Boscam R2 Dash/Backup camera unbox and review

Okay it seem like i was not updated, i was not able to find any specifics on the legality of screen mirrors, but i found a article from the Danish version of AAA, and it state that several models of cars on the Danish market now have these kind of mirrors, so it must be legal.
Though i am not sure if the mirror / screen have to have some official approvals like CE or whatever.

Yes the head unit have a AV input, though come to think of it, that might be part of that part of the wire harness i have lost :)
I think we talked about that before, cuz you said you would send one of those cameras no problem, but i think i canceled the notion due to the missing piece of wire harness.
I have the audio part of the harness of course cuz it is hooked up the the Suzukis harness with some adapter, but the multimedia pice i think i took out when i replaced the old 4 channel analog system i had for a while, cuz it was connected that way, though i think it was on a second TV in and not the reversing camera input.
it would probably also be better to replace the headunit, it was not a issue before, but now when i listen to my music ( MP3 ) from my memory card ( have checked card ) then some times the music get a digital hiccup or something, and it is random so i think it might be the head unit doing something that for a second or two use all the resources so it cant decode the MP3
It is after all just some dualcore unit, not even quadcore, and win Ce and not even Android
A month or two and my car is paid up, that will free up 270 AUD every month more if i downgrade to the bare minimum insurance, though i also better start saving for down payment on a new car, and that expensive dentist i also have to visit again before too long, just hope i can push that back to after the summer.
BTW looking for laws on those screens i saw a danish company selling a LCD mirror + reversing camera, for the rather hefty price of 720 AUD

yep, there are also plenty of the mirrors with just a little part of it a screen, those are only 300 AUD for a complete system.
But i am sure i could better that even just looking in another EU country.
It is funny after i have gotten on VPN, ans just touting thru a server in Denmark, when i enter some websites i get a lot of different languages.
Yesterday i pressed a aliexpress link, and i got there alright, but everything was in some east European language. :) i don't get that when i use a DK server as my "front"

Also just found out i can not send MMS on my phone, it just error after a short while, but thats also all that dont work there, SMS / email ASO are just fine, but add a picture to a text and it just will not send.
Also just found out i can not send MMS on my phone, it just error after a short while, but thats also all that dont work there, SMS / email ASO are just fine, but add a picture to a text and it just will not send.
does it work if you turn your wifi off?
no, i always have wifi off on the phone.

I have been looking in the VPN app on the phone bid in the phones own settings, but i cant really find anything wrong.
I have not tried to send a MMS just plain text to see if it is the added picture that do it, but i will test that tomorrow.

BTW the damn VPN app eat a lot of power too, have about halved my battery time if i have the VPN on all the time.
yes i think so too, have reached out to Cyber Ghost then we will see what they say, not the fastest support been over a day now.

It also is not a big problem, i send a MMS maybe once every 3 months, and now i know i can just turn VPN off then it work.
And the MMS i send dont need any end to end encryption,,,, not those kind of messages i send out :)