As a car dashcam which lens do you recommend ¿Lens A or C2?

As a dashcam for a car, which lens do you prefer?

  • Lens A

  • Lens C2

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I prefer the A lens in the front for the reason that it keeps things to size and the lens doesn't stick out of the body of the Mobius. I however have been considering the C2 lens for the rear, especially after having a car side swipe me right in the back quarter panel.

If someone is going to crash into you from the side I can't see those few degrees catching anything you could use, especially with the camera making everything smaller and harder to read via video.

If I had a C2 I'd test it by parking a car at each fender to see what it sees, obviously it would differ from car height of not only the one the camera is in, but the car at each fender, but might still prove to be of use. I'll keep it in mind.
I experimented with the C2 in the front but the FOV wasn't substantially greater due to the side pillars coming into view. The A lens in front seems to capture more detail, and I expect front images to be more important should an incident occur. The C2 has an unobstructed view to the rear due to the lift gate glass and, the wide angle is a benefit there. Some of my choice comes down to how the cameras work with a particular vehicle.

I should add that I actually mounted the A and C2 lens cameras side by side while experimenting, and compared the playback videos together on the computer.

That's quite helpful & informative - thanks for that = Roger