM4 %s: SPI3_2 conflict with PWM5 %s: SPI3_2 conflict with PWM6 %s: SPI3_2 conflict with PWM7 %s: SPI3 conflict with SIF2 %s: SPI3 conflict with SIF3 %s: UART2 conflict with to SPI2_2: 0x%lx %s: SIF 1ST CH conflict with I2C_2 %s: SIF 1ST CH conflict with SPI3_3 %s: SIF 3RD CH conflict with SPI3_1 %s: SIF 4TH CH conflict with SPI3_1 %s: I2C_2 conflict with SIF0 %s: I2C_2 conflict with SPI3_3 %s: I2C2_2 conflict with SN VD/HD %s: MIPI D0 conflict with SENSOR 12 bits %s: MIPI D1 conflict with SENSOR 10/12 bits %s: MIPI D2~4, CK0 conflict with SENSOR %s: MIPI D2~4, CK0 conflict with SENSOR2 16 bits %s: MIPI D5~8 conflict with SENSOR2 %s: SENSOR2 CCIR 16 conflict with SENSOR %s: no bus width assigned: 0x%lx %s: SHUTTER conflict with SIF0 %s: SHUTTER conflict with SPI3_3 %s: conflict with SPI %s: conflict with SDIO2_2 %s: SDIO does NOT have 2nd pinmux pad %s: SDIO does NOT support 8 bits %s: LCD CCIR656 16 bitsconflict with LCD2/MI %s: LCD CCIR656 or srial RGB/YCbCr conflict with PMI %s: LCD CCIR601 16 bitsconflict with LCD2/MI %s: LCD CCIR601 HVLD/VVLD conflict with LCD2/PMI %s: LCD conflict with PMI %s: RGB888/666 conflict with SIF1_2: 0x%lx %s: LCD RGB565/666/888 conflict with LCD2/MI %s: LCD RGB 16 bits conflict with LCD2/MI %s: Primary LCD configure MI fail %s: invalid primary LCD config: 0x%lx %s: LCD2 conflict with SIF1_2: 0x%lx %s: LCD2 CCIR656 or srial RGB/YCbCr conflict with LCD %s: LCD2 CCIR656 or srial RGB/YCbCr conflict with SMI %s: LCD2 RGB666 conflict with 1ST PMI 16/18 bits %s: LCD2 RGB666 conflict with 2ND PMI %s: LCD2 CCIR656 or srial RGB888/YCbCr conflict with PMI %s: Secondary LCD configure MI fail %s: invalid Secondary LCD config: 0x%lx %s(%d): NOT need to handle TV/HDMI %s: BMC conflict with SDIO2 1st pinmux %s: BMC conflict with SPI_2 %s: BMC conflict with I2S %s: wai_sem fail %s: sig_sem fail USB driver is not opened ! USB driver is already opened ! => USB interrupt status = 0 ! %s: EP%d out of range %s: no FIFO maps to EP%d %s: EP%d maps to FIFO%d %s: BLKNO %d, BLKSZ %d exceed resource %s: FIFOn %d, BLKNO %d, BLKSZ %d exceed resource %s %d: FIFO not available 0x%lx %s: usb SUSPENDED Cx loopback Test ERROR : %d , Tx=0x%x, Rx=0x%x Cx loopback Test Pass ! enter usb ist tsk ???System Error... Halt the system... %s: Exceed interrupt number %s: The chip isn't NT96650 [1mCPU lock down I cache error => size [0x%08x] exceed ICache size [0x%08x] [1mCPU lock down D cache error => size [0x%08x] exceed DCache size [0x%08x] [1m[CPUCleanInvalidateDCacheAll] cache not enabled [1m[CPUInvalidateICacheAll] cache not enabled [1mCache config1 register = 0x%08x [1mCache config7 register = 0x%08x [1mCacheInfo dcache line = %3d [1mCacheInfo dcache linesize= %3d [1mCacheInfo dcache assoc = %3d [1mCacheInfo icache line = %3d [1mCacheInfo icache linesize= %3d [1mCacheInfo icache assoc = %3d [1mMIPS data cache size definition error define 0x%08x real 0x%08x [1mMIPS instruction cache size definition error define 0x%08x real 0x%08x [1mdsi_setCmdRWCtrl error command[%d] [1mdsi_setCmdRWCtrl error command number [%d] [1mdsi_setCmdRWCtrl error BTA EN [%d] [1mdsi_setConfig error unknow configure event[%d] [1mdsi_setConfig error lane number exceed [%d] [1mdsi_setConfig error unknow mode[%d] [1mdsi_setConfig error unknow pixel mode [%d] [1mdsi_setConfig error unknow packet mode[%d] [1mDSI_CONFIG_ID_TLPX value exceed 0xF, cast to 0xF [1mDSI_CONFIG_ID_BTA_TA_GO value exceed 0x3F, cast to 0x3F [1mLower power mode but TXEN = 1 ==> illegal [1mEscape command stop already [1mEscape command start already [1mdsi_setTXEN in manual mode useless operation %d [1mdsi_setTXEN in manual mode under transmission [1mdsi_setTXEN is under transmission [1mdsi_setTXEN in useless operation %d [1mdsi_setDcsCommand error short pkt but exceed 1 param[%d] BTA : read count = %02d ^Y =>[0x%08x] [dsi]CLK ULPS done [dsi]DAT0 ESC done [dsi]DAT1 ESC done [dsi]RX RDY [dsi]TX done [dsi] total status 0x%08x, event 0x%08x [1mdsi_setEscapeCmdRegister error command[%d] CEC No Support! HDMI NO open yet!CEC cant open! %s: Too many tasks are waiting Non-supported data format! Palette entry exceed the total palette size! uiStart=%d uiNumber=%d Horizontal Scaling down ratio over 2! Vertical Scaling down ratio over 2! Warning: IDE V1 BW not enough! Warning: IDE V2 BW not enough! Warning: IDE O1 BW not enough! Warning: IDE O2 BW not enough! value %x smaller than minmun %x IDE2 not Support Blending of this layer!! IDE: O2 DMA burst larger than 64 IDE: O1 DMA burst larger than 32/64 IDE: O1 DMA burst larger than 48/96 Unsupported OSD2 format %d Unsupported OSD1 format %d adc_isTPPD can only used for polling mode TP at %dHertz TP Support AutoMode only! TP Open ERR! ADC INT Not EN! CSI get Cfg Err CSI EN Err! CSI Swap Err! CSI Not EN CSI has not disable when csi_close() CSI ERROR! CSI2 get Cfg Err CSI2 EN Err! CSI2 Swap Err! CSI2 Not EN CSI2 has not disable when csi_close() CSI2 ERROR! SYNC pulse width chg err LVDS Get Cfg Err! LVDS EN ERR LVDS SWAP ERR! Sensor Peak Pixel Rate is %d pixels per second Sensor SIE Pixel Clock freq is %d Hz SIE Clock Speed too Slow! LVDS Data Lanes Control Code Status: D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 ============================================================================== LVDS has not disable! LVDS Not EN LVDS PIXCNT_ERR LVDS FIFO ERR %s, invalid PWM ID! pwm_setCCNT(), invalid PWM ID! %s, not opened yet! %s, set error %s, pwm[%d]not enable yet! pwm_pwmEnable(), not opened yet! [1m%s, invalid PWM ID 0x%08x [1m%s, invalid PWM step per phase param %2d multiple of 8 [1m%s, invalid PWM start phase param %d, 0~7 [1m%s, invalid MS threshold %02d MUST less than 100 [1m%s, invalid uiStepPerUnit %d [1m%s, invalid uiMSSet %d [1m%s, Config Micro step channel %d fail [1m%s, more than 1 channel to wait done at one time [1m%s, invalid PWM ID! [1m%s, active param error %d [1m%s, invalid PWM base period %d MUST 2~255 [1m%s, Try to change Invert signal but PWM [%d] is enabled already [1m%s, not opened yet! [1m%s, unknow flag group 0x%08x %s: Invalid channel or SIF isn't opened %s: SIF isn't opened %s: SIF_CH%ld is busy %s: spi%d not support GYRO mode %s: buf full %s: input transfer buffer NULL %s: input OP buffer NULL %s: input buffer NULL %s: current fifo count %d is smaller than expected count %d %s: pGyroData is NULL %s: buf empty %s: dma abort %s: abort DMA, 0x%lx DMA aborted spi%d: waitFlag: timeout occured SPI%d: setTransferLen: incorrect length: 0x%lx spi%d: waitClrFlag: timeout occured SPI%d: writeReadSingle: rx buffer is NULL SPI%d: readSingle: rx buffer is NULL spi%d: waitBitMatch: allocate timer fail %s: spi%d get src freq fail %s: expec OP delay is %d us, real delay will be %d us %s: OP interval 0x%x exceed MAX 0x%x %s: expec Transfer delay is %d us, real delay will be %d us %s: transfer interval 0x%x exceed MAX 0x%x %s: transfer count %d should between %d and %d %s: OP0 Len %d should between %d and %d %s: OP1 Len %d should between %d and %d SPI%d: wrData: don't support byte count exceed 0x%lx SPI%d: wrData: input byte count: 0x%lx %s: spi%d not support DMA mode, switch to PIO %s: NOT support PIO mode SPI%d: wrData: don't support full duplex transfer under DMA mode SPI%d: wrData: don't support word count exceed 0x%lx SPI%d: wrData: input word count: 0x%lx SPI%d: wrData: don't support full duplex transfer under wide bus PIO mode %s: please use spi_setConfig to replace this API SPI%d: lock: wait semaphore fail SPI%d: open: lock fail %s: expec CS delay is %d us, real delay will be %d us SPI%d: open: pre set flag fail UR baudrate OUT of range UR baudrate out of range UART CFIG Err UR P-OVR Err! UR P-PARITY Err! UR P-FRM Err! UR P-BREAK! UR2 baudrate OUT of range UR2 baudrate out of range UART2 CFIG Err SW FCTRL can't use DMA! UR2 D-OVR Err! UR2 D-PARITY Err! UR2 D-FRM Err! UR2 D-BREAK! UR2 P-OVR Err! UR2 P-PARITY Err! UR2 P-FRM Err! UR2 P-BREAK! %s: driver NOT opened %s: NULL request %s: NULL coefficient %s: NULL src image %s: src img must be word alignment: 0x%lx %s: src lineoffset must be word alignment: 0x%lx %s: NULL dst image %s: dst img must be word alignment: 0x%lx %s: dst lineoffset must be word alignment: 0x%lx %s: transformed sub block width %d should <= %d %s: transformed sub block height %d should <= %d %s: destination coordeinate of origin is NOT LEFTed/TOPed %s: already closed %s: unlock fail %s: lock fail NAND protect area[%d] start block [%d] end block [%d] ^RNAND is already opened, cannot set int! Get Nand feature error!! Set Nand feature error!! nand_condEraseBlock : Read spare error(physical number = 0x%x) ! nand_condEraseBlock : Block status not good or un correct ecc error phy block number = 0x%x) ! nand_condEraseBlock : physical block 0x%x isn't empty(addr1=0x%08x) ! nand_condEraseBlock : logic block number isn't match(physical = 0x%x, nand logic =0x%x ,table logic =0x%x) ! nand_condEraseBlock : No support selected condition ! Device ID read error The device code cannot be identified. The device code cannot be identified.. Even the device code cannot be identified.. NAND = 8K page = > not support The device has not supported yet. nand_getInfo error CS param nand:Reserved size is not divisible by block size(Reserved size:0x%x block size:0x%x). nand:NAND2 size is not divisible by block size(NAND2 size:0x%x block size:0x%x). nand:Block size is zero and nand driver initial fail. Reserved Size Out of Range 0x%x , reserved_block count Only %d !!!!!!!!!please Check Copy block error Copy 512 page size block error Status always busy NAND: EN/DIS able Protect area param error NAND: Protect area param error nand_hostSetECCEnable error CS [%d] param nand_hostSetECCEnable error Pri ECC code [%d] param nand_hostSetECCEnable error Sec ECC code [%d] param Queue Empty Out of PStore range (block addr:%d) nandps:PStore logical block count:%d nandps:PStore physical block count:%d nandps:Block size:0x%x nandps:PStore size:0x%x %s: Pstore not opened or mapped bPSNANDOpened[%d], bNANDPSMapped[%d] %s: Invalid logic block number %d [NANDPS]:nandps_readBlock(): No physical block mapped %s: Read Physical %ld failed. nandps:Read spare error nandps:Corrupt block maping table found ucZoneNum[%d] usCorrectLogicBlockAddr[%d] usPSBlockLimit[%d] nandps:Duplicate block address1:%d nandps:Duplicate block address2:%d nandps:start block count:%d nandps:ulSrcAddr:0x%x nandps:usPSBlockLimit:%d usPSBlockUpperLimit:%d nandps:Reserved size:0x%x nandps:PStore block mapping table Logical: %03d Physical: %03d %s [%d] - [%d] error Read Physical Block [%08d] spare data Err Nand pstore format erase [%d]block error %s program boundary tag read ori data error %s program boundary tag write new data error %s, block mapping error %s done and program logic block address read ori data error Pstore format before set partition Pstore format before open [NANDFAT]Partition not set [NANDPS]Partition not set nand:Fial in init nand. [NAND]nand_fwGetParam[%05d] not support [NANDPS] set max bad block need set before open Pstore size[0x%08x] not STRG_GET_SECTOR_SIZE alignment[0x%08x] Pstore partition size exceed NAND capacity start[0x%08x] size[0x%08x] capacity [0x%08x] [NAND]nandps_getParam[%05d] not support [NAND]nandps_getParam get cap table before Pstore open [NAND]nandps_getParam get cap table but not mapped nandps_writeBlock(): Out of range %d %d Successive error found in write data to PStore nandps_writeBlock:No more free block %s, partition region not configured yet [nand_emuOpen] Tempary memory not assignment Block mapping table is not enough to retain all blocks information [NANDPS]:block mapping error %s: open fail Too many bad blocks found previous block is a incompleted block %d nand_markBadBlock in reserved area but exceed[%d] >= [%d] nand_markBadBlock in pstore area but exceed[%d] nand_markBadBlock[%d] error in erase progress [nand_markBadBlock][insufficient memory][%] Mark bad block fail [nand_readwriteCheck] Write random pattern into block[%d] fail [nand_readwriteCheck] Write random pattern and read it back fail in block[%d] ^R Read/Write test error! Mark bad block:%d Physical block %d defective bad ! Physical block %d marked bad ! Physical block %d read write test error bad! Original/Marked/ReadWriteTest bad block num=[%d / %d / %d] Read test error! Mark bad block:%d [BAD] Read spare error, block might be bad [%d] Physical block %4d is defect block (status = 0x00) Erase in block[%d] error Physical block %4d is bad (fail in erase and write)! Erase block Fail: 0x%x Write one NAND block fail 0x%x read fail 0x%x data compare fail Bad Block 0x%x [NANDFW]Partition not set [NANDFW]:Fial in init nand. [NANDFW]nand_fwGetParam[%05d] not support [NANDFW][STRG_SET_LOADER_SECTOR_COUNT]sector count[%03d] nandfw_readReservedBlock error NAND reserved size = 0x%08x, block size = 0x%08x Input block number exceeds reserved area. [%04d] > [%04d] Reserved logical block %d is not used. [nandfw_readReservedBlock] logic blk num mapping table != NAND physical Read block %d failed. End of loader reserved block FW is too big 0x%x LogicalStartBlock %d ,uiBlkCnt %d The main area too small and have many bad block [NAND clk rate ] => Error SMC internal clock rate SDIO host%d : source clock is set to undefined value %s: driver already closed %s: unsupported DRAM clock level %d RGL_LDO3 = 0x01[0x%02x] but uiPhy4BReg.Bit.VREF != 0x3[0x%02x] RGL_LDO3 = 0x02[0x%02x] but uiPhy4BReg.Bit.VREF != 0x1[0x%02x] %s: WDT is not opened @@@ Drive VBUS ok... qh addre=0x%x,status=0x%x ??? qHD Status => Halted... ??? qHD Status => BufferError... ??? qHD Status => Babble... ??? qHD Status => MissMicroFrame... >>> Step1:Enable Remote Wake Up PASS... Press 'q' to exit test... ^GDEVICE CONNECT ^RDEVICE DISCONNECT Press any key to exit test... port is NOT under suspend state port is UNDER suspend state ??? Error ...(After Resume, the Suspend Status should be 0.) @@@ Drop VBUS ok... ??? Waiting for Peripheral Connecting Fail... nand : The NAND2 size can't modify when NAND driver has opened. [NANDFAT] format get fat table error [NAND]nand_getInfo error [NANDFAT][STRG_SET_PARTITION_SIZE] size not STRG_GET_BEST_ACCESS_SIZE alignment 0x%08x / 0x%08x FAT partition size[0x%08x] <= Parition reserved size[0x%08x] [NANDFAT] get fat table error STRG_SET_PARTITION_SIZE already configed NO NAME nand_writeOneCluster:No more free block and use original block. nand_writeOneCluster:No more free block. nand_writeOneCluster:Out of range %d nand_writeOneCluster:Mapping to reserved area. %d NAND:Successive error found Too many bad block found and NAND is read only. nand:Out of range2 (Sector:%d Total:%d) nand:Out of range3 (Sector:%d Total:%d) NAND:NAND2 size is zero nand:Out of range1 (Sector:%d Total:%d) nand:rd sct status error[0x%08x] NAND:out of range (logical number:%d) NAND:No more free block NAND:Data error found Data error found nand:Out of range4 (Sector:%d Total:%d) [nand_open] Tempary memory not assignment nand: NAND open fail NAND Complete event not issued address alignment error out of addressing rang Read spare fail nand_cmdWriteOperation:numPage is zero nand_cmdWriteOperation:PageAddress is not dividable by actual page size(pageAddress:0x%x actual page size:0x%x) nand_cmdWriteOperation:Out of range(Address:0x%x) nand_cmdWriteOperation:write operation across a block is prohibition Write operation tim out Fail in write operation Exceed Max block number. nand:numPage is zero nand:PageAddress is not dividable by actual page size(pageAddress:0x%x actual page size:0x%x) nand:Out of range(Address:0x%x) nand:write operation across a block is prohibition write operation failure nand_cmdReadOperation:numPage is zero nand_cmdReadOperation:PageAddress is not dividable by page size(pageAddress:0x%x) nand_cmdReadOperation:Out of range(Address:0x%x) nand_cmdReadOperation:Read operation across a block is prohibition Read operation tim out ^G Retry again ^G Uncorrected error NAND cmd timeout Queue Empty nand_getFreeBlock nand:FAT end block %d nand:zoneNum:%d nand:Block size:0x%x nand:Block :%5d nand_addFreeBlock nand:start block :%d nand:end block :%d nand:Block address:%d ??? Analysis Interface Fail(bINTERFACE_NUMBER>Max)... ??? Analysis Endpoint Fail(bEP_NUMBER>Max)... >>> Issue SETDESCRIPTOR... >>> Issue SETDESCRIPTOR OK... SETUP stage done, press any key to continue... DATA stage done, press any key to continue... Issue control Issue port reset Get PID=0x%04X, VID=0x%04X >>> Device Speed: Full Speed... >>> Device Speed: Low Speed... >>> Device Speed: High Speed... cur addr 0x%x,j=%d ??? qHD Status => Halted (<1>.Stall/<2>.Babble/<3>.Error Counter=0)...(Device Not Supported...) ??? qHD Status => HOST20_qTD_STATUS_BufferError... ??? qHD Status => HOST20_qTD_STATUS_Babble... ??? qHD Status => HOST20_qTD_STATUS_TransactionError... ??? qHD Status => HOST20_qTD_STATUS_MissMicroFrame... H264 Codec DDR Error = %d !!!!!!!! %s: Content is 0 %s: Parameter error! %s: MCU100 crop width must >= %ld %s: Not supported format! %s: Parameter error! X: %ld, Y: %ld, Width: %ld, Height: %ld %s: Line offset error! %s: DCEnable error! %s: Can't find 0xFFDX! %s: Width or height error! %s: Unknown file format! %s: line offset error! Y: %d, UV: %d %s: Buffer size must >= %d %s: Decode scaling, line offset alignment error! %s: Unlock error! %s: Lock error! ^R[ dce_setUVHorizontalFilterEnable ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_setUVHorizontalFilterEnable ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_setUVHorizontalFilterEnable ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgOutputStripe ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgOutputStripe ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgOutputStripe ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgOutputStripe ] - Set DCE Stripe overflow ... ^R[ dce_chgDistortionLUT ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgDistortionLUT ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgDistortionLUT ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgDistortionLUT ] - DCE distortion LUT value overflow ... ^R[ dce_chgEnhancement ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgEnhancement ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgEnhancement ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgFOV ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgFOV ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgFOV ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgDistanceFactor ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgDistanceFactor ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgDistanceFactor ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgAberration ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgAberration ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgAberration ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgDistNormlization ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgDistNormlization ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgDistNormlization ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgImageCenter ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgImageCenter ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgImageCenter ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgFullImageSize ] - State Machine Error for setting DCE Dynaminc parameters ... ^R[ dce_chgFullImageSize ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_chgFullImageSize ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Warning - input image width is not 4x ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Warning - input image height is not 2x ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Input lineoffset Y is not word aligned... ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Input lineoffset C is not word aligned... ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Output lineoffset Y is not word aligned... ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Output lineoffset C is not word aligned... ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Error - input image size overflow!!! ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Error - input lineoffset overflow!!! ^R[ dce_setFullImageSize ] - Error - output lineoffset overflow!!! ^R[ dce_chgFullImageSize ] - Set DCE image size param error ... ^R[ dce_pause ] - State Machine Error for Changing DCE into PAUSE state ... ^R[ dce_pause ] - DCE pause type error ... ^R[ dce_isr ] - DCE overflow 1 ... ^R[ dce_isr ] - DCE overflow 2 ... ^R[ dce_start ] - State Machine Error for Starting DCE engine ... ^R[ dce_start_pause_DirectMode ] - Error - DO NOT using this API in D2D mode! ^R[ dce_start ] - DCE engine is not opened ... ^R[ dce_setMode ] - State Machine Error for Initiating DCE parameters ... ^R[ dce_setMode ] - Current Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_setMode ] - Correct Machine State : %d ^R[ dce_setMode ] - Input Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ dce_setMode ] - Input C channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ dce_setMode ] - Output Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ dce_setMode ] - Output C channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ dce_close ] - DCE engine was already closed, can not close again ... ^R[ dce_close ] - State Machine Error for Closing DCE engine ... ^R[dce_open] - State Machine Error for Opening DCE engine ... OIS is OFF ^RFDE:Output Address might be used before setting!! FDE:ERROR!!Operate %d from State %d FDE:FDE Operation ERROR!! FDE:FDE Parameter Illegal FDE:Operate FDE_FD_EDGE_EXTRACTION in wrong mode!! FDE:Invalid operation!! fde_setFDMode() FDE:Face Detection Engine overflow... IFE: Output Address might be used before setting!! IFE:Output Address and lineoffset must be word align!! IFE:Input Address and lineoffset must be word align!! IFE: Please change IFE mode at IFE frame end. IFE: Please change IFE mode when PRE & IPE are both stopped. IFE:IFE In/Out Operation ERROR!! IFE:IFE Operation ERROR!!Operate %d from State %d IFE:IFE Operation ERROR!! IFE:^R range threshold should be < 32 IFE: ife_changeParam() doesn't support D2D mode IFE:Invalid operation!! ife_setMode() ^YIFE: Row Defect WARNING IFE2:IFE2 Operation ERROR!!Operate %d from State %d IFE2:IFE2 could not be paused while running IFE2: Output Address might be used before setting!! PAR ERR: FLTR_CB_CNTR_WT=%d, corrected to%d PAR ERR: FLTR_CB_SIZE=%d, corrected to%d PAR ERR: CHROMA_ADJ_VAR_WT0=%d, corrected to%d PAR ERR: CHROMA_ADJ_VAR_WT1=%d, corrected to%d PAR ERR: CHROMA_ADJ_VAR_WT2=%d, corrected to%d PAR ERR: CHROMA_ADJ_VAR_WT3=%d, corrected to%d ife2_start: guiCacheHandleIfe2InAddr=0!! ife2_start: guiCacheHandleIfe2OutAddr=0!! ^RIFE2: PLL6 selected but not enabled... ^R[ ime_getScalingFactor ] - Path selection error... ^R[ ime_getOverlapSize ] - Error - ISD scaling over 1/16x ^R[ ime_getOverlapSize ] - Error - Path1 - RSC and ISD can not be enabled at the same time ^R[ ime_getOverlapSize ] - Error - Path2 - RSC and ISD can not be enabled at the same time ^R[ ime_getOutputDMAAddrInfo_P3 ] - Error - OPPB ID error ^R[ ime_getOutputPath3Add ] - Error - Get output buffer address error ... ^R[ ime_getOutputDMAAddrInfo_P2 ] - Error - OPPB ID error ^R[ ime_getOutputPath2Add ] - Error - Get output buffer address error ... ^R[ ime_getOutputDMAAddrInfo_P1 ] - Error - OPPB ID error ^R[ ime_getOutputPath1Add ] - Error - Get output buffer address error ... ^R[ ime_getPath3CurrentBufferIndex ] - Error - IME without Path3 ... ^R[ ime_getPath2CurrentBufferIndex ] - Error - IME without Path2 ... ^R[ ime_close ] - IME engine was already closed, can not close again ... ^R[ ime_close ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_close ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_close ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_pause ] - Warning - IME pause in pause, please check your flow ^R[ ime_pause ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_pause ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_pause ] - Correct State : %d ^R[ ime_setStart ] - State Machine error ... ^R[ ime_setStart ] - Current status : %d ^R[ ime_setStart ] - Correct status : %d ^R[ ime_chgProgressiveToInterlaceParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgProgressiveToInterlaceParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgProgressiveToInterlaceParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgProgressiveToInterlaceParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionAddrs ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionAddrs ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionAddrs ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionParam ] - Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionParam ] - C channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionAddrs ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chg3DNoiseReductionParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgRollingShutterCorrectionParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgRollingShutterCorrectionParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgFilmGrainNoiseParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgRollingShutterCorrectionParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgFilmGrainNoiseParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgFilmGrainNoiseParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgFilmGrainNoiseParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - Buffer0 address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - Buffer0 parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - Buffer1 address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingAddrs ] - Buffer1 parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgRetinexProcessingParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgChromaFilterParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgChromaFilterParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgChromaFilterParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgChromaFilterParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - Buffer0 address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - Buffer0 parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - Buffer1 address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionAddrs ] - Buffer1 parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgChromaAdaptionParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceTransformParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceTransformParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceTransformParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceTransformParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgAllFunctionsEnable ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgAllFunctionsEnable ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgAllFunctionsEnable ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingFilter ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingFilter ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingFilter ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingFilter ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingEnhancement ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingEnhancement ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingEnhancement ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputScalingEnhancement ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathEnable ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathEnable ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathEnable ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathEnable ] - Path1 enable error... ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathEnable ] - Path2 enable error... ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathEnable ] - Path3 enable error... ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathDramOutEnable ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathDramOutEnable ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathDramOutEnable ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputPathDramOutEnable ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputDmaAddress ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputDmaAddress ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputDmaAddress ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputDmaAddress ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgOutputImageFormat ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgOutputImageFormat ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputImageFormat ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgOutputImageFormat ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputImageSize ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputImageSize ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputImageSize ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgInputAndOutputImageSize ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceProtectionParam ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceProtectionParam ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceProtectionParam ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ime_chgColorSpaceProtectionParam ] - Parameter error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - State Machine error ... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Correct State : %d ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Error - Input width must be the multiple of 4... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Path1 H crop output size error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Path1 V crop output size error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Path2 H crop output size error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Path2 V crop output size error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Path3 H crop output size error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Path3 V crop output size error... Input buffer0 Input buffer1 ^R[ ime_setMode ] - RSC-H - path1 horizontal size overflow... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - RSC-H - path2 horizontal size overflow... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - RSC-V - path1 vertical size overflow... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - RSC-V - path2 vertical size overflow... ^R[ ime_open ] - Warning - IME Re-opened... ^R[ ime_open ] - IME State Machine Error ... ^R[ ime_open ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ime_open ] - Correct State : %d ipe_stateMachine check operation error! ipe_stateMachine check status error! ipe_changeOutYC() output destination error! ipe_setOutputSwitch() SAO = 0x0 when output enabled! ipe_changeInput() Hl over limit! ipe_changeInput() Hn over limit! PRE state machine error! st %d op %d ^RPRE: state machine error... ^RPRE: parameter NULL... pre_start: guiCacheHandlePreIn0Add0=0!! pre_start: guiCacheHandlePreIn1Addr=0!! pre_CacheHandle_Output: Address=0!! ^RPRE: Re-opened... ^RPRE: PLL6 selected but not enabled... ^RPRE: clr flg error... ^YPRE FE Chk: DPC warning PRE: DPCWARN PRE: DPCWARN, Closing INTE SIE state machine error! st %d op %d ^RSIE: state machine error... ^RSIE: parameter NULL... dpTblAdd=0!! sie_setMode ERR: Active window top margin < 1 !! sie_setMode ERR: Crop window horizontal blanking < 160 !! sie_setMode ERR: HDIV & VA conflict !! ^RSIE: Re-opened... ^SIE: state machine error... sieClk remains ^RSIE: clr flg error... ^YSIE FE Chk: in 0 underflow ^YSIE FE Chk: in 1 underflow ^YSIE FE Chk: out 0 overflow ^YSIE FE Chk: out 1 overflow ^YSIE FE Chk: out 2 overflow ^YSIE FE Chk: DPC failure ^YSIE FE Chk: DPC warning ^YSIE FE Chk: MSH err ^YSIE FE Chk: Raw Enc out overflow ^YSIE: in 0 underflow ^YSIE: in 1 underflow ^YSIE: out 0 overflow ^YSIE: out 1 overflow ^YSIE: out 2 overflow ^YSIE: DPC failure SIE: DPC warning SIE: MSH err SIE: Raw Enc out overflow SIE2 state machine error! st %d op %d ^RSIE2: state machine error... ^RSIE2: parameter NULL... sie2_setMode ERR: Active window top margin < 1 !! sie2_setMode ERR: Crop window horizontal blanking < 160 !! sie2_setMode ERR: HDIV & VA conflict !! ^RSIE2: Re-opened... ^SIE2: state machine error... sie2Clk remains ^RSIE2: clr flg error... ^YSIE2 FE Chk: in 0 underflow ^YSIE2 FE Chk: in 1 underflow ^YSIE2 FE Chk: out 0 overflow ^YSIE2 FE Chk: out 1 overflow ^YSIE2 FE Chk: out 2 overflow ^YSIE2 FE Chk: DPC failure ^YSIE2 FE Chk: DPC warning ^YSIE2 FE Chk: MSH err ^YSIE2 FE Chk: Raw Enc out overflow ^YSIE2: in 0 underflow ^YSIE2: in 1 underflow ^YSIE2: out 0 overflow ^YSIE2: out 1 overflow ^YSIE2: out 2 overflow ^YSIE2: DPC failure ^YSIE2: MSH err ^YSIE2: Raw Enc out overflow ^R[ ise_setStart ] - State Machine error ... ^R[ ise_setStart ] - Current status : %d ^R[ ise_setStart ] - Correct status : %d or %d ^R[ ise_setMode ] - State Machine error ... ^R[ ise_setMode ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ise_setMode ] - Correct State : %d ^R[ ise_setMode ] - Stripe size error... ^R[ ise_setMode ] : Input width is not the multiple of 2... ^R[ ise_setMode ] : Input address is not 2 byte aligned... ^R[ ise_setMode ] : Output address is not 2 byte aligned... ^R[ ise_setMode ] - Input address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ise_setMode ] - Output address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ise_open ] - Warning - ISE Re-opened... ^R[ ise_open ] - ISE State Machine Error ... ^R[ ise_open ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ise_open ] - Correct State : %d ^R[ ise_close ] - ISE engine was already closed, can not close again ... ^R[ ise_close ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ise_close ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ise_close ] - Correct State : %d or %d ^R[ ise_pause ] - Warning - Pause in pause... ^R[ ise_pause ] - State Machine Error ... ^R[ ise_pause ] - Current State : %d ^R[ ise_pause ] - Correct State : %d ^R RDE: Output Address might be used before setting!! ^R RDE: Output address is not word align!! ^R RDE: Output line offset is not word align!! ^R RDE: Input Address might be used before setting!! ^R RDE: Input address is not word align!! ^R Check input Dma info fail! ^R Check output Dma info fail! ^R BS UDFL ERR ^R BS OVFL ERR ^R Q table check on index:%d fail! read-out 0x%x != default 0x%x ^R Operation %d illegal in IDLE state! ^R Operation %d illegal in READY state! ^R Operation %d illegal in PAUSE state! ^R Operation %d illegal in RUN state! ^YACTWIDTH not multiple of 32, fix to next multiple of 32 Warning: DIS multiple pause operations! DIS state machine error! st %d op %d DIS: Horizontal Block number over spec!! DIS: Vertical Block number over spec!! DIS: MDS number over spec!! DIS: SAO0 Error! Set to defaut 0x%x DIS: SAO1 Error! Set to defaut 0x%x DIS: SAO0 = 0x0 when output enabled! Set to 0x%x DIS: SAO1 = 0x0 when output enabled! Set to 0x%x ^R[ ime_checkStripeOverlapSize ] - ime stripe overlap size error in using ISD!!! ^R[ ime_chkInputAddr ] - %s Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chkInputAddr ] - %s Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chkOutputAddr ] - %s Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chkOutputAddr ] - %s Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chkOutputAddr ] - %s Cr channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_chkOutputAddr ] - %s unknown input format... ^R[ ime_getEngineInformation ] - Error - No such a case to get IME engine Informaion %d... ^RScaling up or down less using nearest method, please make sure ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - luminance-Noise difference threshold overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - luminance value threshold overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - path1 weighting value overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - path1 initial value overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - path2 weighting value overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - path2 initial value overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - path3 weighting value overflow... ^R[ ime_setFilmGrain ] - Warnging - path3 initial value overflow... ^R[ ime_setRSC ] - Error - Horizontal control point parameter NULL ^R[ ime_setRSC ] - Error - Vertical control point parameter NULL ^R[ ime_setRSC ] - Warning - Horizontal control point value overflow... ^R[ ime_setRSC ] - Warning - Vertical control point value overflow... ^R[ ime_setColorSpaceProection ] - Warning - Color space protection parameter overflow... ^R[ ime_setRetinexProc ] - Error - Input image width is less than 1... ^R[ ime_setRetinexProc ] - Error - Input image height is less than 1... ^R[ ime_setRetinexProc ] - Error - Reference image width is 0... ^R[ ime_setRetinexProc ] - Error - Reference image height is 0... ^R[ ime_setRetinexProc ] - Error - Reference image width is NOT the multiple of 2 - %d... ^R[ ime_setRetinexProc ] - Error - Reference image height is NOT the multiple of 2 - %d... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Warning - Threshold of Cb channel is overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Warning - Threshold of Cr channel is overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Warning - Threshold of LCA-LUT channel is overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Error - Reference image horizontal size overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Error - Reference image vertical size overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Error - Reference image horizontal size is NOT the multiple of 2 - %d... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Error - Reference image vertical size is NOT the multiple of 2 - %d... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Error - Reference image size zero... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Error - Reference image lineoffset is NOT the multiple of 4... ^R[ ime_setChromaAdaption ] - Warning - LUT value %d is overflw, and replaced as max value... ^R[ ime_setChromaFilter ] - Warning - Chroma filter coefficient overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaFilter ] - Warning - Chroma filter spatial weight0 overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaFilter ] - Warning - Chroma filter spatial weight1 overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaFilter ] - Warning - Chroma filter range threshold overflow... ^R[ ime_setChromaFilter ] - Warning - Chroma filter range weight overflow... ^R[ ime_setOutputCrop ] - Error - Output path%d horizontal corp position overflow ... ^R[ ime_setOutputCrop ] - Error - Output path%d vertical corp position overflow ... ^R[ ime_calScaleFilterCoef_H ] - Divide by zero!! ^R[ ime_setScaleFilering ] - Error - Horizontal scale filtering parameter NULL ... ^R[ ime_setScaleFilering ] - Warning - Horizontal scale filtering coefficient overflow : %d, and replaced as max value %d ^R[ ime_setScaleFilering ] - Warning - Vertical scale filtering coefficient overflow : %d, and replaced as max value %d ^R[ ime_setChangeIOImageInfo ] - Error - User horizontal scaling down rate overflow (setting value = %d) , and please double check it ^R[ ime_setChangeIOImageInfo ] - Error - User horizontal output size overflow (setting value = %d) , and please double check it ^R[ ime_setChangeIOImageInfo ] - Error - User vertical scaling down rate overflow (setting value = %d) , and please double check it ^R[ ime_setChangeIOImageInfo ] - Error - User vertical output size overflow (setting value = %d) , and please double check it ^R[ ime_setOutputLineoffsetInfo ] - Error - Path%d Parameter NULL, and please double check it ^R[ ime_setOutputLineoffsetInfo ] - Error - Output path%d lineoffset of Y channel overflow, and please double check it ^R[ ime_setOutputLineoffsetInfo ] - Error - Output path%d lineoffset of Cb channel overflow, and please double check it ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Error - Output path%d lineoffset of Y channel DO NOT the multiple of 4, and please double check it ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Error - Output path%d lineoffset of Cb channel DO NOT the multiple of 4, and please double check it ^R%s - Y (0x%08x) channel overflow!!! ^R%s - Cb (0x%08x) channel overflow!!! ^R%s - Cr (0x%08x) channel overflow!!! ^R%s - Y channel : 0x00000000!!! ^R%s - Cb channel : 0x00000000!!! ^R%s - Cr channel : 0x00000000!!! ^R%s - Y channel is not Word Aligned!!! ^R%s - Cb channel is not Word Aligned!!! ^R%s - Cr channel is not Word Aligned!!! ^R[ ime_setOutputDMAAddrInfo_P3 ] - Error - Output path3 DMA channel address NULL... Output DMA Channel 0 ^R[ ime_setOutputDMAAddrInfo_P2 ] - Error - Output path2 DMA channel address NULL... ^R[ ime_setOutputDMAAddrInfo_P1 ] - Error - Output path1 DMA channel address NULL... ^R[ ime_setInputDMAAddr2Info ] - Error - Input Address NULL... Input DMA Channel ^R[ ime_setInputDMAAddr1Info ] - Error - Input Address NULL... ^R[ ime_setInputLineoffsetInfo ] - Error - Input lineoffset info NULL ... ^R[ ime_setInputLineoffsetInfo ] - Error - Input lineoffset of Y channel overflow, and please double check it... ^R[ ime_setInputLineoffsetInfo ] - Error - Input lineoffset of Cb channel overflow, and please double check it... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Error - Input lineoffset of Y channel DO NOT the multiple of 4, and please double check it... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Error - Input lineoffset of Cb channel DO NOT the multiple of 4, and please double check it... ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P3 ] - Error - Input paramers NULL ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P2 ] - error - RSC - path2 horizontal margin size error...!!! ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P2 ] - error - RSC - path2 vertical margin size error...!!! ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P2 ] - Error - Input paramers NULL ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P1 ] - error - RSC - path1 horizontal margin size error...!!! ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P1 ] - error - RSC - path1 vertical margin size error...!!! ^R[ ime_setAllOutputInfo_P1 ] - Error - Input paramers NULL ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input buffer0 Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input buffer0 Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input buffer0 Cr channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input buffer1 Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input buffer1 Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - Input buffer1 Cr channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path1 Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path1 Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path1 Cr channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path2 Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path2 Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path2 Cr channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path3 Y channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path3 Cb channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_setChangeIOAddrInfo ] - path3 Cr channel address error - 0x%08x ^R[ ime_set3DNR ] - Error - Y threshold parameter NULL... ^R[ ime_set3DNR ] - Error - Cb threshold parameter NULL... ^R[ ime_set3DNR ] - Error - Cr threshold parameter NULL... ^R[ ime_set3DNR ] - Error - Y weighting parameter NULL... ^R[ ime_set3DNR ] - Error - Cb weighting parameter NULL... ^R[ ime_set3DNR ] - Error - Cr weighting parameter NULL... ^R[ ime_set3DNoiseReduction ] - Warning - Y threshold overflow... ^R[ ime_set3DNoiseReduction ] - Warning - Cb threshold overflow... ^R[ ime_set3DNoiseReduction ] - Warning - Cr threshold overflow... ^R[ ime_set3DNoiseReduction ] - Warning - Y weighting overflow... ^R[ ime_setStripeInfo ] - Error - IME ST_HN overflow ... ^R[ ime_setStripeInfo ] - Error - IME ST_HM overflow ... ^R[ ime_setStripeInfo ] - Error - IME ST_HL overflow ... ^R[ ime_setStripeInfo ] - Error - IME ST_VL error ... ^R[ ime_setStripeInfo ] - Error - IME ST_VL overflow ... ^Y[ ime_calHVStripParam ] - Horizontal Stripe size error... ^R[ ime_setMode ] - Error - Processing mode setting error, no such a mode : %d ^R[ ime_setInputSource ] - Error - IPE direct to IME does not support YCC420 format ... PRE: In-Addr Error: index %d not supported SIE OBP Hscale error! SIE OBP Vscale error! SIE ECS Hscale error! SIE ECS Vscale error! SIE: RawEnc CompRate %d forced to be 60 !! SIE: RawEnc CompRate %d forced to be 40 !! SIE: VA fltr sel not recognized sie_calcOut2Size: out2 source error!! SIE: VA fltr sel %d not supported SIE: dgain 0x%0x > max 0x3ff SIE: def num %d not supported SIE: Msh Close Mode %d not supported SIE: Flsh Mode %d not supported SIE: Out2-Addr Error: index %d not supported SIE: Out1-Addr Error: index %d not supported SIE: Out0-Addr Error: index %d not supported SIE: Mode %d ERR !! SIE2: RawEnc CompRate %d forced to be 60 !! SIE2: RawEnc CompRate %d forced to be 40 !! sie2_calcOut2Size: out2 source error!! ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Input image width is zero... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Input image height is zero... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Output image width is zero... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Output image height is zero... ^R[ ISE driver ] - H scaling filter coefficient is divided by zero... ^R[ ISE driver ] - V scaling filter coefficient is divided by zero... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Input lineoffset overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Input Address overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Output lineoffset overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Output Address overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : H scaling Up/Down overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : H scaling rate overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : H scaling factor overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : H scaling filter error... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : H scaling filter coefficient overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : V scaling Up/Down overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : V scaling rate overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : V scaling factor overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : V scaling filter error... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : V scaling filter coefficient overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Input image width overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Input image height overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Output image width overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Output image height overflow... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : IO format error... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Scaling method error... ^R[ ISE - driver ] : Stripe size overflow... ^R%s::%s():%d-FATAL: ^RFatal error: Total Size %08x > Real Dram Size %08x DMA-CHANNEL PRI BL CPU %s IDE V1 Y %s %d IDE V1 C %s %d IDE V2 Y %s %d IDE V2 C %s %d IDE O1 PAL/A %s %d IDE O1 RGB %s %d IDE O2 PAL %s %d IDE2 V1 Y %s %d IDE2 V1 C %s %d IDE2 O1 PAL/A %s %d IDE2 O1 RGB %s %d SIE 0 IMG %s %d SIE 1 CA %s %d SIE 2 VA %s %d SIE 3 DP %s %d SIE 4 ECS %s %d SIE2 0 IMG %s %d SIE2 1 CA %s %d SIE2 3 DP %s %d SIE2 4 ECS %s %d ENGINE ENABLE CLK-AG PCLK-AG %14s %s %s %s Unknown CPU clk Unknown OCP clk Unknown APB clk CPU/OCP/APB = %d/%d/%d Mhz, DMA = %d Mhz ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CPU/OCP/APB clk not match! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DMA clk not match! Clk verify PASS GRAPH2_CLK AFFINE_CLK EAC_D_CLKEN EAC_A_ADC_CLK EAC_A_DAC_CLK CRYPTO_CLK SIE2_PXCLK REMOTE_CLK MIPI_DSI_CLK PWM_CCNT0_CLK PWM_CCNT1_CLK PWM_CCNT2_CLK PWM_CCNT3_CLK Please capture a image now.! @ITEM_BEGIN [%s] R/W check for NAND FAT area: FAT report %d bad block! Erase check NAND FAT area: Read check for NAND : FW report %d bad block! PStore report %d bad block! Erase check for NAND : erasechkall readchkall erasechkFAT error_code = %d %s %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input ID (%d) overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Input Id error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uninitial fail SensorID = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: initial fail SensorID = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Input parameter error 0x%.8x 0x%.8x! %d %d %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SenId(%d) error getstatus % SEMID_SPIFLASH SEMID_SPI_FW SEMID_SPI_FW2 SEMID_SPI_FW3 SEMID_SPI_PS SEMID_SPI_PS2 SEMID_SPI_PS3 SEMID_SPI_FAT SEMID_SPI_FAT2 SEMID_SPI_FAT3 ^R[Dx] GetObject %08x failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Can't open ADC channel for battery voltage detection ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Can't open ADC channel for key key1 detection ^GPowerOn Pwr Lost! ^GPowerOn Src = PWR key ^GPowerOn Src = PB Key ^GPowerOn Src = USB plug ^GPowerOn Src = DC plug ^GPowerOn Src = PWR alarm ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ctrlid=0x%02X not support! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: state=0x%02X not support! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Fw area have to be at phyical address 0. Storage_Nand0 Storage_Nand3 ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: DrvLCDSetCtrl Warning! brightlvl=0x%02X out of range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: mode=%d not support! disp lcd dump ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: invalid display id = %d! ^YLCD Dual=0 ^YLCD Dual=1 Display_LCD Display_TV ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: HDMI fmt = %d is incorrect! Display_HDMI ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [StatusKey]no this attribute AudCodec.a Display Obj DISP_OBJ.a System Driver Driver650.a Codec Driver Driver650_Codec.a IPP Driver Driver650_IPP.a SpiFlash.a ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DrvPwrCtrl(%d) LCDMode=%d not support Error dispdev_RegRead Op! DispDev NO valid rotate! Filtering Length must be multiples of %d! audlib_IIR.a Version Error! Pls use V.%04X ApplyNoiseReduce Init Fail! AudNR Length must be multiples of %d! AudNR OneFrame Err AudNR_SetConfig ID Err! AudNR SetParam Err AudNR_Init End Err! AudNR_Init Init Err! audlib_NR.a Version Error! Pls use V.%04X AudNR_Open Init Err! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio NR err! AudFilterAPI ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio Noise Reduction open err! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio Noise Reduction init err! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio filtering err! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio filter config err! type = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio filter enable err! type = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio filter open err! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Audio filter init err! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Apply Audio Filter failed! In 0x%X, out 0x%X, size 0x%X AudFilterTask ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Apply Audio Noise Reduction failed! In 0x%X, out 0x%X, size 0x%X AudFilterTsk FLG_ID_AUDFILTER ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: INVALID_HANDLE ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CoordTs_SetOrigin() has to call first! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CoordTs_SetTarget() has to call first! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed to xCoorTs_TransForward ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MEM_NOT_ENOUGH ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: data stamp is not open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WorkBufSize too small 0x%.8x > 0x%.8x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCF out of ID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiFolderId(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiFileId(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fileType=0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: infoID(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DirNum(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: psDirInfo is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DirID(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileID(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Type 0x%x %s%03d%s\%s%04d.%s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FolderID=%d FileID=%d Type=0x%x %s%03d%s\%s%04d. [dump]----------------DCF DB info begin---------------- [dump]---- AccessFilename=%s [dump]---- TolFileNum=%d TolDirNum=%d [dump]---- TolIDSequ=%d [dump]---- NextDirID=%d NextFileID=%d [dump]---- MaxDirID=%d MaxSysFileID=%d [dump]---- CurDirID=%d CurFileID=%d MaxFileID=%d [dump]---- DirFileNum=%d DirFileSequ=%d [dump]---- Is9999=%d [dump]---- FileFormat=0x%x [dump]---- IdFormat=0x%x [dump]---- ValidFileType=0x%x DepFileFormat=0x%x [dump]---- OurDirName=%s [dump]---- OurFileName:%s [dump]---- %s [dump]---- Dir (%s) fileNum = %d [dump]----------------DCF DB info end---------------- ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: baChars[i]='%c' is invalid ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: parmID=%d,value=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: parmID(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCF is not Scanned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiDirId=%d,uiFileId=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input folder name not match %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: (%s) is not empty ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: index(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: index=%d,TolFileNum=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fileType=0x%x,curType=0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: index=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: offset=%d,seekCmd=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path %s error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileNum(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No This File Dir=%d,File=%d,fileType=0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s,DirNum=%d,FileNum=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not found DirNum(%d), FileNum(%d) SEMID_DCFNEXTID FLG_ID_DCF %s::%s():%d: DISLib: under construction ^G%d,%d,%d,%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DISLib: input hsize should be 4x!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DISLib: input lineoffset might be too small!! DPOF_DumpMem:Not Open debug-level:%d DPOF_DumpJob:Not Open debug-level ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPOF Lib not open Cropping Support:%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPOF NOT opened yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPOF_AccessHeaderItem: Unknown DPOF Access Type ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPOF_AccessHeaderItem: Unknown DPOF Header Item ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPOF_SetQty: did = %d, fid = %d, not a JPEG File ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MRK file too short ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MRK file No REV ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: REV > fileSize ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NULL MRK-REV ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MRK file No CRT ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parse DPOF CRT fail 1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parse DPOF CRT fail 2 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parse DPOF CRT fail: name length > %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parse DPOF CRT over the file end:pQData=%x, filesize=%x, pStart=%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NULL Qty ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NULL DCIM ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not find PID A:\MISC\AUTPRINT.MRK ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPOF: input buffer address equals to 0 "../DCIM/%03dNVTIM/IMAG%04d.JPG 2003/00/00/00:00:00 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: delete MISC error !! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: No Image! SEMID_DPOF ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: key invalid Api Ver %08X Last Error: %d Last Warning: %d Last Cmd: %d Last Caller Task ID = %d Last Caller Address = 0x%08X Current State: %d Run State: %d OnDraw Addr: 0x%08X Is Dual Disp: %d Is Dual Src: %d Flip Method: %d User Handle: %d SrcBuf[0] %dx%d, fmt=%d SrcBuf[0] is NULL DisBuf[0] %dx%d DispRect[0] {%d,%d,%d,%d} [buf]DispCurr[0]: Y=0x%08X,0xUV=%08X,Pitch=%d,w=%d, h=%d, fmt=%d SrcBuf[1] %dx%d, fmt=%d SrcBuf[1] : CfgCtrl.CfgSrc.bDual is FALSE DisBuf[1] %dx%d DispRect[1] {%d,%d,%d,%d} [buf]DispCurr[1]: Y=0x%08X,UV=0x%08X,Pitch=%d,w=%d, h=%d, fmt=%d Disp[0] Rotate Deg=%d [buf]DispRot[0]: Y=0x%08X,UV=0x%08X,Pitch=%d,w=%d,h=%d, fmt=%d Disp[1] Rotate Deg=%d [buf]DispRot[1]: Y=0x%08X,0xUV=%08X,Pitch=%d,w=%d,h=%d, fmt=%d Check FuncTable...%s Check DISPSRV_CMD_MAXDATA...%s DispSrvTsk DISPSRV_FLG_ID DISPSRV_SEM_ID ^B##########Dump insert data Total TagNum = %d ########## [%d][%04x][%02d][Cnt=%03d][DataAddr=0x%08X] ^B####################################################### ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pading data reaches MAX!!(IFD =%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exif Insert tag queue full!! No tag can be inserted!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter error! Info=%d, NumByte = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Please run Exif_Init() first! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter Error! uiTagDataLen = 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Users should complete your makernote in the callback event CREATE_MAKERNOTE! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NOT support MPO write! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Users don't have to set this embeded tag! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pad 0thInterIFD data ERROR!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Thumbnail data ERROR!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: EXIF size ERROR!!!!! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Can't find this Tag (IFD=%d, ID=0x%04x)! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exif Tag number over flow! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Type Error! IFD=%d, ID=0x%X, Type=%d Total TagNum = %d [%d][%04x][%02d][%04dByte][DataOffset=0x%08x,value=0x%08x][tagOffset=0x%x] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SOI marker not found! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Appx marker not found! No APP0 or APP1 ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: no APP1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exif IFD error, data/length not match ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: some error!! GPS IFD num = %d ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MPO byte order should be the same as APP1 ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Exif working buffer might be insufficient! Recommended size is 64KB. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exif working buffer overflow! SEMID_EXIF ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Input param. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: open too many file. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File has been opened for write. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: create long name fail %s. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pathDeep:%d(Limit:%d~%d), pathLeng:%d(Limit:%d~%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: param ERROR GotoFile time = %d ms ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open a file with KFS_OPENMODE_DIR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unknown mode fsEx_CreateFile time = %d ms fs_CreateFile time = %d ms fsEx_CreateEntry time = %d ms fs_CreateEntry time = %d ms ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: file doesn't exist:unknown mode or error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: result 0x%x fs_fclose time = %d ms ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: opening file %s fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: opening file fail %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: create dir %s error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s is not exist ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Try to delete read only file ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: remove Entry fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Del StorFAT fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: del update Entry fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: offset = %lld,whence=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not a valid file handle. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Zero access size. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Access more then file size.tolBytes = %lld , uiFilePos = %lld , uiFileSize = %lld ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set file size error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: access First cluster error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ER on last cluster ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get continueous cluster ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Access sector return error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: access last cluster ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not valid file handle. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Access more then file size.tolBytes = %d , uiFilePos = %d , uiFileSize = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Access First cluster error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get continueous cluster fs_fwrite size= %d, time = %d ms ,p=%d KB/s fs_fread size = %d, time = %d ms ,p=%d KB/s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FS init status not OK ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no free File handle. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pPath is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pPath is empty ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Path : %s%s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path length limit (%d chars) has reached! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Path length limit (%d chars) has reached! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open Src Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Src file is read only ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open Dst Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Write Dst DIRENTRY Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Clear Cluster Link Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Store FAT Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: file %s has existed. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: open file %s fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Rename fail, doesn't support long name ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UpdateDirEntry fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: close file fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Store BitMap error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Bit already Set BitMap[%d] = 0X%08X ,Index = %d Cluster = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Bit already Free BitMap[%d] = 0X%08X ,Index = %d Cluster = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Bit already Set BitMap[%d]=0X%08X ,Index=%d Cluster=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Bit already Free BitMap[%d]=0X%08X ,Index=%d Cluster=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: clus=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: clus %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fat_SwapPage fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: illegal cluster value: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: excess max cluster value %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: try to get End cluster value ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: param error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pBitMapBuf is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WantNum (%d) < 1 or KFS_FAT_MAX_CONT_CLUST (%d) < 1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FAT buff may be overwrited ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Store FAT1 page error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Store FAT2 page error File%d, name=%s, openMode=%c, speedAccess=%d Fsearch%d, name=%s User config not supprt exFAT ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Data Abort in Segment mode ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write sector fail StartSect %d,NumSects.%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: reading root error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No FreeClus ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: startByte+bytesToWrite(%d) > SizePerCluster(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: startByte+bytesToRead(%d) > SizePerCluster(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: startByte=%d,bytesToRead=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Detect illegal access of cluster value %d . Set FAT Status Fail!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: KFS_IllegalAccessClusValue. Set FAT Status Fail!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No more free file Handle ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MBR Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: KFS_MBR_SystemIdentify %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: read Sector Err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: User Config FileSystem not supprt exFAT ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parsing PBR FAIL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Card Cluster Size: %dKB is bigger than Cluster Buffer: %dKB ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: total Sectors in PBR not match Storage Set ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Storage Sector Counts:0x%x , FAT PBR Sector Counts:0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: init FAT cache fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer is not enough : Set 0x%x ,Need 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FatBitMapBufSize 0x%x != 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get Sector buffer fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parsing Disk info fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileSys not opened ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Size is 16KB align %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Size is Out of Range %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: param_id %d not support ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pFile is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fromwhere %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: filename is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DirCB is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pSrcPath is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pDstPath is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pNewname is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pCopyInfo is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wFileName is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pAttrib is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pLabelName is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: info_id %d not support ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WriteFile to NULL buffer ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ReadFile to NULL buffer ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: creDateTime is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: modDateTime is NULL << FileSystem Partition Info >> PartitionType 0x%08X SectPerClus 0x%08X NumOfFATs 0x%08X PBRSectorAddr 0x%08X szOEMName %s BytesPerSec 0x%08X ResvdSectCnt 0x%08X RootEntryCnt 0x%08X FATStartSec 0x%08X TolSectors 0x%08X MaxClusterValue 0x%08X RootClus 0x%08X RootDirSectors 0x%08X DataStartSect 0x%08X FreeClusterNum 0x%08X FirstFreeCluster 0x%08X SizePerCluster 0x%08X BkBootSec 0x%08X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: already opened ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Please call FileSys_InstallID() firstly ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Work Buffer Addr is 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Work Buffer Size is 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Buffer Addr =0x%x not Word Align ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: filePath is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: open mode=%c, can't write ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiBufSize(%d) !=write size(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Request bytes(%d) and return bytes(%d) not equal ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileSize=%lld, pos =%lld, seekFrom=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not support open mode (0x%x) FST : Free DiskSpace is not enough Free Space Size : 0x%-x(H),0x%-x Cluster Size : 0x%-x FAT Type : %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Copy src %s not found ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No Enough Free Space ! FileSize %u is greater than free space %ull ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Set invalid disk label, len=%d (Should be 4~14, including A:\) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File system init fail and will idle. %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FST_CMDSysInit fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Re-open current storage fail. %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: we don't have any active sotrage. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Re-open specified storage fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s fail! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: dir/file is not exist ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path %s not a folder ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path %s not a file ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Rename file fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: read folder cluster %d data error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Abort deleting folder files! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write folder cluster %d data error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Chg to disk fail FilesysTsk FsBackground_Task FLG_ID_FILESYS FLG_ID_FSBACKGROUND FLG_ID_FS_BUFF SEMID_FSAPI SEMID_FSVAR SEMID_FILESYS SEMID_FSBACKGROUND DiskSize=%d KB freeSpace=%d KB segwrite mode en=%d segread mode en=%d Task sts=%d Task init Ready=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pBuf is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No storage to benchmark! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No storage to format! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File Entry Pointer is NULL , Check File Handle Allocation !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CAL :CheckuSum 0x%x , OriCheckSum:0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fs_LockSectorBuf fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: read data error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: read data error. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [entry]CAL :CheckuSum 0x%x , OriCheckSum:0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get buffer error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get free cluster error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Got new cluster = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Entry Type is wrong pDirEntry Addr :0X%X ,Data: 0X%X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Entry Type is wrong : 0X%X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Update UPLayer must be FOLDER !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: result %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get function table fail, volume=%c ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No FreeClus1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No FreeClus %d dumpSector pbuf = 0X%X , Size = 0X%X SpeedTest : Start (Include File Open/Close time) ----- File Size: %d Bytes SpeedTest : Start (Exclude File Open/Close time) ----- A:\FS_SPD.TST Create : Fail Write : Fail Write Time: %d ms, Speed = %d Bytes/ms Read : Fail Read Time : %d ms, Speed = %d Bytes/ms Remove : Fail Benchmark : End ----- Benchmark : Start ----- Remove Time: %d ms ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write MBR fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write backup BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Extended Boot Sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Backup Extended Boot Sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Main OEM Parameters fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Backup OEM Parameters fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Main Reserved fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Backup Reserved fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write Main boot checksum fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write 1st FAT sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write FAT sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write 1st BitMap sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write %dth BitMap sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write 1st up-case sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write %dth up-case sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write 1st dir entry sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write %dth dir entry sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get buf ERR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [fmt]write MBR fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [fmt]write backup BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [fmt]write backup FS_INFO fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write reserved boot sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write reserved boot sector2 fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [fmt]clear FAT fail, sector addr: 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write FAT1 fail, sector addr: 0x%0x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write FAT2 fail, sector addr: 0x%0x ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: UserData 0x%x not align 0x%x ,relatSec=%d, RsvSec=%d, SecPerFat=%d, root=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unkonw cmd %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FST_STA_FAT_ERR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: file system not initial yet. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exceeds FILEDB_NUM(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: This Handle is not in used(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: TblSize too samll Need=0x%x,tblszie=0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong Index(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Insert sort type %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong fileDbHandle(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FileDB NOT created! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Filesys Error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Directory Deepth over limit ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Abort !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Directory Deepth over DCF limit ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File DB are all used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Index(%d) Exceeds Max File Number ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Index(%d) Exceeds Max Dyan Mem size ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Index(%d) Exceeds Max Static Mem size ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Index(%d) GetFileAttr Error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: FontToYuv:GX_IMAGE_PIXEL_FMT_YUV422_PACKED Only! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Memory Require 0x%08X! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Stamp memory alloc-1 fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Stamp memory alloc-2 fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Stamp memory alloc-3.1 fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Stamp memory alloc-3.2 fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed to rotate ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed to rotate GxImg_InitBuf ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed to rotate GxImg_ScaleData Check FWSRV_CMD_MAXDATA...%s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wrong fw header. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: all in one header's check sum fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wrong res header. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer need more %d bytes ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pat%d, res check sum fail. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pat%d, res check src fail. FWSRV_FLG_ID FWSRV_SEM_ID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_EndDraw - ERROR! EndDraw before BeginDraw. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_Flip - ERROR ! Flip before EndDraw. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxDisplay_Flip - WARNING ! No BeginDraw~EndDraw, ignore this Flip. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_BeginDraw - ERROR! BeginDraw before EndDraw. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_BeginDraw - ERROR! Swapping by COPY is failed. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_Flush - ERROR! Still under drawing, cannot init DC. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_Get - ERROR! Out of state. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_Set - ERROR! Out of state. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_GetPalette - ERROR! Cannot get palette in this format. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_SetPalette - ERROR! Cannot load default palette for this format. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: GxDisplay_ExitLayer() - WARNING! Layer is not initialized, ignore. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_InitLayer() - ERROR! Too may buffers. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_InitLayer() - ERROR! Single buffer only DISCARD swapping effect. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_InitLayer() - ERROR! Buffer size is not enough. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxDisplay_InitLayer() - ERROR! Some buffer address is not assigned. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: flashControl(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Please install ID firstly SEMID_GXFLASH ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pixel format %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pSrcImg is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pSrcImg is not initialized ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pSrcImg->PxlAddr[0] is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pos x=%d, y=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Region w=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Region h=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pImgBuf is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pImgBuf is not initialized ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pVirtualCoord is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pVirtualCoord w=%d, h=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pDstImg is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pDstImg is not initialized ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dst x= %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dst y= %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: scale srcW=%04d,srcH=%04d,dstW=%04d,dstH=%04d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ParmID=%d,value=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ParmID=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pDstImg->PxlAddr[0] is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pSrcImg->PxlFmt %d != pDstImg->PxlFmt %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SrcRgn x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SrcRgn x=%d > img w=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SrcRgn y=%d > img h=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Clip Rect NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pImgBuf is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PxlAddr is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: LineOff is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Addr is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NeedSize 0x%x > Available size 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In lineoff %d not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: tmpBufSize size %d < Need Size %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: outImgSize size %d > inImgSize %d, but buffer is not continue ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: alphaPlane is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: validW=%d validH=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pSrcImg->PxlFmt(%d) != pKeyImg->PxlFmt(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: alpha %d > 256 Not support ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pos x=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pos x= %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pos y= %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Rotate pImgBuf is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: dstBufSize size %d < Need Size %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: scale down factor over %d, SrcW=%d,SrcH=%d,DstW=%d,DstH=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: scale up factor over %d, SrcW=%d,SrcH=%d,DstW=%d,DstH=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In W(%d) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out W(%d) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In H(%d) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In Addr[0](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In Addr[1](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out Addr[0](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out Addr[1](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In lineOff[0](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In lineOff[1](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out lineOff[0](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out lineOff[1](0x%x) not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ime_setMode error .. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Use FW scale instead ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: scale factor over %d, SrcW=%d,SrcH=%d,DstW=%d,DstH=%d ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: In UV Addr not %d byte aligned, auto truncate ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Out UV Addr not %d byte aligned, auto truncate ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: In lineoff not %d byte aligned ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out lineoff not %d byte aligned ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Not Support %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Use FW Scale instead ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: plane %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: UV packed not support V ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Exif data will overlap! Please rearrange buffer. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: pScreennailData will NOT be combined because the callback event, UPDATE_MAKERNOTE, about screennail info is NOT complete. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: pScreennailData will NOT be combined because of MakerNote error. ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: pScreennailData will NOT be combined since there is no EXIF data to record screennail info. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter Error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiCompressedRatio should NOT be greater than %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiQuality should NOT be greater than %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter Error! ScaleDownLevel=%d ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Width or height is NOT MCU aligned! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Format doesn't support ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unknown quant table type! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PARAMETER ERROR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter Error! uiWholeFileSize=0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Please read more file data for parsing PrimaryData! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [GxKey_GetData]no this attribute KeyCode 0x%x g_bDumpTouch = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PowerCtrl(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unknown BattLvl %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp High ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp Med ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp Cold ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp low ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp medium -> normal ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp low -> normal ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Charge Temp cold -> low autooffen % setofftime % autopwroff battchange % chargecurrent % chargeen % ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s:SndData BULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WavRiff:0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WavWave:0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: WavFmt :0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_GetSoundDataByID Idx=%d out range=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_SetSoundTable:soundAryCnt=0x%x,pSoundAry=0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_GetSoundSRByID Idx=%d out range=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s:devCnt=%d,devAry=0x%x Warn,HDMI but Out=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s: Sound Module Not Open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_PlayTone:Sts=%d,En=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PWM Open Fail=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_PlayToneStop: Not Playing now ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_Control: Sound Module Not Open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxSound_Control: Not Support cmd=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s:evt=%d,SndData NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s:Unevt=%d,SndData BULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s:idx=%d,max=%d PlaySound data is NULL ^RsndDataSize=%d PlaySound Addr=0x%x,Size=0x%x is NULL _GxSound_Play fail GxSound_InitAudio: already open Sound_InitAudio: open fail GxSound_InitAudioSettingData:Opened,Can Not Set Init-Data PlaySoundTsk FLG_ID_SOUND NT96650 SDK Copyright (c) 2012 Novatek Microelectronic Corp. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unknown PowerOn Src = %d ^MSxJob {%s} begin ^MSxJob {%s} end ^MSxJob (id=%02x) is not found! ignore. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: open failed ######## Sx Timer old (Cnt Base = %d ms)######## ######################################################################## ^RID=%02d, Active=%d, TimerCnt=%02d(interval=%d ms), FunctionName= %s ID=%02d, Active=%d, TimerCnt=%02d(interval=%d ms), FunctionName= %s PrimaryTsk DetectSrvTsk FLG_ID_MAIN FLG_ID_PRIMARY ######## Gx Timer (Base = %d ms)####### Timer[%02d]= TimerNameID(%d), Interval=%d, Active=%d, Type=%d, Couting=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Duplicated eventID=%d (TimerID=%d)!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxTimer FULL!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Timer eventID %d SEMID_GXTIMER ^YUSB 2.5mA ^YUSB 100mA ^YUSB 500mA ^YUSB 1.5A CONNECT to PC CONNECT to Charging PC CONNECT to CHARGER ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CONNECTION UNKNOWN! ^BUSB Plug ^BUSB Fast Unplug ^BUSB Unplug ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: skipped! devctrl=0x%02X (locked) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: devctrl=0x%02X not support! device = [N/A], lockdevice = [N/A] lockdevice = [%s] device = [%s], state = [%s], mode = [0x%02x, %dx%d] ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: still under lock! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: invalid obj! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: still under unlock! GxVideo_ExitDevice() fail, DOUT1 not locked LCD level = %d chkflicker 1000 frm time = %d us IDE1_CLK=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IDE1 is not enabled!!! PLL2 = %dMhz, IDE-Clock Div=%d, pixel-clock=%f ================================================================= == Video-1 Video-2 OSD-1 OSD-2 == Format %4d %4d %4d %4d Enable %4d %4d %4d %4d fps %f frame per second Buf Width(pix) %4d %4d %4d %4d Buf Height %4d %4d %4d %4d Buf Loff %4d %4d %4d %4d Win Width %4d %4d %4d %4d Win Height %4d %4d %4d %4d BandWidth %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f Total BW %f MB per second Output Timing: H-Sync=%d H-Total=%d H-Start=%d H-End=%d Output Timing: V-Sync=%d V-Total=%d Vodd-Start=%d Vodd-End=%d Veven-Start=%d Veven-End=%d Note: Format Code (0): Palette-4bit (1): Palette-2bit (2): Palette-1bit Note: Format Code (3): Palette-8bit (4): YUV444 (5): YUV422 Note: Format Code (6): YUV420 (7): ARGB4565 (8): ARGB8565 Note: Format Code (9): YUV422PACK (10): YUV420PACK CLK Drive: 2 mA CLK Drive: 4 mA CLK Drive: 6 mA CLK Drive: 8 mA IDE2_CLK=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IDE2 is not enabled!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get Thumb Callback function is NULL!... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File Read Callback fpReadCB is NULL!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Work buffer size is not enough!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File Container Initialized fails... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parse Header fails... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No User Data in file... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No Thumb frame in file... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Decoding Thumbnail frame fails... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: File read buffer size for video frame is not enough!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Decoding 1st frame fails... %s: TargetByte, Width or Height is 0 %s: Not supported format Lens Obj not registered! Motor Obj not registered! ^R LENS ERROR: Lens Obj not registered! ^R LENS ERROR: %s Lens_semid init error ^R LENS ERROR: %s, state incorrect, (%d) ^R LENS ERROR: %s, State incorrect, (%d) ^R LENS ERROR: No focus calibration data! ^R LENS ERROR: Buf size isn't enough for AF cal data! ^R LENS ERROR: Init wrong state ^R LENS ERROR: %s param error!! ^R LENSTSK ERROR: #LensCtrlBGTsk ^R LENSTSK ERROR: #IQS_SettingFlowFunc Create AVI Obj OK Index Table Recovery function is not called yet!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [RECOVER]Nidx version wrong!! = 0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [RECOVER]Cannot recover!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IDX1 buffer is not enough!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [RECOVER] header size22 =0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Recover] Read file error 0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: new cluster size = 0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: using now cluster size = 0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pos = 0x%lx not NIDX tag!! ERROR!! cbReadFile=NULL!!! Need filesize, call SetInfo() firstly! Need cluster size, call SetInfo() firstly! Need more buffer size = %d!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Recovery] Header size zero !!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Recovery] Header size =0x%lx more than defined value 0x%lx!!! videoMax=0x%lX, audioMax=0x%lX videoaddr=0x%lX, audioaddr=0x%lX type=%x, 1=0x%lx,2=0x%lx! NEED videoTotalFrame! NEED audioTotalFrame! NEED TEMPidx1 addr! NEED nowPos! clusterSize cannot be zero! AVI Make Header failed... ERROR!! set video entry p1=0x%lx, p2 = 0x%lx! ERROR!! set audio entry p1=0x%lx, p2 = 0x%lx! ERROR!! update video entry p1=0x%lx, p2 = 0x%lx! TEMPIDX1ADDR should not zero!!! recovery file size should not zero!!! ERROR!! cbWriteFile=NULL!!! DataHandler SoundHandler VideoHandler ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: v%d[%d].p=0x%lx,s=0x%lx! headerLen=0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [RECOVER] MOV NO NIDX!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: cannot recover, version code NOT match 0x%lx!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: h264len =0x%lx! something error!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Recover] MOV new cluster size = 0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [Recover] MOV using now cluster size = 0x%lx! Need more than 2M, not = %d!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AAC encode error: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AAC encoder config error: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MP_AACEnc_setInfo:setinfo AUDRAWADDR ERROR! type=%d, p1=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MP_AACEnc_setInfo:setinfo ERROR! type=%d, p1=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AAC decode error %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unused audio data BufferFULL!! unused=0x%lx, buffersize=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AAC decoder init error %d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: encodeOne ERROR! bstr[%d] size is 0! %s::%s():%d: get bstr[%d]: addr=0x%08X, size=%lu %s::%s():%d: H264 desc addr = 0x%X, size = 0x%X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: setinfo ERROR! type=%d, p1=0x%lx, p2=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: setinfo ERROR! totalBStrVFN=%d, max=%d! %s::%s():%d: bstr total vfn = %ld %s::%s():%d: bstr[%d] info: addr=0x%08X, size=%lu ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: 264 buffer not enough 1=0x%lx, 2=0x%lx!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: H264 Reorder queue display buffer empty !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: H264> Display buffer empty !! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Init H264 Decoder fails !!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: h264decfrmnum > MP_H264_IMAGE_QUEUE_NUM!!!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Enc timeout! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: BS start addr > end addr! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: encode B err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: encode I/P err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wait I/P encode err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get I/P encode bs err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wait B encode err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get B encode bs err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fps > 30 but not multiple of 15! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: init H264 encoder err %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: setinfo ERROR! type=%d, p1=0x%lx, p2=0x%lx, p3=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: With B frame, but frame number in 1 GOP is not 15! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Current display frame %d is not ready! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get [%d] from queue, but was empty! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Free [%d] from queue, but was empty! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Add [%d] to queue, but was ready! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Add [%d] to queue, but was used! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: With B frame, but frame number in 1 GOP is not 15 nor 30! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong parameter %d, disable 3DNR! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: error JPG header ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Jpg_ParseHeader error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Encode JPEG Failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Old param, not support now! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: setinfo AUDRAWADDR ERROR! type=%d, p1=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: setinfo ERROR! type=%d, p1=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MP_PCMEnc_getInfo error p1 = 0! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unused audio data BufferFULL!!unused = 0x%lx, buffersize=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MP_PCMDec_setInfo:setinfo error p1= 0x%lx, p2=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GETINFO_NOWOUTRAWADDR err: p1 or p2 is zero!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: setinfo error p1= 0x%lx, p2=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MsdcNvtCallback: Data Size Wrong, %d(Host) != %d(Device) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wrong version ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MsdcNvt_Init(): uiSizeCache minimum need %d bytes ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Handled ID: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unknown command id: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Initial ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: data exceed %d Bytes ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Call Map Wrong! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: gCtrl.fpCall==%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No Found: %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: function index out of range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not locked! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Bk is Running ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: already locked! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Is Running ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: has not been initial ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Handled ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Closed, due to buffer not empty,pDbgSys->uiMsgIn=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NvUSB.dll is version too old MsdcNvtTsk MSDCNVT_FLG_ID MSDCNVT_SEM_ID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Not Support to DISPDEV_TYPE = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid iSel ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unknown Format ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Unsupport MsdcNvtCb_DispCfgGet MsdcNvtCb_DispVdoBufGetCurrIdx MsdcNvtCb_DispEngineEnableSet MsdcNvtCb_DispPaletteGet MsdcNvtCb_DispPaletteSet MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaEnableSet MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaTblGetSize MsdcNvtCb_DispIcstGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_DispIcstSet MsdcNvtCb_DispIcstGet MsdcNvtCb_DispSaturationGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_DispSaturationSet MsdcNvtCb_DispContrastGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_DispContrastSet MsdcNvtCb_DispBrightnessGetInfo MsdcNvtCb_DispBrightnessSet MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaRTblSetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaRTblGetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaGTblSetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaGTblGetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaBTblSetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispGammaBTblGetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiTblGetSize MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiHTblSetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiHTblGetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiSTblSetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiSTblGetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiITblSetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispHsiITblGetTbl MsdcNvtCb_DispSetActiveIde MsdcNvtCb_DispGetActiveIde ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not initial yet! MsdcNvtCb_FileGetWorkingMemory MsdcNvtCb_FileCopyPcToDevice MsdcNvtCb_FileCopyDeviceToPc MsdcNvtCb_FileDeleteDeviceFile ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: p_pbxEditParam is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pOutImg is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: workBuff is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: workBufSize is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Param Num %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NlightLevel %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid pixel format %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Memory not Enough %d < %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CropRgn is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NewWidth is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NewHeight is Null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: cmd=%d ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Not find red eye ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Red eye Detect error, code = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SectionID not found ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: error pattern ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Release access right fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Write uiSectionID %d,Enable %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out of range 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: check %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PStore has not opened yet. PStore information Signature : 0x%x PStore size : 0x%x Number of sections : %d PStore uiMaxBlkPerSec : 0x%x PStore version : %d PStore Drv version : %d PStore Free Space : 0x%x Section information Section ID name size ---------------------------------- %d %15s 0x%08x Opend section Section ID Section name %d %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: gSectionDesc 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: sec ID %d check sum error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PStore not open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: param error.buf 0x%x length 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Section not open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Section not found ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not read operation.(Name:%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: size too large %d<%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not write operation.(Name:%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Section:%d isn't Write Enable ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No Free Space:%x ulStartAddress:%x ulDataLength:%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: update fail uiSectionSize:%x ulStartAddress:%x ulDataLength:%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Data compare failed [%d]:%x %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^G FREE_SPACE %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PStore has not been init. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid handler %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set block table fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s not close ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: name null. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: warning:name len > %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: operation err.(Name:%s) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: wait %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: waited sig ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No free handle ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %d %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: check sum error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: bRestorePstore ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: section full ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: create table fail(ID%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_getSecTable fail(ID%d) ^YRead section %s 0x%X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiBufSize 0x%x too small ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: open fail 0x%s A:\PS\DESC0.txt A:\PS\DESC1.txt A:\PS\Head1.txt A:\PS\Head2.txt ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer not alignment ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiHeadBufSize 0x%x need 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Please call PStore_InstallID() ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: param NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: init head fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PStore is 0xFF ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CheckSum zero ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CheckSum error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Version mismatch V:%d PStore V:%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Drv Version mismatch V:%d PStore V:%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiSectionNum:%d out of range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: partition fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: drv fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pStrgObj:%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pFmtStruct null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiMaxSec out of range %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiMaxBlkPerSec out of range %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiMaxBlkPerSec %d uiMaxSec %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: blk size 0x%x can not devide tbl size 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: format fail FLG_ID_PSTORE SEMID_PS_SEC1 SEMID_PS_SEC2 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: STRG_GET_SECTOR_SIZE fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: STRG_GET_CAP_TAB fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Section[%d] : BlockNum = 0x%X BlockNum = 0x%X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DataAdd 0x%x Out of range 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Blk 0x%x is header area ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Blk 0x%x Out of range 0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_erase ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No more free block ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PS size is zero ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Block table 0x%x is not enough 0x%x blk ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Block size is zero ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set Buffer fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Open driver fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Close driver fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: can't update backup header %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: can't update any header ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out of range %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: write data to block %d fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid logic block number %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Read logic %ld failed. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: blk %03d duplicate used! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Read logic block %03d error ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Data length is zero ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Invalid logic block address %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: exceeds a block. (A block = %d bytes.) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Read logical %ld failed. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Write logical %ld failed. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: first block is 0xFF ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_setSectionHead 0 failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_setSectionHead 1 failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Section doesn't exist ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_setHeadDesc 0 failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_setHeadDesc 1 failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out of range (Addr:%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: No more free logic block number for allocated ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Bytes exceeds a block. (A block = %d bytes.) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ReadBlockSeq error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Start_Block = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: TotalSectionCount = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SectHeadBlockCount = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RemainSectBlockCount = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Pstore Logical Block = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_checkHeaderBlockNum %d failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Check 1st Header Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Check 2nd Header Fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_checkSingleSectionByHeader block %d failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_getHeadDesc failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ps_getSectionHead failed ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get header fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dump Desc fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dump Head1 fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Dump Head2 fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiBufSize 0x%X too small ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Out of range %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Data is not existence(Section ID:%d Addr:0x%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Data is not existence(Section ID:%d Addr:0x%x)%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Data doesn't exist(Section ID:%d Addr:0x%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Restore PS_HEAD 1 ucNumBlock %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Restore PS_HEAD 2 ucNumBlock %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not init. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiPart:%d is out of range:%d. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiPart:%d, compressed data only allow 2 parts ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Part[%d]: Begin(%08X)>End(%08X) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed to RdSectors-1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: working buf size have to be %d bytes. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Failed to RdSectors-2 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: working buf size have to be larger than %d bytes. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Uncompress data size not match real_end=%08X, cacu_end=%08X ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR BCF Header ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: E_NOEXS ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: invalid version. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: init twice. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RSection[%d] is invalid ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RLoaded Addr 0x(%08X)!= Verified Addr 0x(%08X) ^[ SceneRender_HDR_calBufferSize ] - input Y lineoffset size small than image width, please check... ^[ SceneRender_HDR_calBufferSize ] - input C lineoffset size small than image width, please check... ^R[ SceneRender_calRTXGain ] - error - Input data bit less than 10bit! ^[ SceneRender_HDR_YCC ] - input Y lineoffset size small than image width, please check... ^[ SceneRender_HDR_YCC ] - input C lineoffset size small than image width, please check... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [SizeConvert] invalid alignType = 0x%lx!!! SizeConvert ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: [SizeConvert] using defalut, aligh to 32! Msdc_ChgStrgObject() can be used for detached LUN!! Msdc_ChgStrgObject(): Error Lun Number!! MSDC Get Config err %s: Msdc_InstallID should be invoked first MSDC Buffer Err! MSDC:USB Host No Response Msdc_CacheTsk write error! Msdc_CacheTsk read error! USBMSDC_CLOSE: state is close!! MSDC WRITE10 error phase 1 Storage is write protected MSDC WRITE10 storage error 2 MSDC WRITE10 error phase 2 MSDC WRITE10 storage error 1 MSDC READ10 error phase 2 MSDC READ10 storage error MSDC READ10 error phase 3 Strg State Err LUN %d: Failed to open changed storage Failed to open LUN %d Waiting for the reset recovery Ready for the next CBW Invalid CBW received FLG_ID_USBCLASS Msdc_StrgTsk Msdc_CacheTsk Please register REQ from 0x21 to 0xFF Uvc_SetImageQuality: Set Quality = %ld Uvc_SetImageSize: Set OutSizeID = %ld USBPccSetFrameRate: Set FrameRate = %ld PCC: -ER- get buffer error. Uvc_VideoTsk: OutSizeID = %ld, uiOutWidth = %ld, uiOutHeight = %ld Uvc_VideoTsk: JPEG exceeded buffer size !!! PCC JPG Error???... Uvc_VideoTsk: g_fpSetPCC2CapRaw is NULL!! g_fpSetPCC2Cap: uiAddrJpg = 0x%08X, SizeJpg = 0x%08X Uvc_VideoTsk: g_fpSetPCC2Cap is NULL!! UPCC Start Video CallBack is NULL UPCC Get Video Buffer CallBack is NULL Uvc_Open: disable UVC, enable CAP and BulkOut Uvc_Open: enable UVC, disable CAP and BulkOut PCC:USB Host No Response PccOpen: open timer fail. FLG_ID_USBCLASS_PCC Uvc_VideoTsk UVC:[VS Commit control] Not imp UVC:[VC error control] Not imp UVC:[SU Select control] Not imp UVC:[VS Probe control --GET_RES] Not imp UVC: Unsupported CONTROLs UVC:Cannot handle this interface] %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Jpg_ASyncDec NOT opened yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Decode timeout ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Input Bitstream NG! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Jpg_ASyncDec has opened ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: value error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: attribute error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Jpg_ASyncEncOpen NOT opened yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Encode BS Buffer is too small. Re-asign BS buffer. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error Status(0x%X) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PARAMETER ERROR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error! DC Mode Setting ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: Wait for JPEG ready. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Initial QF should be in the range of 1~512. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Target size setting error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: JPGBSBufSize should NOT be smaller than UBoundByte in BRC mode! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Reach BRC limitation! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Only YUV420/422 support BRC ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Reach BRC re-try count limitation(%d)! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error! Frame Size = %d x %d, Panel Size = %d x %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Parameter Error! YUVFormat = %x ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: [DCout] Force X ratio to 1 ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: [DCout] Force Y ratio to 1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ReadExif fails...0x%x! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DispIdx = %d SE_ClientL2R ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiWorkBuf is NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: uiWorkBufSize 0x%x file size = 0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: MP_AVIUti_moviParse: Get H264 SPS/PPS Fail!! ERROR!! check ID ERROR!!! ERROR!! buf=0!!! Need filesize, call MovReadLib_SetInfo() firstly! AudBytesPerSec=%d!!! ERROR!! 11block size must larger than 0x%lx !! ERROR!! 22block size must larger than 0x%lx !! IDX1 ERROR!!idx pos 0x%lx! > file size = 0x%lx! ERROR!! Parse Header Error code: %d!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Mov header error: parse MOOV error 0x%lx ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Mov header error: MDAT tag not found at 0x04 ! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: moovError, so finished!!! This MOV is not a IPB file.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERR!!! 1=0x%lx, 2=0x%lx, 3=0x%lx! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: framenum not enough! max=%d, frameN=%d! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: need more size for MEDIAREADLIB_SETINFO_ENTRYBUF!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: this file parsing error!!!!! 1=%d, 2=%d! 222needBufSize 0x%lx to parse Header!!! 222MOOV not found! ERROR!! bufaddr=NULL!!! needBufSize 0x%lx to parse Header!!! MOOV not found! null parser mov parser avi parser CAF MSG:----->Zoom Change %d CAF MSG:----->reset init CAF ERR:CAF: Focus out of boundary %d!!!! #AF_SearchFullRange #wait VD done %s: step=%d, tempVA=%d, maxVA=%d ^R%s: maxIdx=%d, maxVA=%d Get Variation FP is null!! AF(%d) start ready AF(%d) start failed AF alg search mode incorrect! AFDRV ERR:^RToo far! AFDRV ERR:^RCan't do AF prediction:%d AFDRV ERR:^RToo Near! ^R No AF window specified! AF Info------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZoomSec = %d OriPeak = %ld PredictPeak = %ld Sts = %08lx UI setting: AF mode=%d, AF Win=%d AFDRV ERR:ERROR!! Exception AFWindow! AFALG ERR:ERROR!!Must choose AFWindow ^RVA win index out of bound! AFALG ERR:ERROR!! AF step more than 256!!! AFALG ERR:^RToo Far! ^RReached boundary AFALG ERR:^RToo Near! IdxOverRun:%d ^GBingo!- Win:%d, MaxPos:%d, curve_cnt:%d, curve_num:%d, VaMax:%d AFALG ERR:AFALG status=0x%.8x, Window=%d, Peak=%d, offset=%d #Entered af_start, F_ID=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: status fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: get Ctrl Obj fail!!!! #Entered AF_Tsk ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: status error (%d) (0x%.8x)!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ID fail %d!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AF proc all closed!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Ctrl Status Fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AF proc already opened %d #Register AF event table. AfTaskObj[i].FlagID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AE_setFrame error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AE_WIN mode = %d ExpectY = %ld Add_Y = %ld LumY = %ld PrvEV_Value = %ld PrvLV = %ld CapEV_Value = %ld CapLV = %ld Prv_ISOGain = %ld Prv_ExpoTime = %ld Prv_Iris = %ld Cap_ISOGain = %ld Cap_ExpoTime = %ld Cap_Iris = %ld %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AvgY(%d) out of range(%d %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AEAFD: sensor dont support to set frame ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %3d %3d %8d %3d %7d, %3d, %d, %d %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ---------------------------- ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ERROR only support 64 bins ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AEAlg_allot parameter error AeCurve = 0x%.8x and Info = 0x%.8x A:\CA_DUMP.RAW %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d FOMi_Th = %d FOMs_Th = %d ValidBlocks = %d Condition(Up, Low) = %d %d DetectedBlocks = %d ^R50Hz Found ^R60Hz Found ^RUnknow Found --> %s <--- A:\aeafd%03d.txt ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AE proc all closed!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AE proc already opened %d AeTaskObj[i].FlagID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GAE set to %d, %d, %d RGain = %ld GGain = %ld BGain = %ld Weight Table: (%3ld %3ld %3ld) Cal_RGB : %3ld %3ld %3ld ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ER_code = %d, AWBCnt = %d, GAIN = (%3d %3d %3d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RInvalidate AWB result ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AWB proc all closed!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: AWB proc already opened %d AwbTaskObj[i].FlagID Read awb calibration data ok! Read awb calibration data failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: KGain = %d %d Write awb calibration data ok! Write awb calibration data failed! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GDelete AWB sector...OK Flash Info------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flash Enable = %d, Redeye = %d, ET = %d, ISO = %d NoFlashY = %d, PreflashY = %d, PreflashWidth = %d, Mainflash = %d, CapBackLum = %d, CapFlashCompensation = %d NoflashRgain = %d, NoflashBgain = %d, PreFlashRgain = %d, PreflashBgain = %d, CapflashRgain = %d, CapflashBgain = %d Noflash R = %d, G = %d, B = %d, CapFlashR = %d, CapFlashG = %d, CapFlashB = %d Noflash CA: %4d %4d %4d Preflash CA: ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Preflash=%d FLASHLIGHT ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Width=%d, Lum=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Flash test finish!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Noflash=%d Preflash=%d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: flash_PreFlashFlow Sample ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL_SEL_WDR is out of range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GIPL_FCB_AlgWDR = %d.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GWDR ON.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GWDR OFF.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: runtime set DCE interface not ready ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^G3DNR on.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^G3DNR off.. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: capture flow(%d) FP null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RMust set RTXTimes for SEL_IMAGEEFFECT_WDR ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IFE2_IQparam() param mode(%d) selection error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IME_IQparam() param mode(%d) selection error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPE_IQparam() param mode(%d) selection error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IFE_IQparam() param mode(%d) selection error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE_IQparam() param mode(%d) selection error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PRE_IQparam() param mode(%d) selection error! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R-E- MsgID(%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport IPL flow %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path id fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport CA type %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: error act size (%d %d) < crop Size(%d %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport signal type %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport Data Type %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CA VIG Setting not ready ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport EventId flow %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer overflow Y(org 0x%.8x > new 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer overflow UV(org 0x%.8x > new 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: error ch0 output size (%d %d) < crop Size(%d %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CA PPB buffer error %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PathEnIdx error %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer(%d %d) size < image(%d %d) size ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SIEclk = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: event fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: flow map fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer mismatch(0x%.8x, 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SenNum fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^RInvalidate video fps ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^Rsensor mode map fail %d %s W = %d,H = %d sie = %d ms ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ModeIdx = %d overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SIE Ch0 out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SIE Ch2 out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SIE VA out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SIE CA out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPE VA out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPE LCA out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPE V out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IFE2 LCA out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IME P1 out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IME P2 out Buffer number error (%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IME P3 out Buffer number error (%d) SIE_RAW_CH0_1 SIE_RAW_CH0_2 SIE_RAW_CH0_3 SIE_RAW_CH2_1 SIE_RAW_CH2_2 IPEIFE2_LCA_1 IPEIFE2_LCA_2 PHOTOFRAME ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Wrong Dzoom Mode ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: cmd index overflow %d < %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %d CmdObj null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: -E- Cmd fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %d proc fp null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: -E- Cmd NULL %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: register get command table overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: register set command table overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: VAWin0 disable ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: VAWin1 disable ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: VAWin2 disable ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: VAWin index fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL_SetIme fail (Current Mode = %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport status(current mode %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL_SetDZoom fail (Current Mode = %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL_SetDZoom fail (cur:%d max:%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL chg mode error (%d -> %d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL chg mode fail (%d mode to %d) A:\FPGA\RESAVE\Rdata.RAW A:\FPGA\RESAVE\Gdata.RAW A:\FPGA\RESAVE\Bdata.RAW ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: save ycc raw ok ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: patch api: GetIplFlow() into ipl_mode_xxx.c . flow = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not implement ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no this op ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: data dirty ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: data is 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: support no lut shift ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: support no Hfilter Change ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE runChg test fail(aber) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE runChg test fail(center) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE runChg test fail(fov) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE runChg test fail(enh) setdzoom % setdzoomin % setdzoomout % setimepath % getimepath % getcurmode % getcurbuf % setsleep % setwakeup % setimgratio % getcapmaxrawinfo % runchgtest % ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert 2 photo frame format fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert 2 data stamp format fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert 2 af id fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert 2 awb id fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert 2 ae id fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert 2 sen id fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert sen start pixel fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert sen ratio fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: convert alg info raw bit fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: cal yuv size fail %d %d %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: set cont buffer fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: y infor conv fail %d IQS_PRESemiId IQS_IPESemiId IQS_IMESemiId IQS_IFESemiId IQS_IFE2SemiId IQS_DCESemiId A:\IQS\QV\IME.BIN A:\IQS\QV\SIE.BIN A:\IQS\QV\PRE.BIN A:\IQS\QV\IFE.BIN A:\IQS\QV\DCE.BIN A:\IQS\QV\IPE.BIN A:\IQS\QV\IFE2Y.BIN A:\IQS\QV\IFE2CC.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\IFE2Y.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\IFE2CC.BIN A:\IQS\QV\IMED2D.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\SIE.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\PRE.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\IFE.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\DCE.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\IPE.BIN A:\IQS\PRI\IME.BIN ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Idx = %d error ********** IPL BUFFER MAP(%d) ********** ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Idx = %d IPL_BUF_NO_USE ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: TabCnt = %d overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Idx = %d overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: buffer(0x%.8x, 0x%.8x) overflow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: resource range(0x%.8x, 0x%.8x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Id = %d error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SelIdx = 0x%.8x error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: SelIdx = %d error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Value = %d(%d) error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: re-close ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: re-open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DZoom queue full %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pre is being used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: dce is being used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ife is being used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ife2 is being used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ime is being used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: pre2ime is being used ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: this eng don't support this operation ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Current Flow(0x%x) is error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: current chg = %d , current status = %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ImeOutSize need to chg first ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: status error(cur:0x%x, tar:0x%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: flow error(%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: engines are being used(0x%x) ICF_Func_Tsk gICF_FlgID gICF_Func_FlgID gIPC_FlgID ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: eng:%d alredy stop ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not supprot ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL_HAL error! Eng: %d, Current op: %x, Target op: %x ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: eng:%d , re-unlock bit:0x%x ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: eng:%d , re-lock bit:0x%x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: eng:%d, bit:0x%x have been lock! m_IPH_FLGID ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: CC_subEn have been lock ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: V_subEn have been lock ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ChromaA have been lock ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Retinex have been lock ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Display buffer is not ready!! IPL_DISPLAY ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Get Path=%d, out of range(0~%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Set Path=%d, out of range(0~%d) Display BufferID is wrong!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Display path out of range(0~%d)!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R %s: re-close ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R %s: re-open resetDisplayCtrlFlow ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DIS frame cnt error!! IPL_DisplayCtrl_Tsk gDisplayCtrl_FlgID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IPL_PProc_RegFunc overlfow %d %d IPL_PProc_Tsk IPL_PPROC_FlgID ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PhotoFrame blending fail %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not ready yet,should connect with dzoom ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: SIE CLK use default clk ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: timing not rdy ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Sen chg_m (> 1 VD) ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ipe CSUB func not support in FlowA ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ipe VSUB func not support in FlowA ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ipe eth func not support in FlowA ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE must have distortion configuration!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: can't close path2 here ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: sie va/ipe va not ready ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: flow not ready, can't end senchgmode correctly ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: can't chg radius ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: func fail ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: this cmd can't control IPE sub output ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: address not rdy ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: logic error,sub out timing will error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: address not rdy! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: repeat time support only 1 time so far ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: still running! ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not rdy! drop(vd:%d), No PostEnd ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: %s ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: RSC not rdy ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no address ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: cc sub out size error ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ipe CSUB func need to be opened when adaption be enabled ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: V sub out size error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ife2 not rdy! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no ife2 output address ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: support only inner mode ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ipe CSUB func connect with ime ChromaAdaptEn ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: ipe VSUB func not support in FlowC ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DCE distortion configuration can't be null ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: repeat can't be 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: in/out packBus must be the same when repeat time over 1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: need to review input size ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: stripe size not ready yet ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: PRE D2D In Out packBus must be the same when Repeat time more than 1 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R chg repeattime to 1 automatically ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fp can't be NULL ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error: 1 column h diff %d exceeds max buffer width %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error: Output min stripe violation ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error: No buffer type match ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error: idstart exceeds search range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error: idend exceeds search range ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error: Stripe %d size %d smaller than min stripe %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: driver not support ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not ready ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no such signal flag ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no such commnad ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: CA table overflow(need size:%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: VA table overflow(need size:%d) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not supported ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: obavg_en must be enabled first if smr_en need to enable ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DPC weight is conflicted with Column DP weight ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: obplane table not ready yet! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: act window size = 0 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: not ready yet ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IFE have no courveMap when format is raw ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: NO CFA start pixel information ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: driver support ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: no such fmt ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: dirver not support ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: table address invalid ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^R %s:%d no such commnad ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: IME(struct length:%d): ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %d: ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: 0x%8x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ime don't support this input format ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: support only signle plan in/single plan out ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: path1 don't support this output format ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Path2 don't support this output format ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Path3 don't support this output format ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: RSC can't be opened ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: only work under BICUBIC ^Y%s::%s():%d-WRN: don't work under IMEALG_INTEGRATION ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: can't update input size when all pathes are disabled ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GObject Motion ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: DiffCnt = %d, Total_diff = %d Check DEVMAN_CMD_MAXDATA...%s No support HDMI mode No support Video Format! Invalid LCDMode %d LcdInf Has not implemented!(%d) Dev1 has not closed! Previous dev1 has not closed! Not Support Act1 = %d Non of DISP1 DEV (%d) Cant chg obj of act dev! Non of DISP1 REG WRITE (%d) Non of DISP1 Rotate (%d) Err BL param Err PWR param No PWR CTL Device not support Device Power down Non of DISP1 REG READ (%d) DISPDEV No Support!(%d) DISPLYR No Support!(%d) DISPCTL No Support!(%d) SET_DEVICE no support! (%d) DISPLAYDEV No Support!(%d) Dev2 has not closed! Previous dev2 has not closed! Not Support Act2 = %d Non of DISP2 DEV (%d) Non of DISP2 REG WRITE (%d) Non of DISP2 Rotate (%d) Err BL2 param No BL2 CTL Err PWR2 param No PWR2 CTL DISPDEV2 No Support!(%d) DISPLYR2 has only vdo1&osd1 DISPLYR2 No Support!(%d) DISPCTL2 No Support!(%d) DISDEVPCTL2 No Support!(%d) (sys dma channel priority) (sie dma channel priority) SIF_CH%ld_FREQ = 0 Hz SIF_CH%ld_FREQ = %ld Hz SN_DATA_Latch = rising SN_DATA_Latch = faling SN_VD_Latch = rising SN_VD_Latch = faling SN_HD_Latch = rising SN_HD_Latch = faling LVDS-DataLane0 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane1 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane2 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane3 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane4 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane5 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane6 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane7 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane8 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DataLane9 = PAD_D%d LVDS-DlyEn = %s LVDS-PADCK0DLY = %d LVDS-PADCK1DLY = %d LVDS-PADD0DLY = %d LVDS-PADD1DLY = %d LVDS-PADD2DLY = %d LVDS-PADD3DLY = %d LVDS-PADD4DLY = %d LVDS-PADD5DLY = %d LVDS-PADD6DLY = %d LVDS-PADD7DLY = %d LVDS-PADD8DLY = %d LVDS-PADD9DLY = %d LVDS-CURSRC = %s LVDS-LANEVALID = 0x%08X CSI-DataLane0 = PAD_D%d CSI-DataLane1 = PAD_D%d CSI-DataLane2 = PAD_D%d CSI-DataLane3 = PAD_D%d CSI-DlyEn = %s CSI-ClkDly = %d CSI-PADD0Dly = %d CSI-PADD1Dly = %d CSI-PADD2Dly = %d CSI-PADD3Dly = %d CSI-CURSRC = %s CSI-HsDataODly = %d CSI2-DataLane0 = PAD_D%d CSI2-DataLane1 = PAD_D%d CSI2-DataLane2 = PAD_D%d CSI2-DataLane3 = PAD_D%d CSI2-DlyEn = %s CSI2-ClkDly = %d CSI2-PADD5Dly = %d CSI2-PADD6Dly = %d CSI2-PADD7Dly = %d CSI2-PADD8Dly = %d CSI2-CURSRC = %s CSI2-HsDataODly = %d PLL_CPU = %d MHz PLL_DMA = %d MHz PLL_PWM%d = %d MHz USB_SQUELCH = %d mV USB_HS_SWING = %d mV USB_CHARGER = NON-STANDARD dsi_phase_dly_en = Y dsi_phase_dly_en = N dsi_clock_dly = %d dsi_data0_dly = %d dsi_data1_dly = %d IDE%d_active = %s IDE%d_mode = %d IDE%d_through = %s IDE%d_dummy = %s IDE%d_clock_frequence = %d MHz [NAND_app]nand_getInfo fail Insufficient buffer size Read block [%03d] fail ^RRead spare fail [%04d] [1m================================== [1m[NAND identification information]= [1m[Sector per page ] => [%d] [1m[Sector per block ] => [%d] [1m[Page per block ] => [%d] [1m[NAND dev size ] => [%dMB] [1m=================================== [1m [NAND Partition information] = [1m[NAND FW 1 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m[NAND FW 2 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m[NAND FAT 1 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m[NAND FAT 2 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m[NAND FAT 3 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m[NAND PST 1 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m[NAND PST 2 partition] => size [0x%08x] - [0x%08x], block[%5d] - block[%5d] [1m [NAND timing information] = [1mtNand_clk = 48 MHz [1mtNand_clk = 60 MHz [1mtNand_clk = 96 MHz tNand_clk = 0x%08x MHz NAND not suggestion clock rate [1m Tim0 =[0x%08x] [1m Tim1 =[0x%08x] [1m tRP = %02d T [1m tREH = %02d T [1m tWP = %02d T [1m tWH = %02d T [1m tCLS = %02d T [1m tCLH = %02d T [1m tADL = %02d T [1mtCLCH = %02d T [1m tWB = %02d T [1mtMPRB = %02d T [1m tALS = %02d T [1m tALH = %02d T [1m [NAND Driving information] = [1m nand_pin0-7 : data 0-7 = [1m nand_pin8 : cs0 = [1m nand_pin9 : cs1 = [1m nand_pin10 : we = [1m nand_pin11 : re = [1m nand_pin12 : cle = [1m nand_pin13 : ale = [1m nand_pin14 : wp = [1m nand_pin15 : rdy = [1m%s = 2.5 mA [1m%s = 5 mA [1m%s = 7.5 mA [1m%s = 10 mA Read Physical Block [%08d] spare data Err P:[%04d]<->[%04d]:L Spare Data = %08X.%08X.%08X -->Un know Bad Block!!! EraseAllNANDBlockMapping [%d]block error sdio_setInfo(): version error SD%d_exist = %s SD%d_clock_spread_spectrum = %s SD%d_clcok_frequence = %d MHz high speed SD%d_mode = %s mode SD%d_clock_driving = SD%d_cmd_driving = SD%d_data0_driving = SD%d_data1_driving = SD%d_data2_driving = SD%d_data3_driving = sdioPrtcl_getCardInfo(): invalid SD channel: 0x%lx SDIO%d: CMD=0x%x,Sts=0x%x SDIO%d: CMD52/53 R5 Flag error,RSP=%x SDIO%d R: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d R: strg sts err, sts=0x%lx SDIO%d R: lock fail SDIO%d R: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d ALT mode: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d ALT mode: ALT cmd fail SDIO%d ACK : ACK fail SDIO%d ACK : ACK timeout SDIO%d RCard: INT status error: 0x%lx SDIO%d RCard: readCard error, Int Status: 0x%lx SDIO%d R: read card error2 SDIO%d R: boot read error SDIO%d ALT Close mode: Reset cmd fail SDIO%d W: lock fail SDIO%d switch emmc mode: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d switch mode: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d switch mode: switch cmd fail SDIO%d CMD(CMD) Error SDIO%d Switch(CMD6) Error SDIO%d open: voltage switch command OK SDIO%d open: installed storage object is NULL SDIO%d device init fail SDIO%d open: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d open: setup INTC interrupt fail SDIO%d open: eMMC: CMD0 fail SDIO%d eMMC Open Error SDIO%d switch mode: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d switch mode: int sts fail, sts=0x%lx SDIO%d switch mode: storage object NULL, not initialized3 SDIO%d setSDSpeed: can't allocate buf SDIO%d setSDSpeed: switch fail SDIO%d setSDSpeed: switch to HS fail SDIO%d get switch fun: can't allocate buf SDIO%d get switch fun: get function sts fail SDIO%d WaitTxState: SEND_STATUS err Int Sts: 0x%lx SDIO%d WaitTxState: card status err: 0x%lx SDIO%d WaitTxState: retry timeout SDIO waitTxState: pinmux err SDIO%d getAppDat: goto tx state fail SDIO%d getAppDat: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d getAppDat: CMD55 fail SDIO%d getAppDat: ACMD%dfail fail SDIO%d getAppDat: ACMD%d rsp err, rsp=0x%lx SDIO%d getAppDat: no data end, int sts=0x%lx SDIO%d getAppDat: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d getAppDat: ERR!! SDIO%d getSSR: can't allocate buf SDIO%d getSSR: get ssr fail SDIO%d getSCR: can't allocate buf SDIO%d getSCR: get scr fail SDIO%d send extCsd: set blk len fail SDIO%d send extCsd: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d send extCsd: return tx state fail SDIO%d send extCsd: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d send extCsd: send ext csd cmd fail SDIO%d send extCsd: int sts err, sts=0x%lx SDIO%d send extCsd: return tx state fail(2) SDIO%d send extCsd:set blocklen fail SDIO%d GetMMCExtCSDEx: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d MMC extCsd: can't allocate buf SDIO%d MMC extCsd: get ext csd fail SDIO%d W: write error SDIO%d W: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d W: strg sts err, sts=0x%lx SDIO%d W: write protected SDIO%d W: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d WCard: wait card into transfer state err SDIO%d WCard: set block count err!! SDIO%d WCard: w multiple error!! rsp: 0x%lx SDIO%d WCard: w single error!! SDIO%d WCard: pinmux err SDIO%d WCard: send _SDIO_SD_STOP_TRANSMISSION error SDIO%d WCard: STOP rsp err, rsp=0x%lx SDIO%d WCard: wait card return transfer state err SDIO%d WCard: SEND_STATUS fail2 SDIO%d WCard: INT status error: 0x%lx SDIO%d WCard: card removed SDIO%d WCard: retry _SDIO_SD_STOP_TRANSMISSION error SDIO%d WCard retry write %d times SDIO%d WCard: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d WCard: writeCard error, Int Status: 0x%lx SDIO%d WCard: buf: 0x%lx, sector addr: 0x%lx, sector count: 0x%lx SDIO%d WCard: total sector count: 0x%lx SDIO%d W: write card error2 SDIO%d W: storage object NULL, not initialized3 SDIO%d WCard: retry write fail sector address = 0x%x SDIO%d wrtFmtSec: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d driver is not opened <<>> SD version: 1.0-1.01 SD version: 1.1 SD version: 2.0 SD version: 3.0 Speed Class: %d Support CMD23: %d Support CMD20: %d SD version: UNKNOWN 0x%x Product name: %s Product version: 0x%x Product S/N: 0x%lx CMD8: SUPPORTED CMD8: NOT SUPPORTED SDHC: SUPPORTED SDHC: NOT SUPPORTED Product version: 0x%x, 0x%x Host HS En: TRUE Host HS En: FALSE Support SDHS: TRUE Support SDHS: FALSE Support HS: TRUE Support HS: FALSE In HighSpeed Mode: TRUE In HighSpeed Mode: FALSE Total sectors: 0x%lx Bus Freq: %d hz Drive/Sink setting: %f mA sdioPrtcl_setConfig: input src clk out of range: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d fmt: card not exist or not ready: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write MBR fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write backup BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Extended Boot Sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Backup Extended Boot Sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Main OEM Parameters fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Backup OEM Parameters fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Main Reserved fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Backup Reserved fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write Main boot checksum fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write 1st FAT sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write FAT sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write 1st BitMap sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write %dth BitMap sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write 1st up-case sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write %dth up-case sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write 1st dir entry sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmtExFAT: write %dth dir entry sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: write MBR fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d fmt: write BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized3 SDIO%d fmt: write backup BPB fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized4 SDIO%d fmt: write FS_INFO fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized5 SDIO%d fmt: write backup FS_INFO fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized6 SDIO%d fmt: write reserved boot sector fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized7 SDIO%d fmt: write reserved boot sector2 fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized8 SDIO%d fmt: clear FAT fail, sector addr: 0x%lx SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized9 SDIO%d fmt: write FAT1 fail, sector addr: 0x%0x SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized10 SDIO%d fmt: write FAT2 fail, sector addr: 0x%0x SDIO%d fmt: storage object NULL, not initialized11 SDIO%d RCard: wait card into transfer state err SDIO%d RCard: read multiple error!! SDIO%d RCard: read single error!! SDIO%d RCard: pinmux err SDIO%d RCard: STOP cmd error SDIO%d RCard: Out of Range!! SDIO%d RCard: SEND_STATUS fail2 SDIO%d RCard: err card sts 0x%lx SDIO%d RCard: card removed SDIO%d RCard: retry _SDIO_SD_STOP_TRANSMISSION error SDIO%d RCard: retry read %d times SDIO%d RCard: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d R: read error SDIO%d RCard: retry read fail address = 0x%x SDIO%d open: retry with POR SDIO%d id: card was unplugged SDIO%d open: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d open: idle cmd fail SDIO%d open: idle cmd fail2 SDIO%d open: CMD8 echo err, rsp=0x%lx SDIO%d open: SD SEND_OP fail SDIO%d open: SD SEND_OP CMD55 fail SDIO%d open: SD SEND_OP fail2 SDIO%d open: Get OCR tmout SDIO%d open: MMC SEND_OP fail SDIO%d open: MMC Get OCR tmout SDIO%d open: SEND_CID fail SDIO%d open: SEND_RCA fail SDIO%d open: get/set RCA timeout SDIO%d open: SEND_CSD fail SDIO%d open: SELECT CARD fail SDIO%d open: SEND_STATUS fail SDIO%d open: SELECT CARD fail2 SDIO%d open: SEND_STATUS fail2 SDIO%d open: card is locked SDIO%d open: storage object NULL, not initialized4 SDIO%d open: CLR_CARD_DETECT CMD55 fail SDIO%d open: CLR_CARD_DETECT fail SDIO%d open: SET_BUS_WIDTH CMD55 fail SDIO%d open: SET_BUS_WIDTH fail SDIO%d open: SET_BUS_WIDTH fail, rsp=0x%lx SDIO%d open: change to HS with HS timing SDIO%d open: change to HS fail, return to default speed SDIO%d open: switch to HS timeout SDIO%d open: MMC_SWITCH 1bit fail SDIO%d open: MMC_SWITCH 1bit rsp err, rsp=0x%lx SDIO%d open: return tx state fail1 SDIO%d open: MMC_EXT_CSD fail SDIO%d open: MMC_SWITCH HS fail SDIO%d open: return tx state fail2 SDIO%d open: MMC_SWITCH wide bus fail SDIO%d open: MMC_SWITCH 8bits bus fail SDIO%d open: MMC_SWITCH wide bus rsp err, rsp=0x%lx SDIO%d open: return tx state fail3 SDIO%d open: storage object NULL, not initialized5 SDIO%d open: SEND_BLOCKLEN fail SDIO%d open: Mem Init fail SDIO%d Int Status: 0x%lx SDIO%d SetstdByState:cmd13 fail IntSts: 0x%lx SDIO%d SetstdByState: card status err: 0x%lx SDIO%d SetstdByState:cmd7 fail SDIO%d SetstdByState: retry timeout SDIO SetstdByState: pinmux err SDIO%d abort 0x08 fail SDIO%d close: idle cmd fail SDIO%d close mem: pinmux err SDIO%d close mem: timeout1 SDIO%d openMem: storage object NULL, not initialized SDIO%d openMem: card was unplugged SDIO%d openMem: storage object NULL, not initialized2 SDIO%d SetTxState:cmd13 fail SDIO%d SetTxState: card status err: 0x%lx SDIO%d SetTxState:cmd7 fail SDIO%d SetTxState: retry timeout SDIO SetTxState: pinmux err SDIO%d openMem: storage object NULL, not initialized3 SDIO%d openMem fail SDIO%d openMem: set to tx state fail ^RWDT timer open failed! ^Rramdsk_ps_getParam No Implement! uiEvt %d ^Rramdsk_ps_setParam No Implement! ^Rramdsk_getParam No Implement! uiEvt %d ^Rramdsk_setParam No Implement! uiEvt %d %s: semaphore NOT inited %s: STRG_EXT_CMD_SPI_CONTROLLER_ID: unsupport id %d %s: STRG_EXT_CMD_SPI_INVALID_WRITE_CB: invalid call back address 0x%lx %s: driver not opened %s: byte address boundary error 0x%lx SPI flash: eraseSector: detect invalid access: 0x%lx SPI flash: protect base: 0x%lx, protect length: 0x%lx %s: wait ready timeout %s: erase timeout SPI flash: eraseChip: detect invalid access %s: wait flash ready timeout %s: timeout after erase %s: Manufacture ID dosen't support. MFG ID:0x%lx, Device ID:0x%lx SPI flash: program: detect invalid access, base: 0x%lx, length: 0x%lx %s: fail at flash address 0x%lx %s: installed mem poll size %d too small %s: MEM REGION not installed %s[%d]: not opened %s[%d]: partition sector %d, size %d NOT assigned %s[%d]: start sector %d + count %d > assigned partiotion size %d %s[%d]: STRG_SET_PARTITION_SIZE: partition addr 0x%lx not 0x%lx bytes alignment %s[%d]: STRG_SET_PARTITION_SIZE: partition length 0x%lx not 0x%lx bytes alignment %s[%d]: STRG_SET_PARTITION_SIZE: partition region exceeds flash size Start addr: 0x%lx, Region Size: 0x%lx, Total Size: 0x%lx %s[%d]: semaphore NOT inited ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: %s: SenMode(%d) out of range!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error transmit data (write addr)!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error transmit reg!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error transmit data!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error transmit addr before receive!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error receive data1!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error receive data2!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ChgMode_AR0330 to %d... ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GOTPM v5 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GOTPM v4 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GOTPM v3 ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: ^GOTPM v1 or V2 %x ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Chip version is 0x%04x ++GPIOMap_TurnOnExtrAmp:%x --GPIOMap_TurnOnExtrAmp:%x ^RAACD_Init: error = %d HeaderAddr error! 0x%08x Err: Encoder not finished! r [H264Enc] encode Src[%d] Addr %x %x should be non-cachable ! [H264Enc] encode BS[%d] Addr %x should be non-cachable ! Error :MaxBSLen > H264ENC_BS_OUTBUF_MAX_SIZE(0x%08x < 0x%08x) [H264Enc] encode Buf Addr %x should be non-cachable ! EncBufSize too small: 0x%08x < 0x%08x EncBufAddr is NULL: 0x%08x error : baseline profile should be no B slice error : slice %d should be IDR, now %d error : EncFrameNum(%d) should not more than 1 for slice %d error : EncFrameNum(%d) should not more than 2 FrmForIdrPicId overflow: %d! warning : profile id %d not acceptable warning : high profile %d not acceptable %d %d Error : LineOffset should be 4X ! (%d, %d) Error : LineOffset > 4092 ! (%d, %d) Error : LineOffset < width(%d) ! (%d, %d) [%d] PicSize[0] overflow %d > %d [%d] PicSize[1] overflow %d > %d H264 ENC Interrupt error! HwInt = 0x%x GopFrmNum error %d != %d error : MaxQp too big %d !!! [H264Dec] Decode Src[%d] Y/UV (%x %x) Addr should be non-cachable ! [H264Dec] Decode BS[%d] Addr (%x) should be non-cachable ! [H264Dec] Decode Buf Addr (%x) should be non-cachable ! [h264Dec_initInternalMemory]H264 Decoder Internal Buffer Size not enough! calculte_frame_cropping No source horizontal extension ! [H264DecSlice]StartCodec Suffix != 0x000001 [H264DecSlice]Nal Unit Type != NALU_TYPE_IDR or NALU_TYPE_SLICE [H264DecSlice]Slice Type Error[%d] [H264DecSlice]Decode SliceType != DecInfo SliceType (%d,%d) [H264DecSlice] RefPicListReorderL0 != 0 [H264DecSlice] RefPicListReorderL1 != 0 [H264DecSlice] adaptive_ref_pic_buf_flag != 0 [H264DecPps]StartCodec Suffix != 0x000001 [H264DecPps]Nal Unit Type != NALU_TYPE_SPS [H264DecSps]StartCodec Suffix != 0x000001 [H264DecSps]Nal Unit Type != NALU_TYPE_SPS [H264DecSeqHeader]Decode Init Frame Size and Decode Sequence Header Frame Size are not match! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: StPix = %d error ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: input parameter error %d %d %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: !!!! correct SubRate to %d !!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport format %d !!!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport channel %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Format %d PosX need Align %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Photo Frame is not open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Photo frame is not open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Photo Frameis not open ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport PF type %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport copy setting format :%d channel: %d ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: unsupport convert format %d %d [1mRSC ERR: rsc_chgLensSet, rscLibState=%d, rscObject.uiGdCnt=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_chgConfigSet, rscLibState=%d, rscObject.uiGdCnt=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_chgConfigSet, uiCompRatio=0!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_open, uiMarginRatio[H/V]= 0!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_chgConfigSet, uiGdPerFrm!=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_decodeGyroData, gdFormat not recognized!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_processGyroData gets no not-processed input [1mRSC ERR: rsc_processGyroData gets not-processed input over a frame [1mRSC ERR: rsc_setGyroData, rscLibState=%d!! [1mRSC WRN: rsc_setGyroData, set gyro data none!! [1mRSC WRN: rsc_setGyroData, set gyro data cross a frame!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_setOperation, rscLibState=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: P1/2 both disabled!! [1mRSC ERR: uiMainPath %d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_prepareInternParam, IppSieSet.uiSieOutSzH=%d != IppImeSet.szIn.h_size=%d [1mRSC ERR: rsc_prepareInternParam, IppSieSet.uiSieOutSzV=%d != IppImeSet.szIn.v_size=%d [1mRSC ERR: rsc_reset, rscLibState=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_getInfo(%d,!!NULL!!) [1mRSC ERR: rsc_getInfo, infoSelect not recognized!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_chgSensorExposureSet, rscLibState=%d, rscObject.uiGdCnt=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_open, rscLibState=%d!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_open, uiCompRatio=0!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_open, uiGdPerFrm!=%d!! [1mRSC_CCPP_TEST_1_PATH_PARAM [1m%d %d [1mpiRscCntr [1mppiRsc after centralization [1muiPj2CpPmMgn[H/V] %d %d [1miMax[H/V/H2] %d %d %d [1miMin[H/V] %d %d %d [1mppiRsc after regulization [1mRSC ERR: rsc_setAction, ABORT!! [1mRSC ERR: rsc_setAction, rscLibState=%d!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: invalidate i2c PSection ID!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: i2c ret = %d!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fail to write slave address (%x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: fail to send data(%x, %x) ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error unlock I2C driver!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error lock I2C driver!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error close I2C driver!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: Error open I2C driver!! ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CheckTypeFmt - ERROR! DC type is invalid. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CheckTypeFmt - ERROR! DC type/format is not supported. ^R%s::%s():%d-ERR: GxGfx_CheckTypeFmt - ERROR! DC format is invalid. 'Jan 28 2013, 11:32:07 OS_AddMempool OS_AddMailbox OS_AddSemphore OS_AddEventflag OS_AddTask A:\dump.bin OS_EndCode OS_ConfigCodeSection OS_ConfigZISection 'Jun 17 2013, 15:55:06 DxSys_Validate DxSys_DumpAndVerifyClk 'Jun 17 2013, 15:55:14 'Jan 28 2013, 11:43:17 drv_disableInt drv_enableInt 'dai_setDebugMode dai_setDMAPara dai_setCodecClkSrc dai_setI2SOpMode dai_setI2SFmt dai_setI2SClkRatio dai_setI2SFrameClkRatio idec_waitFrameEnd dma_getChannelPriority dma_setChannelPriority gpio_setDir i2c_receiveDMA i2c_transmitDMA i2c_receive i2c_transmit i2c_getConfig i2c_setConfig i2c_unlock i2c2_receive i2c2_transmit i2c2_getConfig i2c2_setConfig i2c2_unlock i2c2_close 'pwm_ccntGetEdgeInterval pwm_ccntGetCurrentVal pwm_ccntConfig pwm_ccntEnable pwm_mstepConfigPinActiveSet pwm_mstepConfigSet pwm_mstepConfig pwm_mstepEnableSet pwm_pwmReload pwm_pwmDisableSet pwm_pwmEnableSet pwm_pwmConfig pwm_pwmDisable pwm_configClockDiv pwm_getCycleNumber pwm_openInternal sif_waitDMATransferEnd sif_sendDMA sif_waitTransferEnd sif_getConfig sif_setConfig spi_getGyroData spi_getGyroQueueCount spi_clrGyroStatus spi_getGyroStatus spi_addGyroQueue spi_enableDma spi_readGyroCounter spi_readGyroFifo spi_getGyroFifoCnt spi_startGyro spi_writeReadByte spi_writeReadData affine_request chkParameter chkSubblock affine_close affine_open graph_request graph_handleImageList graph_gop0Layer3 graph_gop0Layer4 graph_gop1Layer2 graph_gop1Layer3 graph_gop1Layer4 graph_requestGOP graph_requestAOP graph_requestAOPMPSHF graph_requestAOPAbsMinusSHF graph_requestAOPColorKey graph_requestAOPColorKeyGE graph_requestAOPColorFilter graph_requestAOPText graph_requestAOPBlend graph_requestAOPACC graph_requestAOPMult graph_requestAOPTextMult graph_requestAOPAlphaPlane graph_requestAOPHW2B graph_requestAOP1DLUT graph_requestAOP2DLUT A:\NandData.bin A:\NandSpre.bin nandps_format nandps_readSector nandps_readBlock nandps_writeSector nandps_open nandfw_open ! 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