A129 Pro: Motorcycles are so slow these days!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Gitup F1+G3ꞈꞈꞈꞈꞈ Viofo A229ꞈꞈꞈꞈꞈ Blueskysea B4K
15 years ago, motorcycles used to overtake at 150mph in 60mph speed limits, now I never see those fast ones and instead 24mph seems to be top speed and it's me that does the overtaking!

Is this legal?
Isn't the number plate supposed to be on the bike rather than on the rider?
And doesn't it need the proper reflective materials and correct size font instead of one that needs a 4K dashcam to read it?
And doesn't a road legal bike need a seat?!
And a brake light?
And what are those smooth tyre treads designed for?

So what happened to all the fast bikes? Did the police catch them all, or did the public catch them all by submitting dashcam videos to the police, or did they just kill themselves?

Some frame grabs from yesterday's nice weather:










Big sun!

A129 Pro is good on lens reflections though, and I can still read the license plate in the shade on the back of that van :)
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A129 is good on lens reflections though, and I can still read the license plate in the shade on the back of that van :)

I wonder if it is the Non North America style plates, Improvements on the A129 over the A119 v1, but I have a 1 in 30 chance of having non readable plates in early sunrise sun. Driving westerly on a clear day with the sun to my back
I wonder if it is the Non North America style plates, Improvements on the A129 over the A119 v1, but I have a 1 in 30 chance of having non readable plates in early sunrise sun. Driving westerly on a clear day with the sun to my back
The sensor on the A129 Pro has huge dynamic range compared to the sensor on the A119 V1, can't quite manage full sun and full shadow at the same time but it's not far off. Also, there is reasonably sharp detail in the darkest areas, while the dark areas of the A119 V1 sensor would have too much noise to be able to read a plate, only the brighter areas are sharp on that sensor.

Of course having reflective plates with relatively large characters does help, as does the 4K resolution which allows the plate to be read at greater distance rather than while it is still right at the edge of the image where there is more motion blur and more blur from looking through the windscreen glass at a very low angle.
Trials bikes, don't even have a seat as far as i understand it, and geared pretty darn low too i figure.
Guys can do amazing stuff on those.
Trials bikes, don't even have a seat as far as i understand it, and geared pretty darn low too i figure.
Guys can do amazing stuff on those.
Did a bit of reading, seems no seat is fine, also no need for any lights on these, not even a brake light, so it is just the number plates that are an issue, should be on the bike, not the rider, and visible from behind the bike rather from above!

Apparently riding for more than 1 mile on the road with no seat is a nightmare and definitely not recommended, plus their engines are designed for walking pace and overheat at road speeds!
In the UK you could probably get a trials bike regged, over here where we took over after Lenin left off i think not.
Bikes are meant for driving up walls, they actually can higher than a sane person would expect.

I watched it in the old days when it was good enough for TV.
In the UK you could probably get a trials bike regged
Yes, apparently you have to fit a horn, and not one of those rubber squeezy ones, otherwise they can be approved for road use and issued with a number plate. Doesn't make them suitable for road use though!
The front rider looks rather young - his/her body isn't "sitting" like an adult...

Lovely village in the pics.
I saw one competitive Trials rider sit balanced on his bike at a full stop for 30 minutes without putting a foot down or making any obvious moves to stay balanced. He even kick-started it and rode off without putting a foot down (dabbing). Rather amazing since most humans can only do that for a few seconds or less. For anyone interested in the sport, Google "ISDT" and watch some of the vids- what these guys do with a bike is mind-boggling!

The front rider looks rather young - his/her body isn't "sitting" like an adult...
Hard to tell how young since he doesn't have a seat so is sitting on the bottom of the frame with his knees folded in an unusual position. Doesn't have any L plates so must have passed his test, 17 minimum I think, it is not classed as a moped. Could just be a short older guy.

The rear bike is one of these, based on the license plate, which checks out fine for tax and MOT test:

Lovely village in the pics.
Yes, nice beach too, not quite my local but not far from home.

I saw one competitive Trials rider sit balanced on his bike at a full stop for 30 minutes without putting a foot down or making any obvious moves to stay balanced
I assume the tire sidewalls both provide some support, rather than the tire being round like a normal bicycle tire, so balancing is not much different to balancing on one foot - you have some width to play with. Not good for the road and going around corners though.
I have seen a cyclist arrive at a red light, sit there stopped without putting a foot down, and then proceed when it became green light.
I know people driving motorcycles and doing stunts also let some air out of the rear tire, at least to start with, i never did that but of course i had 2 rear wheels on my quad bike to balance on.
I have seen a cyclist arrive at a red light, sit there stopped without putting a foot down, and then proceed when it became green light.
I know people driving motorcycles and doing stunts also let some air out of the rear tire, at least to start with, i never did that but of course i had 2 rear wheels on my quad bike to balance on.
Honda has a bike that can do that on it's own: