70Mai Lite

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many
I put a 70mai lite in my girlfriends car yesterday. She wasn't all that interested, and is a typical thai driver. (the video is more likely to damn her than help her.)

I still hate to drive or ride in a vehicle without a cam, though.

It seems to be working well, video acceptable, do not have any night video yet.

The app works ok.

I am using a new, off brand card. I've used this brand of card without problems in security cameras on the house, after having problems with the samsung evo cards I was buying from the 'samsung official store' on Lazada.

I will see how this 'lulae' brand card holds up in the cam.

My girlfriend is a teacher, working at a government operated pre-school in a rural area, and has a 30 minute commute.

I'll check files on the cam off and on, and eventually put a hard wire kit in.

I'm looking at the files for today.
It looks like her getting in or out of the car or closing the car door triggers a one minute recording, when the car ignition is off.
I have the g sensor set at low.
This is OK.
Here she is stopping at a 7/11 to get a drink on the way home from work.

This is just the initial segment of the clip.

Another shopping stop.....

If the parking videos are starting like these you can never accuse somebody that was hitting your car, the videos are starting too late.
But it is always better to have a dashcam compared to no dashcam.

Yes, parking video is not a priority for me, and a sole front facing cam may not catch much.
Just playing with the settings on a new cam.
Will probably turn it off if it seems like it filling the card up with files.
Interesting that they would do a "lite" version for what is a basic economy cam that costs so little already. Looking forward to hearing more about it but worried about the cam's battery in the heat of summer there.

You can buy dashcams online here for as low as $5, and most shopping centers or malls have at least an auto accessory kiosk selling floor mats, and a few dashcams, usually really trashy ones. I'd rather buy a low end cam from a somewhat established company than take my chances on the budget 'component conglomerators' or whatever they are that crank out the junk.

I thought about a b1w for the car, but thought having a screen and some controls on the cam would be easier for a first time user. She doesn't appear to be interested in the app. I did a quick search on the cam, think this site somewhat recommended it, despite the battery, and the battery is supposed to be easily replaced.

The overall video seems ok, but not had a chance to see any night video. Will check exposure settings.....this is early morning...winter sun. Just curious about the glare on the light colored pickup truck far ahead.

(the windshield is also dirty, will clean this morning. )
Yeah i feel naked and exposed too with no camera around, even if road conditions are a lot better in Denmark than many other places.
The law in regard to dangerous driving are also upped now as people are insulted in the fact you can kill 3 people with your car, while you are speeding +100% speed and intoxicated + run from the scene ( on foot ), and only get a 3 year prison sentence and a 10 year driving ban.
One of the problems here is no effective traffic law enforcement, no real consequences for screwing up, intentionally breaking the law, etc.

More sample video.....

Note the lane position, or lack of it, in this video. One reason putting a cam in this car maybe not a good idea.... :)

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Night video seems good. I cleaned the windshield before we ran into town, forgot to check camera lens.

Audio deleted due the traffic circle induced profanity. :unsure:

The parking guard proves I cleaned the windshield.......earlier in the day.

I will turn the parking guard off, but one suggestion is a setting that auto-deletes files from that folder after a week.......specified number of days, etc.

I can see it filling the card up with door slam files.....

Here's the only video saved in the event file. I wonder why??

(First ten seconds)

This is a pitch black, rural road. The potholes at least slow you down so may notice the pedestrians, and vehicles with no lights.
I'm pretty impressed with this cam.

I have pretty much neglected it for months. Maybe checked card for normal operation and formatting 4 months ago?

Today the GF had an 'incident' that needed reviewing.

I shuddered, since I can't remember the last time I checked the cam?

I was a little surprised the file was there, all ok, no problems....despite my neglect.

This was a situation the audio on the video told the story, not the video.

She opened her door into the path of motorbike that was going around her parked vehicle in a travel lane.
You can hear the doir open...followed by the bang.
Rider ended up in emergency room, but just scraped up.

'i didn't open the door' changed to 'i just opened it a little'.

The damage on her driver's side door tells the story, also.

The house she parked in front of had security cam video, but trees blocked most of the accident scene.

It's common for Thais to park in the travel lane on narrow streets. Run into a store...etc.

The police were not called.

I've always felt reliable recorded audio is important in a dashcam....unless you are guilty.

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