A329. What is this?

Does anyone have a rough idea on how long it may take viofo to actually release the A329? Are we talking in a month, before end of year, or a year from now? I haven’t followed viofo long enough to understand their previous releases.
It is launching this week.
Also, if too many people order in the presale
Presale orders should come with a disclosure:
"By pre ordering this device you acknowledge you are an unpaid agent as the final Q&A, R&D, Beta Tester, and you have money to burn" lol
Does anyone have a rough idea on how long it may take viofo to actually release the A329? Are we talking in a month, before end of year, or a year from now? I haven’t followed viofo long enough to understand their previous releases.

Everything mentioned in post 119. Also, if you order from VIOFO, and the A329 is available for shipping, it has generally taken 10 to 15 days to ship from China to North America.

Except during the Chinese New Year, then it takes much, much, much longer. :)
I guess then, that if one is using an external SSD, then they must power the A329 via the GPS module?
The camera USB-C port cannot be used for Parking Mode, but you can use it for normal driving mode. If you want parking mode you need to use the GPS mount USB-C port.
Of course this is for the situation if not using the SSD storage, but I don't see a reason why somebody will not want to power the camera from the GPS mount.

I wonder if the A329 supports a simple $10 USB-C thumb drive?

You could plug it in to backup the microSD card if you wanted a portable copy for any reason.
OK but if the speed transfer is almost the same if using Wi-Fi, or transfer via USB-C then I consider that is more simple to transfer on the smartphone by using the Wi-Fi connection.

My main priority was rear coax...

I've been following @viofo posts for almost a year now, knowing it could be coming:
As you quoted viofo, that is the explanation why the A329 cannot have 3 channels: because on the third channel you need to have USB-C connector and this means the main camera to have one USB-C for SSD and another one for the third camera.

It is launching this week.
I am very very very curious if the USB-C cable for the SSD will be angled at both ends.
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Presale orders should come with a disclosure:
"By pre ordering this device you acknowledge you are an unpaid agent as the final Q&A, R&D, Beta Tester, and you have money to burn" lol
It is not mandatory to buy and the manufacturer is much better off if you buy from him and not fill the pockets of Amazon, of course space travel is expensive fun, which costs money. Lol
It is not mandatory to buy and the manufacturer is much better off if you buy from him and not fill the pockets of Amazon, of course space travel is expensive fun, which costs money. Lol
You don't get much fun with Amazon (Jeff Bezos) space travel, it is a 10 minute trip, with only 3 minutes sort of in space, and at the end of it you haven't actually traveled anywhere except up and then down... not much need for a dashcam on that trip, there is little to see!
You don't get much fun with Amazon (Jeff Bezos) space travel, it is a 10 minute trip, with only 3 minutes sort of in space, and at the end of it you haven't actually traveled anywhere except up and then down... not much need for a dashcam on that trip, there is little to see!

If this image is accurate, it will be right angle.
The type-c type-c cable in the test images is the existing cable. It is certain that it will probably be angled on at least one side, but in the promotional image below, both sides appear to be angled.View attachment 74101
Thank you for the pictures. People can't imagine right now how important is to be angled, a straight cable to the SSD would be a disaster, the weakest point of all setup.

Really want need a 3 channel. A 3 channel with a large SSD capability would just be awesome.
Also I want this!
2CH front (one is telephoto) and 1CH rear + SSD
To avoid USB-C cable for one of the secondary cameras they can include the telephoto lens into the main body. For me much setup is much more convenient compared to a separate telephoto lens. Just install one coaxial cable from front to rear.
I don't believe the usb cable connector angle will be an issue.
Viofo have listened to users in the past and updated the connectors to right angles when needed.