+1 Mobius not recognized by a PC.


New Member
Jun 6, 2014
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Well, here's my track of this problem:

I've just received a Mobius got on rcg from other user. Plugged on an USB port just to charge without any sdcard on it. The camera kept blinking the yellow led for about 1 and half hours. After that, I've inserted a card to check if everything was fine and, since then, I've been struggling to make it recognizable by ANY device with a USB port.

What I already tried:

1). Format the card using the camera itself;
2). Reinstalled the firmware
3). Changed the USB cable as I have a bunch of them and the best ones are those that come with GoPro cameras (tried 2 of these excelent cables)
4). Changed the USB device from a Macbook, Dell PC (Windows 8), Android's phone (MotoX), a "generic" PC running Windows 7 which I've ran DriveClean to see if it would help.
5). Disconnected the battery and lens flat cable following the instructions on rcg's Mobius thread.

It's my second Mobius. The first one works flawlessly with the same devices, using exactly the same cables.

The problematic camera work and replies correctly to the buttons when pressed. The led lights up in blue when I connect to a PC and after that lights the yellow led to inform that the camera is in card reader mode (besides someone ask, I'm plugging the camera turned off to the USB port as the manual explains). I've already recorded some movies with this camera and it's working fine. The problem is just the USB connection :(

I've contacted the guy who sold me the camera and it confirmed the camera was working fine and the last action he took was update the firmware with the camera connected to a PC before shipping me the camera
. Assuming he's telling the truth, what further tests could I do?