Basic starter DashCam

If it has the C2 lens it will be the newest version. I don't know this seller, but stay with someone local to avoid excessive shipping costs if you have to return under warranty. SpyTec has done well with me; the other recommended US sellers are good too.

To avoid knockoffs, only buy from Mobius-approved sellers...
oh bummer, my first google came up was banggood, but I assume the price and the site i never shop might be too good to be truth. Until i see that link, which I already ordered my Mobius through that new seller from ebay which is not in the approve reseller. However, I can't cancel it now but I attempt to send the seller and email requesting for cancellation or price match or lower than banggood offer for $65.99 in exchange when I get it in the mail to do a surgery on it to validate it's legit and write a review that he/she can get it approve with the developer. Wish me luck!
if they're not on the approved sellers list there's more chance of getting a fake one than there is of getting a real one
Faking of the Mobius isn't as rampant as with several other cams, but it is happening. Since you Ebay'ed, you have PayPal protecting you if you receive a fake. I doubt they can match the GB price but it never hurts to ask! You may have dodged the bullet avoiding GB. I'm also into flashlights and the forum for those I hang out on has recently seen a huge increase in fakes and bad customer service being reported from GB. I buy there occasionally but not for anything expensive or important- too risky with them IMHO.

Dear im2c0ol,

Since the item hadn't shipped from my supplier, who is an approved reseller of Mobius, I was able to contact them and cancel your order. I will refund your Paypal account. If it had already shipped, you would have been stuck with the order. And just for future reference, if you disassemble a product, it will void your warranty, so please don't do that unless you want to lose money.

- 3134susan"

Seller refunded me the $$ today, she didn't bother to priced match. Went ahead bought mobius from banggood for $66 bucks, great deal! yay!!
I got the dashcam, but it came with no instructions.
You have to be F'ing kidding me.
Does anyone have a link to how to operate this thing?

It came with a spliced together A/V and USB cable,
but my PC doesn't even recognize the device.

It has 3 buttons:
A camera icon,
and Power button.

The light changes all different colors. Green, blue, red, etc.
Sometimes it blinks. Any clue how to use this thing?
Everything you wanted to know about Mobius and more can be found here:

Don't let the complexity overwhelm you, the default settings are good on their own so you won't have to adjust anything except for setting it to loop record and your powering options to make it a great dashcam. You're going to need a USB cable and a USB power converter or hardwire kit, a micro SD card, as well as a mount. Go over those first 8 pages and you'll understand everything.

Different sellers offer different accessory packs, but this cam usually comes needing a few more bits since it's really an action cam where everyone has different needs. Most Mobii are shipped with only the slide-in mount and the 1/4-20 threaded adapter because of that. The other stuff is cheap enough to still make this cam a bargain.
Thanks Saw. Yea, I just want to KISS and turn it on and pilot it. Default settings. I will RTFM now.