A118 Novatek 96650 Full HD 1080P Car Camera DVR

Yeah, it's Korean, they're not total crap boxes these days haha. I picked it up because of the amount of features they packed in standard was impressive for the price compared to everything else. That, and it's a pretty nice looking car to me, gets good mileage, drives smooth and corners flat. Everything I need atm, so best bang for the buck. And a $3000 incentive on top as the 2015 is right around the corner with no changes being done, all before haggling kind of sealed it for me.

The car also hasn't been driven much, maybe a couple of test drives, can't be sure. But they for sure aren't driving it here. If they did that, it sure as hell shouldn't take 3 weeks. They said it was loaded on a train.
You can get most of these Novatek cams into engineering mode where sometimes you can read the firmware off to a file - I'll try it on my A118 in the morning and see what happens :)
You can get most of these Novatek cams into engineering mode where sometimes you can read the firmware off to a file - I'll try it on my A118 in the morning and see what happens :)

Quite some time ago someone here on DCT, after some experimentation, managed to come up with a series of button presses on a DR32 cam that revealed a whole secondary level of interesting menu level information and test parameters not intended for the average consumer. Is that the sort of thing you are referring to here? As I recall, it involved holding down two unrelated buttons simultaneously for quite a few seconds to gain access.
Well if you guys do come up with a solution and want my firmware version, I have no problem extracting it if it's possible.
My B40/A118 came in the mail today! I think it's the fastest I've ever gotten something from overseas. Ordered on Friday August 1st (from the foxoffer1 ebay store), so it wouldn't have shipped until I'm guessing Monday the 4th, so ~10 business days to Canada.
I have newer firmware than what is listed in the OP.

I also got my B40 yesterday. I purchased it from another Ebay store and it took a week longer to get than yours. The firmware version on mine was 2014.0110.001. I upgraded to the latest version found in the Dash Cam Comparison area of this board. My Toyota dealer will be hard wiring it on Monday.
I also got my B40 yesterday. I purchased it from another Ebay store and it took a week longer to get than yours. The firmware version on mine was 2014.0110.001. I upgraded to the latest version found in the Dash Cam Comparison area of this board. My Toyota dealer will be hard wiring it on Monday.

Hmmm 0110, so January firmware?

Which seller is yours from?

From foxoffer1's ebay store.
Guess that's more down to a certain manufacturer then? Stab in the dark (I've had two beers) but looks like engm might do it on this one - I'll have a play when I sober up :)
Guess that's more down to a certain manufacturer then? Stab in the dark (I've had two beers) but looks like engm might do it on this one - I'll have a play when I sober up :)

Sober up? How do you even have a buzz from 2 beer?? :confused:

I wish! Would save myself so much money.
Two of these:


I didn't get chance to eat anything today and 2 x 750ml bottles of these from the local shop go down a treat :) Cheap night out!

I used to drink loads but since my daughter was born cut it all right out :(
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Yeah, Leffe's are fantastic. I consider those the panty remover of beers.
Nooo I'm up already - we're off to a kiddies live show today - not sure if it's made it to the US but it's called In The Night Garden - it feels like you've been on acid watching that!!

Anyways I tested the engm file as referenced in the firmware but nothing happened so that was a complete red herring :)
Not at the moment but an external GPS unit is coming soon I believe :)