Site speed - Any issues?


Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Was wondering if others are finding the site loading up slowly and timing out, particularly threads with images? Moved to a different server last month and the slowness issue was raised.

I'm in Canada and speed is fine for me. Server is located in the US. Just trying to gather feedback to understand the root of the problem.
Didn't notice any changes here- loading fast and looking good in S.C. USA

Was wondering if others are finding the site loading up slowly and timing out, particularly threads with images? Moved to a different server last month and the slowness issue was raised.

I'm in Canada and speed is fine for me. Server is located in the US. Just trying to gather feedback to understand the root of the problem.


Hangs sometimes since the server change. Seems better lately.
have been having grief the past few days, mostly on threads that have lots of images, sometimes it loads up ok, other times it times out, have tried from other connection/other computer/other browser with the same result, no other sites I'm having issues with currently

Hangs sometimes since the server change. Seems better lately.

Actually, I forget to mention. Aside from occasionally hanging there have been three or four instances recently when I've gotten a FireFox page that says the site is not accessible. Several minutes later everything is back to normal.

At first I thought it was my connection but when I immediately tried other URLs they were fine.
The site not available on 2 occasions was due to rebooting the server. That brought the site down for about 4 to 5 minutes each time. I suspect those are the instances you are referring to.
The site not available on 2 occasions was due to rebooting the server. That brought the site down for about 4 to 5 minutes each time. I suspect those are the instances you are referring to.
I know exactly what you are referring to as I experienced that but it happened again sometime a day or so after that. Seems to be OK now. I did say three or four times.
I have been having massive problems, though not really related to this site.
My VPN on the desktop have gone all weird on me, so some / most times while it indicate it is connected and my network in windows also say i am connected, i can access nothing on the net, at least not before i turn off the VPN.
On the flip side i have also experienced networks in windows indicating offline ( VPN OFF ), but i was still able to go to sites, and other times the VPN would start with windows ( as set ) but other times it would not do that.
Been trying a lot of stuff with support but nothing work.
So for now i have dropped using VPN on the desktop, until i can get my piggy bank emptied and put into my account, then i will upgrade from 500 GB to 1TB NVMR drive for my C: and then do a clean install of windows.

Funny thing on my laptop there are 0 issues with the VPN, and even on the phone it also work just fine.
Haven't been able to find the source of this. That being said, there is a backup process that runs around 4:30am EST. Does the slowdown happen to coincide with that time?
Im experiencing opening some pictures or links from some treads. Some will open and some will not. Is that a related issue?
Without a VPN, the site has always been slow from here.
Im experiencing opening some pictures or links from some treads. Some will open and some will not. Is that a related issue?
On occasion I have a similar issue in that, very intermittently, a page with images will load in 'spurts'. Page will begin loading normally, hesitate for a second or so then continue. Haven't noticed any pattern to what the page content is or when it occurs.
On occasion I have a similar issue in that, very intermittently, a page with images will load in 'spurts'. Page will begin loading normally, hesitate for a second or so then continue. Haven't noticed any pattern to what the page content is or when it occurs.

I've experienced similar through the years and with several different PC's and tablets, and several ISP connections. Happens more here that anywhere else, but not much of a problem really. And it (naturally) does seem to happen more on pic-heavy threads than those which are mostly text. Xenforo isn't exactly a top-end host so I don't expect better- it's plenty good enough as it is :)

Made a few changes to the site to improve speed in general. Also made a change to the image proxy which could be causing this issue.

If you are still getting this problem, can you let me know which pictures are causing this to happen:
a) pictures that are attachments - stored on this site
b) pictures from other sites
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Was looking at the speed report from today on Google Analytics. Looks like the page load time issue impacts some countries more than others.

Looking at Australia, In November on the old server the site speed was 6.28 seconds with New South Wales being the worst and Queensland being the best. In January on the new server the average speed increased to 8.87 seconds, primarily due to Queensland going off the charts to 38 seconds.
I have asked my hosting provider to look into it.

November Metrics


January Metrics
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