Bad A139 news


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
My car was broken in to yesterday and the A139 camera was vandalized, so it is only a 2 channel system now ( front and interior cameras ) and the interior camera are barely hanging in there as the wires have been pulled in by the thief.
So for now i am afraid i am out of the A139 game, before it got really "funny" CUZ even if i got 2 new camera cables i dont think they will plug in very good, and even if i got 2 new remote cameras + cables, there are still socket issues for those in the main unit.

Main unit sockets, rear camera socket plug broken off in socket.

Rear camera socket, it dont look too bad, but testing with plugs on both wires it dont feel like it seat as firm as original.

The end plugs of the long wire for the rear camera look like this.

Like my A139 test sample i feel violated and broken :mad:
Even if nothing was stolen in my car and only the A139 and rear view mirror was vandalized ( mirror pulled off and was lying on my passenger side seat )

Yes. but i cant go anywhere for help, the police would probably get annoyed and tell me to contact my insurance, even if i just told them nothing was really stolen, and that ( them not even listening to me ) would infuriate me so bad.
Not that i expect a squad of G man in trench coats, it is what it is, but at least make a report, which should take 15 minutes even with my 3 finger typing skills.

But soon there will be a camera on my parked car again, and this time a camera with AI and much more advanced features than the old one.
So then i again stand a chance against the creeps of the town.
Yes. but i cant go anywhere for help, the police would probably get annoyed and tell me to contact my insurance, even if i just told them nothing was really stolen, and that ( them not even listening to me ) would infuriate me so bad.
Not that i expect a squad of G man in trench coats, it is what it is, but at least make a report, which should take 15 minutes even with my 3 finger typing skills.

But soon there will be a camera on my parked car again, and this time a camera with AI and much more advanced features than the old one.
So then i again stand a chance against the creeps of the town.

You should file a report that documents the damage for the insurance company, at the very least. I’m not sure how the laws in your country work, but here in the US a police report is often always required for damage claims.
Even when I was young and dumb (only dumb now) I never understand property destruction as a form of entertainment, revenge maybe, but not entertainment. Takes a mental process that's beyond me.
Do not need a police report here for a insurance claim like that, unless you like on your claim, then the insurance will send the police after you, or try at least dont think we have enough police for minor document fraud.
Burgalary the police them self say unless you get taken for at least 100.000 DKKr ( 16500 USD ) they cant really be bothered,,,,,,,, extremely embarrassing.
Shop keepers calling police for outright blatant shop lifting where people just fill shopping carts and then walk away, well no time for that either.

But there is little to be claimed outside of the 150 DKKr ( 25 USD ) i paid today for a new mirror.
The A139 are a free test sample, and i was lucky with it so not even any taxes or customs paid on that camera, the biggest cost have been the 400 USD for a new PTZ IP camera,,,,,, coincidentally with the same sensor in it as in the main unit of the A139 system :)
I should have gotten a new camera at once when the old one died 1-2 years ago,,,,,,, that one are solely on me.
This is sad to see :(

Even if nothing was stolen in my car and only the A139 and rear view mirror was vandalized ( mirror pulled off and was lying on my passenger side seat )
Why did they pull the mirror off?
Were they actually thieves, or maybe the dashcam destruction squad?
I assume turning on cabin light the interior A139 camera right there on the mirror stalk provoked them,,,,,, what are more strange is the treatment the rear camera on the rear hatch have gotten, its not like it was installed so it or its wire was in the way when you opened the rear hatch.
And the DR camera are right there beside it, and it was not touched in the rear or the windscreen, and neither was my mobius maxi zoom camera on a suction cup mount.

I think they was looking for a gasoline debit card so they can fill up on another persons dime, it have been quite normal for trade people to leave such a card in the car, and apparently regular people too.
I assume they have used a slim jim on mu car, i looked over the car today in daylight and i could not see anything irregular with the car.
What are the chances of removing the broken piece so that a new cable can be used?
Looks like the rest is probably OK, even if it doesn't feel quite right when clipping it in.
I can't think of a good way to get the piece out, the centre pin is in the way and there is so little space you would need a very thin high strength steel hook.
What are the chances of removing the broken piece so that a new cable can be used?
Looks like the rest is probably OK, even if it doesn't feel quite right when clipping it in.
I can't think of a good way to get the piece out, the centre pin is in the way and there is so little space you would need a very thin high strength steel hook.

That's not a bad idea. It's worth a try.

For many years I've kept a small selection of dental tools around and they are perfect for tasks like this. One of them has often saved the day when nothing else would work.

You can buy these online from various sources. I got one of my favorite ones at a store that specializes in tools and other supplies for ceramics work.

Am sure that end will take a lot of fishing out, they click in quite tightly don’t they plus it’s likely smooth inside right to the bottom so very little to grip against.

I wonder if a small self tapping screw or similar could be turned in a thread or 2 without damaging the centre pin, might then allow the piece to be pulled out.
Am sure that end will take a lot of fishing out, they click in quite tightly don’t they plus it’s likely smooth inside right to the bottom so very little to grip against.

I wonder if a small self tapping screw or similar could be turned in a thread or 2 without damaging the centre pin, might then allow the piece to be pulled out.

I've had experience with a few things like this. If you can get a hook worked in just below the leading edge at the bottom of the plug you can often get enough of a grip to yank it out. Like I said, it's worth a try; at least that's what I would do. You've got absolutely nothing to lose and sometimes you can pull a rabbit out of the hat...or a broken plug out of a socket. :)
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they click in quite tightly don’t they
They do, but it appears that you can see the spring clip at the top of the broken part, and one of Dashmellow's dentist's tools would extract the spring, then maybe the remaining part of the plug will just fall out if turned upside down?
Or use super-glue. A tiny spot on something stuck against the stub, let it cure, pull it and the broken parts out together. I've used screws to pull things out before; sheetrock screws tend to do well for that. And I'm sure that Viofo can send you a cable or two as needed.

Just wish I were there to "go hunting" with you. There would be one less a$$hole wasting oxygen when we were done.

I was thinking a plastic tooth pick with a dab of CA glue on the tip, tried various things to pry it out,,,,, including fishing hooks, but it did not work.

In the pic of the cable you can see it, but the end not broken off still look as if it is bent a little, the only plug i am confident is the angled one that was in the interior camera, but even it dont feel like it is seating well anymore.
All you can do is try, perhaps it's seating well enough to work reliably but only trying will show. My mind is still working on getting the broken bits out but so far nothing new. Being a coax connector there's only two electrical connections so if you had replacement sockets they might not be too tough to install as IIRC you have soldering equipment. But I don't know that we've positively identified the connector type yet so at this point some assistance from @viofo is probably the best way forward.

I am talking to Bill on mail. (y)

Initial getting the A139 i was apprehensive about these little plugs / sockets for the remote cameras, but it have worked pretty fine up until now and i was feeling pretty good about them.
But now after this manhandling they dont feel / sound like they snap / lock so well in place, i have been using the angled plug that was in the INT camera to test the sockets as that seem to have experienced the least amount of stress.
But no matter what i plug it into aside the the INT camera it dont feel like it lock as good in place as original, so even if i was to get new wires / a new wire i am apprehensive again, even if the way things are installed i have a pretty good wire/plug approach to the different places, but still nervous say driving on a dirt road could trigger a disconnect.

Mind you. Have the A139 used USB C plugs instead, they would probably have seen the same kind of manhandling, the person have not pulled up and out in them, probably wedged a finger in behind them and the window and then just pulled,,,,,,, though the USB power cable was still seated and dont seen to have suffered any damage.

The old setup had the wire to the INT camera come from above the headliner and then back to my roof mounted mirror a bit back,,,,, i will change this so the wire are routed above the headliner and then come down along the mirror stalk, that way there will just be a few CM that can wiggle on a bumpy road.

That might require me modding my mirror assembly a bit, but i am very okay with that.

Just contacted seller of new CCTV camera, ordered Sunday and it is Tuesday now and still no TRCK number,,,,,,, though i am of course well aware of things taking their sweet time when from China. :)
I am so very happy to announce that i am back in the A139 game, i have just picked up a replacement for the vandalized A139 camera.
So a big thumbs up (y) to viofo taking care of me so i can continue my first venture with one of their products.
I am so very happy to announce that i am back in the A139 game, i have just picked up a replacement for the vandalized A139 camera.
So a big thumbs up (y) to viofo taking care of me so i can continue my first venture with one of their products.
Welcome back :), I hope you have your surveillance cameras installed and working!

Any improvements to the new version?