About ready to pull the trigger -


New Member
May 2, 2021
Reaction score
United States
Hiyas peoples!

I've been reading more posts, reviews, and details than I'll ever remember for about the last month, have watched enough youtube videos that I'm pretty sure only dash cams will be in my suggested list for the next decade, and am going to be buying a setup soon. I've narrowed it down to two units and am going in circles. I was considering a motorcycle system, but the price/performance just seemed lacking in my price range (max $300).

The vehicle: 2000 Chrysler Sebring JXI. It's a convertible with a heavily sloped windshield.

I tried simulating a basic wedge setup with my state of the art cardboard aided drafting/fabrication and dealing with a screen/buttons is a nogo... factory mirror mount is in the way when mounted high, highly visible when positioned to clear the mirror, and no matter where I put it my body doesn't bend in the needed angles to use the screen/buttons. The taxi dual cam style have the same wedge issues, are just too visible, and/or the rear is useless with the top up from the videos I've seen.

The two I've been bouncing between are the Street Guardian sg9663dr ($300 w/32g card) and the Autovox V5 pro ($250 no card included).

I like the V5 Pro because it's relatively invisible, "all in one", and has a little waterproof external cam I can hide above my plate avoiding the droptop issues. Don't like that I have to fab a mount to attach it, max 64g card, camera is on the wrong fracking side, and the mirror cams usually suck.

I like the sg9663dr because it looks to be an all around much better performing system, they're active with their community, and if the cables reach I can mount the screen hidden in my center console. My concerns are the angle of my windshield and the rear camera location.

- Front cam would be mounted on/near the frame so the lens would be right at or ~1-1.5" behind the roughly 45° glass and I'm afraid all I'd see is dash reflection (highly unscientific phone cam test showed nothing but dash).
- Rear cam could only really go on a custom bracket about 4" tall mounted to the bulkhead for the rear seat. With the top up would be ~12-16" from the glass. I'm not so much concerned with the restricted viewing angle with the top up as I am if it could see anything at all and with the top down it shaking (making the video unusable and potential camera destruction) due to the wind.

I'm highly tilted towards the SG unit, but my reflection/ rear cam mounting concerns are holding me back.

Running out of stuff to read so figured I'd post up. Thanks for any info
The SG DR is a much better cam than the Autovox. It isn't cheap, but you will definitely get the quality and support you pay for, and it has a waterproof rear cam option IIRC which should make your convertible install much easier.

Yeah, still with the "old" sensor, and the DR is a "pro+" system so to say, so not downgrade able to a IMX 323 on one of the channels.
Do also make a lot of sense to have same sensor in both cameras when it is a dual remote system.
Also think we will probably soon see a WP remote camera that will work with the DR model, just not quite there yet.
O yeah thats right. :rolleyes: man i swear some times my brain wake up many hours after my body have gotten out of bed.