Buying Viofo dashcam in the UK


New Member
Nov 24, 2015
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United Kingdom
The dashcam I've decided I want to get is the Viofo A229 but this doesn't seem to be easily available in the UK. From what I searched and read, the best place to purchase is as if there's any issues then Amazon will sort it out. However, the A229 is not available on the site (not sure if it's because it's out of stock or because it's too new).

Seems like I can order it from here:
This seems to ship directly from China which I'm not keen on. Been burnt many times by this when there's issues, they ask to send the product back and the cost for that is really expensive. Also, I'm not protected by any of the usual UK consumer protection laws/acts.

I also saw this site:
Although this is a UK site, I'm not sure how trusted or reliable this site is. Anyone got any experience of using them?

I could go for an older Viofo model that is available on Amazon but buying an older model when the new one is out feels like a bad move.

Thoughts or suggestions?
Just wait until it is available in Amazon. A while back the a119 mini wasn’t listed on Amazon but it is now.
I've used these for spares a few times without issue :

I also saw this site:
Although this is a UK site, I'm not sure how trusted or reliable this site is. Anyone got any experience of using them?
They have been around for a while, not heard anything bad about them, so I assume they are decent.
They are a reseller, using that name as one of their trading names, nothing to do with Viofo other than that they sell Viofo products, they do the same with some other brands.

If they are not in stock at Amazon, it is quite possible that delivery from other places will be delayed until stock arrives in UK, even if you can place an order, so if you actually want to receive it before you could receive it from Amazon, check that it is actually in stock and ready for delivery!

I think there may be a slight shortage of A229s due to some of the component suppliers having covid difficulties, will probably send it out first, since that is actual Viofo, but then you have the delivery time from China, which is not slow, but it is quite likely not to arrive before Amazon can deliver.

So, as above, probably waiting for amazon to have it in stock is best, which probably will only be a few days time, you could try asking them how long...
Thanks for the reply back. I'll hold out for the Amazon stock :-)