Camera WiFi in Client mode - WORKING .ash SCRIPT inside

OK chaps. Got it all up and running! Thank yo all for your help. In addition to following the advise given directly to me, I also had a look at this thread at other help. I discovered I also had to input my phones ip address into the file and also turned off wifi-on-boot on the cameras internal (is it its firmware?) software, as in what you can control using the official Yi Action app.

A few questions:

1) So now I have the cameras as clients and the phone as router. Is there a way I can connect my laptop to my phone, then access & download video recordings from each camera to the laptop via the network?

2) I have seen that there are scripts out there (example!) which ca enhance the quality of the video recording. Can I still use these alongside the Brahma scripts for all for cameras? If so, how?

3) No doubt this has been asked before, but are there plans on Brahma, or any apps out there which can simply preview each of the cameras over the network?

Thanks again guys
sunnyPYBURN, you really need to start using the search on this forum :) To answer you Q's:

1) Yes you can. Now you have a network with your cams and router, and you may connect to your phone with any devise and it becomes in one network with cams. Since then, you can connect on each camera just type in browser cameras IP address (this is the case when static IP's are a bit preferable over dynamic). Each cam has a web-server built-in, which you can use to transfer files. But the connection speed will be slow.

2) I don't know what is 'Brahma script', but if you talk about Brahma android app – it don't related to scripts, it's just control cameras, e.g. trigger the shutter and doing some other stuff. There is some preview feature there, but unfortunately I can't figure out how to use it. For enhance quality you need to make your custom autoexec.ash for each cam, and add there lines with parameters you need combining network settings that you have now. Read forum for this thread, for starts. And take a look on this script. And you need to understand how these scripts works, in order to combine settings what you need.

3) Can't talk about Brahma, but if you want a live preview from cam, you can do this by using this app, it works on Windows, Mac and Linux. Also you can do a lot of 'open' configuration using this app, it basically replaces the functionality of original android app, and since your phone cant connect now to cams using original xiaomi app, use it to configure cameras remotely from PC, if it fits in your configuration.

Anyway, read the other topics, use search on this forum and experiment a lot with settings. Only then you can figure out what config is suitable for you.
Thanks, Vadomkozhin. I shall indeed check the rest of this site for answers :)
I'm having a problem running this script with both the Brahma 360 and PonerineM apps. With both apps I can connect to the cameras. In both apps, when I hit the record button, my cameras respond and begin recording. In both apps, when I hit the button to stop recording, the apps both indicate that recording has stopped, but the cameras do not stop recording. At this point, the only thing I can do to turn off the camera is remove the battery. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi guys !

just to know, someone successfully use the Original Android App with the custom Wi-Fi settings ?
(just because the liveview is more responsive with it)

Thanks !
I have two cameras Xiaomi Yi and I want to connect them to the same PC and have live view using CC. I have also two wifi cards. Also I want to use VLC player. For me the best and easiest way to do this is to change Gate adress in one cam from to for example . Can someone help me how to do this ?
waliszak2, You can put one of your card on PC in AP mode, which allows cams to connect to your laptop. And then use client mode scripts on Yi's to connect to this AP. Make sure you use static IP's on cameras, in that case you'll always will know exactly the addresses of both cams and can use two instances of VLC to connect to both of then in LIVE view mode.

Or, you can use portable wifi router, to achieve the same – client mode scripts on Yi's, connect your PC to portable router and use VLC to live view.
Ok, thanks. But can you tell me how can I set static IP on camera ?
waliszak2, at the first post of this thread there is a download link with the scripts.

You'll need to edit file and put your IP's there, separate for each cam. So, if your routed is, then on first cam in put:
ifconfig wlan0 netmask
#udhcpc -i wlan0 -A 2 -b -t 30

and on the second:
ifconfig wlan0 netmask
#udhcpc -i wlan0 -A 2 -b -t 30

Just in case, remember, when you edit these files, last line should be empty, and use should use text editor that produces Unix line endings. Do not touch anything in these scripts, just edit the lines.

Next, in the wpa_supplicant.conf you'll need to put your router connection credentials.

Upload all files, including autoexec.ash in the root of your SD card. ( and wpa_supplicant.conf should remain in wifi folder)

Turn on your router/hotspot, turn on both cameras, wait a bit and try to ping them. Your cameras will connect to your router and when you ping them, you should get response.

Now you can connect to both cams using Xiaomi Yi Camera Control&Configure and use LIVE view.

Can someone tell me if this script works on Yi Z26L with the latest FW v.1.5.6?

Thank you.
Hello all,

I have some trouble with 2 Yi Cameras :

waliszak2, at the first post of this thread there is a download link with the scripts.

You'll need to edit file and put your IP's there, separate for each cam. So, if your routed is, then on first cam in put:
ifconfig wlan0 netmask
#udhcpc -i wlan0 -A 2 -b -t 30

and on the second:
ifconfig wlan0 netmask
#udhcpc -i wlan0 -A 2 -b -t 30


When i configure one with DHCP, it connects well to my router. The second one connects too, if the first one is not plugged. I can't have both connected, just the first or the second (so the 2 configurations work).
Have you some idea ? I've checked, they haven't the same MAC address, and I set a different ip for the two cameras in my router (the cam are with dhcp, i've put a static lease on the router).
Thanks for all, i've no lead ... (and sorry for my english :D)
Hi, I am working on modification of this script for my Thieye T5e. So far I have managed to connect via telnet to my camera and I have modified wpa_supplicant.conf. I have also tried to run and modify directly from telnet but it never connects to my other network. I am not sure how to debug this since whenever I execute the I loose my telnet connection. Any advice? So far I have found out that on Thieye wpa_supplicant is located in sbin not bin and my sdcard is mounted in /tmp/SD0/. I have also tried to strip down the script by removing mac search and udhcpc but this didn't help. Any advise here how to proceed? Thanks ;)
Got it working on a Z26L fw:1.5.6.
At first it only connected for 5 sec and I was unable to see it in my network. Changed the watchdog so it pings google (, changed to static IP and after many attemps it got connected forever. Responds to ping but I can see it with Ipscanner and some functions like LiveView seems to not work. Any idea?
Hi, I am working on the Yi discovery action camera, J22V fw: 1.3.31
I tried to connect the camera with the router ( AP mode ), I put in the, the wpa_supplicant and the auto execs script already, but there is nothing happened when I turn it on. Can any one help me with this?
Hi, I am working on the Yi discovery action camera, J22V fw: 1.3.31
I tried to connect the camera with the router ( AP mode ), I put in the, the wpa_supplicant and the auto execs script already, but there is nothing happened when I turn it on. Can any one help me with this?
You're trying to use a Yi 2K script with the Yi Discovery. It can't work.
Hi all... sorry for my english...
I found this topic because I was looking for a way to turn the camera into wifi mode client mode.
I want to buy myself a camera xiaomi 360^VR and I wonder if this solution will work also on this camera.
Can I use the original application on android ?? after applying this script ??

I found theta V camera which supports mode client mode in the application but I like the xiaomi more.
It seems to me that Xiaomi should give the possibility of changing the IP address in the Android application under which the application is to search for the camera.
Originally, it's probably So if you could type in and enter any other IP address would be fantastic.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Hello, Andy_S!
Thank you very much for All your hard work!

I need to get a stable RTSP stream for desktop VLC from Xiaomi Yi camera connected to my router. I use yuor client mode script and the C&C application. The router gives the camera an address. C&C connects to the given address without problems. I start the stream via C&C app: the video in VLC shows up, but after 30-50 seconds, the flow crashes and the camera hangs. It seems, only the wi-fi module in the camera hangs. The camera can continue to take pictures, record video, wifi led continues to slowly blink. The camera no longer responds to pings and no longer responds to connections to other ports: telnet does not respond to port 7878. It only helps to turn off by holding the power button and turn on again. The camera enters this state only when I turning on RTSP stream. If I do not run stream, the module does not hang and other services, such as FTP and Telnet (script enabled), work well.
VLC write log:

core debug: Buffering 96%
core debug: Stream buffering done (1000 ms in 3776 ms)
core debug: Decoder wait done in 0 ms
core warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 60 ms)
core debug: auto hiding mouse cursor
live555 warning: no data received in 10s, eof ?
core debug: EOF reached
core debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
core debug: finished input
core debug: removing module "avcodec"
core warning: can't get output picture
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10)) stopped
core debug: killing decoder fourcc `h264', 0 PES in FIFO
core debug: saving a free vout
core debug: reusing provided vout
qt4 debug: Qt: Fullscreen state changed
core debug: removing module "packetizer_h264"
core debug: removing module "live555"
core debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
core debug: dead input
core debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
core debug: nothing to play
core debug: destroying useless vout
core debug: removing module "direct3d"
direct3d debug: Direct3D scene released successfully
qt4 debug: IM: Deleting the input
direct3d debug: Win32 Vout EventThread terminating
direct3d debug: Win32VoutCloseWindow
direct3d debug: WinProc WM_DESTROY
qt4 debug: releasing video...
qt4 debug: Video is not needed anymore
core debug: removing module "freetype"
core debug: removing module "yuvp"
core debug: removing module "swscale"

If I connect to the camera by default, without using the script in the access point mode, the video works stably for a long time.
Help, please! how to achieve stable operation of RTSP in client mode? sorry for my english...
Thanks for your hard work Andy, you rock dude!

I'm able to get my cameras connected to the router.
The problem I'm having is trying to get the application(s) to access the cameras.
I'm having 100% successful pings with all of the cameras.

As for the applications, sometimes it sees the cameras but, will not connect or when it does connect...
It works great but, it will only control one camera, instead of all 3. I have 5 total.

I have the TP-Link_16CC AC1900 Router (at it's default settings).
I'm new to the network field and I'm learning a lot.
Please, any help would be awesome.

Thank you!
Best Regards;


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