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  1. D

    Arduino esp rc switch

    I have build an rc switch. Here you can finde all ink source code.
  2. D

    XIAOMI Yi ELF Files to Unbrick Camera

    I could solve it:
  3. D

    [SOLVED] Unbrick do not work progress [41

    So I could solve it, it was not a problem of the firmware it was a problem of the hardware. the Cable in the camera which connects the cam itself to the platine was not connected any more. I have a small crash with my modell airplan bevor and there the cable have been disconnected. So I oppend...
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    [SOLVED] Unbrick do not work progress [41

    Hallo I have the problem that it always stops at 41 percent when i upload yifirmware.bin I have done the progress with the elf file bevor I have a Z221.... Can anybody help me? I have testet it many times with different elf files always the same.
  5. D

    XIAOMI Yi ELF Files to Unbrick Camera

    Hallo I have the problem that it always stops at 41 percent when i upload yifirmware.bin I have done the progress with the elf file bevor I have a Z221.... Can anybody help me?