A119 V2 - Questions


New Member
Feb 14, 2019
Reaction score
(1) How's the night time quality? Can you clearly make out details?

(2) How's the audio quality? Is it loud/clear enough?


I'm comparing this to the Street Guardian x2Pro. I realize the X2Pro is more expensive (even with the CPL adjustment), but wanted some feedback.


thanks guys,
You Asked: "(1) How's the night time quality? Can you clearly make out details?

For night time quality you would be better off reviewing YouTube videos & videos in these forums to decide what is good enough for YOU. It is good enough for me but I also realize the severe limitations of these tiny sensors, night conditions, ambient light, the camera AE exposure system, dynamic range of the sensor, the severe dynamic range of bright white / lights / license plates and a black or near black sky, moving targets, bit rate recording, & more. Sometimes details are very clear but what is clear depends on what you are asking about. Sometimes, moving things at certain speeds or angles are IME, not clear. These devices are "AIDS", not 100% perfect at all times in all conditions, image capture devices. If one accepts that these are digital aids to TRY to record moving images in very difficult conditions & lighting, then one can be reasonably satisfied with the A119v2 or any more expensive device. NONE will be 100% accurate all the time.

(2) How's the audio quality? Is it loud/clear enough?

It is loud & clear enough for my needs, but your needs are vague, so again, watch / listen to some videos & decide what works for you? There are so many reviews out there in YouTube land & sample videos here that you should get an idea.