Advanced Image Settings advice


May 18, 2014
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United States
Hey guys,

I was curious if, perhaps, you experts had any tips on tweaking the Advanced Image Settings of my Mobius to keep the White background of this Phone from blurring out the information displayed on it? This video will show what I am talking about. It happens at night and in the day to a lesser extent.

I have everything at default pretty much. I do have Wide Dynamic Range set to *On*,.. as it occurs in the Day as well as Night I didn't put it on Low light.

Note: You may want to mute the video as it is a Radar detector going off and can be annoying ;)

Are you trying to capture what's happening on the display?
Yes absolutely. On both the Radar detector and Phone (which is linked to a network across the world into the Detectors network). I have another camera that is behind the rearview mirror for the actual dashcam.

I think you've got too many areas of varying contrast and light source to be able to do this, perhaps if it was only aimed at the display it might be ok but being aimed to capture what's going on out the window is going to be a problem I think
I think you've got too many areas of varying contrast and light source to be able to do this, perhaps if it was only aimed at the display it might be ok but being aimed to capture what's going on out the window is going to be a problem I think
Fair enough. I just thought, perhaps, adjusting the image settings in the Mobius GUI would help -- But if those settings won't help this issue I will simply just work with aiming the camera differently.

Am I right in assuming the Image settings in the Mobius GUI program won't help ?

I don't think they will, it would need some pretty advanced HDR capabilities to deal with this, no harm in trying though

how did you go for the vibration problems you were try to sort?
I don't think they will, it would need some pretty advanced HDR capabilities to deal with this, no harm in trying though

how did you go for the vibration problems you were try to sort?

I literally don't know which direction or which setting would be likely to help the "glow" at night... I'm sure it's just one .. maybe two of the settings at best to try -- Which would you try, and in which direction?

(I have searched around on these settings.. but this is a fairly specific "nighttime" setting/issue so thought I'd ask here first.)

Here's the page for reference:


As for the Vibration.. The Mobius did the trick. I absolutely love it! Here's a 20 second clip where I have my dash cam going and then another cam overlayed in a small box in the corner.. It's 1000 times better. You guys were 100% right,.. why do you think I'm back here asking.. (kidding).. no but seriously, it's great.

Thanks for the help,
Really I'm not sure what settings are going to be best, would be a lot of trial and error I suspect

Good to know that you're otherwise working well with the other problem you were having