Best place to buy 0806

If it didn't ship, cancel it and contact Sunny. If there is interest here maybe we can ask her to set a coupon. I ordered one and am waiting until after the holiday.

It's a nice one, Aluminum shell and 2 ports 1A and 2.1A) 16000 is plenty and the size is decent.
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Already shipped or at least that's what the NLPost says so no returning it.
I guess it's at least 16,000 anyways. :)
I'll have to come up with a test plan to figure out how much power it actually has.
If it seems much less, I'll open it up and check the innards. ;)
Does anyone know if is taking time off from shipping for Chinese New Year? I ordered last week and havent received any confirmation yet.
Everything in China is taking time off. The last official ship day is the 18th
Buy the Xiaomi 16000 from GearBest for $29 (there may be coupon). Then at least you know you will be getting a real 16000 and LG or Samsung cells. The cheaper ones have crappy cells and exageratted capacity.
That's what I was a little worried about. Thanks for posting.
With a 5v, 1amp needed for the dashcam, this battery will last for days without recharge. :D
30,000mah should last two full days powering a mini 0806 recording constantly. The camera uses less than 0.5 amp.
That's what I was a little worried about. Thanks for posting.
Haha... we'll see how it goes.
Let's hope it at least has power of what I could get a good brand's $13 power bank.
If not, not much money wasted and it's always good to have extra power lying around even if it's not too big.
Haha... we'll see how it goes.
Let's hope it at least has power of what I could get a good brand's $13 power bank.
If not, not much money wasted and it's always good to have extra power lying around even if it's not too big.
Just be gentle on the cells, don't leave it charging unattended. I had a cheap one swell so the cheaper cells may or may not have good protection circuits.
Just be gentle on the cells, don't leave it charging unattended. I had a cheap one swell so the cheaper cells may or may not have good protection circuits.
Given the size, it is going to take a long time to charge so nobody is going to watch over it at all times!

Better advice is to only charge it somewhere where it isn't going to cause serious damage if it turns into a firework, eg in a metal box - there is a serious amount of power in a battery that size if it decides to release it all at the same time, it's not like a little dashcam battery which is unlikely to damage anything other than the camera.
Given the size, it is going to take a long time to charge so nobody is going to watch over it at all times!

Better advice is to only charge it somewhere where it isn't going to cause serious damage if it turns into a firework, eg in a metal box - there is a serious amount of power in a battery that size if it decides to release it all at the same time, it's not like a little dashcam battery which is unlikely to damage anything other than the camera.
Man you make it sound like I bought an explosive device instead of a battery pack. :D
Okay I apologize for being kinda stupid, I just Googled wire management clips, and looked at a variety of them, there are six of those that came with my camera, the little things with the 3m sticker on the back of them that you put around the windshield , and clip the wire in them to keep it out of your sight. I didn't know that's what they were called , now I do, I got 6 of them. Thanks.
Okay I apologize for being kinda stupid, I just Googled wire management clips, and looked at a variety of them, there are six of those that came with my camera, the little things with the 3m sticker on the back of them that you put around the windshield , and clip the wire in them to keep it out of your sight. I didn't know that's what they were called , now I do, I got 6 of them. Thanks.

My top light is blue, my middle light is red, and bottom light does nothing because mine is without GPS. Is that the order of the colors if it is second batch ?
My top light is blue, my middle light is red, and bottom light does nothing because mine is without GPS. Is that the order of the colors if it is second batch ?
I've to check again but if the video quality is good, doesn't matter as the GPS was the main issue with 1st batch and you are not using it.
No problem.
Here is a picture of 2nd batch:

The 4 small screws are to attach wedge piece on the mount to change angle. Not used if you don't need to change default mount angle.

Here is 1st batch, notice cpl case is rectangular:

Also, the recording led color was changed as mentioned above.
But if you got it with the clips, safe to say 2nd batch.
About temperature, I'm in Denver where it's 70 one day and below 20 next day and my dash cams stay in the car all the time. Hasn't failed a single one yet.

Sunny, okay you are right I found the little bag with 6 tiny screws in it inside with the sticky patches, the 4 small screws you speak of, are they these 6 screws with 2 left over from the 4 needed ?

Also where you talk about the led colors mentioned above, I can not find that. My colors are top, blue, middle red, and bottom, because I have a non GPS model does not light up.
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I've to check again but if the video quality is good, doesn't matter as the GPS was the main issue with 1st batch and you are not using it.

Sunny , sorry for asking the led colors again, I didn't see your latest reply until just now, I was looking at your first reply about the colors. I'm not quite used to this blog site, or whatever you call it yet. Every time I want to post here, if I leave for a few hours I have to log in again, even if I check keep me logged in. Is that normal here ?
Sunny , sorry for asking the led colors again, I didn't see your latest reply until just now, I was looking at your first reply about the colors. I'm not quite used to this blog site, or whatever you call it yet. Every time I want to post here, if I leave for a few hours I have to log in again, even if I check keep me logged in. Is that normal here ?
Yes that's normal.
I have to log back in often at work.
Something to do with browser security as i don't have to log in as often at home.
You can plug it into your computer to charge the batteries although you can't then use the menus, or better still your phone charger if it has the right plug as you can then use the menus, or a USB powerbank if you have one.

Hi Nigel : I tried using a phone charger to charge the battery, and I had it on the charger for about 8 hours, and I think it didn't get past about 1/4 up of the battery icon , when it's charging the lines inside the icon keep bouncing up and down don't they, and if it was fully charged the icon would be a solid color....right ? Do you think 8 hours was not long enough to fully charge the battery ? Maybe I was doing something wrong ? After I charged it I probably turned it on maybe 6 to 10 times and then after maybe less than a minute it would turn off, now when I turn it on it says low battery again. After I saw the link for the powerpack posted here, the 30000 one from Gearbest, or whatever the name is, I ordered one, the exploding one, then I think I saw somebody here say it was a terrorist weapon, or something, so I emailed Gearbest to see if I could change the order to the other one that was posted here, the 16000 one. They haven't got back to me yet.
None of my dashcam battery lasts longer than 5 minutes so if you get few minutes on full charge, be happy.
None of my dashcam battery lasts longer than 5 minutes so if you get few minutes on full charge, be happy.

Okay as long as I know that's what's to be expected I'm happy. I just didn't know what exactly was full charge, I thought if the battery icon was a solid color that meant fully charged. The battery icon was only colored about 1/4 of the icon. Like on the phone battery icon, as the battery loses it's charge the icon is less and less colored, until it finally runs out.
It is a fairly small battery as in most dashcams, it is intended to provide enough power so that when power is lost, it can save the current data to memory card and shutdown cleanly (avoiding creation of corrupted files on the card) and as long as it does that then I would consider it to be working. It is also useful for configuring the setup when you have it in your hand but don't expect to get an hours use.

When charging the blue led should be flashing and the on-screen icon should have it's bars flashing. When fully charged the blue led should go steady and the icon should be steady and full of bars. It should take very approximately 20 minutes to charge from empty.

Mine will record for 10 minutes on a full battery, but I think production ones are supposed to be a bit longer?

The mini 0803 cameras were always very variable though, some people reporting 6 minutes, others reporting 30 seconds, mine when new was about 3 minutes, now with a replacement battery will record for 35 minutes!

How long are other people getting?
Retired Guy,

Sorry I did not post earlier. Been pretty busy. in response to the 1st/2nd batch question, I'm confused here as well. The unit I received was in the "old box" according to photos found elsewhere on the site. However, I did have wire management clips but no screws or CPL. My unit came with a GPS mount. I do not get GPS nor am I able to charge thru the GPS mount on either of the 2 USB ports. I tried a mini0803 mount as well (with GPS) and got the same results. What I will try (tomorrow) is using the new mount with the mini0803 but I'm not sure it's actually backward compatible. I believe the problems are not with the mounts but the Cameras themselves. The Camera does power and charge thru the micro port on the cam though. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but It's not like I don't already own one of these (mini 0803).

One other note which was Odd to me is that it was supplied with a firmware version dated 1/28/15. I figured it would have been the last one dated 1/16/15. So maybe I do have the 2nd batch and they are still in transition with packing items or worst case, the 2nd bath still has issues with GPS/USB power.
It is a fairly small battery as in most dashcams, it is intended to provide enough power so that when power is lost, it can save the current data to memory card and shutdown cleanly (avoiding creation of corrupted files on the card) and as long as it does that then I would consider it to be working. It is also useful for configuring the setup when you have it in your hand but don't expect to get an hours use.

When charging the blue led should be flashing and the on-screen icon should have it's bars flashing. When fully charged the blue led should go steady and the icon should be steady and full of bars. It should take very approximately 20 minutes to charge from empty.

Mine will record for 10 minutes on a full battery, but I think production ones are supposed to be a bit longer?

The mini 0803 cameras were always very variable though, some people reporting 6 minutes, others reporting 30 seconds, mine when new was about 3 minutes, now with a replacement battery will record for 35 minutes!

How long are other people getting?

When I plugged in the phone charger both the top blue led and the middle red led come on steady, and the battery icon bars are flashing, then after about a minute with the charger hooked up it shuts down. I never got the battery icon to go steady/solid, no flashing.
And when I unplug the charger only the middle red led stays on, no blue led without charger hooked up. When it shuts down after a minute with the charger hooked up is it still charging ?