COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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S korea test 10.000 daily, so far Denmark haven't even tested that in total.
They could test as many as 1/4 million daily if they wanted to
countries with higher than average death rates implies there are more people out there that are positive and just haven't been tested yet
SC says that they can run 400 - 500 tests per day, but we've just reached the running of 500 tests TOTAL after having it here for a week.

Reading the fine print at the bottom: "COVID-19 was NOT included in this study" :rolleyes:


Yes, it predates COVID-19. It is a general guide to what is known about other corona viruses and COVID-19 is anticipated to be highly similar. We're seeing different speculations about this so far as testing on COVID-19 is currently ongoing.
Posting this was alleged to have been encouraged by a physician. I think the basic message is that the virus persists for hours or days on various surfaces.
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I saw someone today guesstimate there could be as many as 90.000 infected in Denmark right now, that's a far cry from the official infected number just shy of 1000.
I am getting free pizzas delivered by my pizza pusher in the future, he can only accept card or phone payments, and he know i am a all cash kind of guy, so i just get pizza and we settle the account on the other side.
He know too i am not the kind of guy running from a bill, what you owe are a matter of honor, something i have always been big on, even beck when i dident really have the right to even speak the word.
A Japanese, and back in just that particular town, where i assume Japanese are not the most popular nationality.
But good for him and the town, know your history move forward and be better
this is worth watching, an inside look of how they're doing things in China right now from a Japanese documentary film maker that lives there

Also has the advantage that nobody will ever get the flu or even a cold ... until they try to enter the outside world, and then they will catch everything, like when the Spanish arrived in America!

It is an option, but one the rest of the world isn't anywhere close to achieving.
A Japanese, and back in just that particular town, where i assume Japanese are not the most popular nationality.
But good for him and the town, know your history move forward and be better
I guess it is like the Danish and the Germans, you might never forgive them, but it doesn't mean you can't be friendly, most of the time.
I cant recall ever scanned a QR code, so not a place for me, other than to lean something new.
Things like mobile pay just scare the hell out of me, maybe due to my intense dislike for phones, cuz i think as with the cards the bank will cover your ass if you get ripped.

I personally feel the Germans owe us a few 100 KM of the top of "their" country, what they took from us in 1864.
this is worth watching, an inside look of how they're doing things in China right now from a Japanese documentary film maker that lives there

Yes, they're strict- but because only that will work as intended. And it's not going to be forever. But to make it work, everyone has to have a phone and use no-touch cashless payments, so that's going to limit where you can do this. Best for last: It sure seems to have worked as intended and that's about as successful as anyone could hope for (y)

I don't think the extremes they're going to would even be possible in most other countries
It needs every country to do it, including the ones at war with themselves, until there is 0.0000 virus left, otherwise China can never take those masks off.

At least until that common cold vaccine that we have been working on for centuries actually materialises. Some vaccines were easy to make, coronavirus has always defeated us. Until then we rely on natural immunity for colds, and we will for corvid-19 too, several countries are now seeing small benefits from the developing natural immunity.
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But to make it work, everyone has to have a phone and use no-touch cashless payments, so that's going to limit where you can do this.
fortunately this was a system they had already embraced, prior to any of this happening it was getting to the point where it's actually hard to use cash in China, even beggars have QR codes for contactless payments
I personally feel the Germans owe us a few 100 KM of the top of "their" country, what they took from us in 1864.
The bit the British offered you back at the end of WWII?
And you sensibly turned down to avoid trouble from the population of that area, a lot of which wanted to be German.
yes all the way down to the eider river.
Yes a sad day for real Danes, spineless politicians, if the people living there dident like to become Danes, they could just move a bit further south to Germany, back then it was not like they have a lot to loose or pack for the ride to Germany.
yes all the way down to the eider river.
Yes a sad day for real Danes, spineless politicians, if the people living there dident like to become Danes, they could just move a bit further south to Germany, back then it was not like they have a lot to loose or pack for the ride to Germany.
That used to be the border between you and the "English", maybe we should take a bit more back, down to the Elbe?

In the Early Middle Ages the river is believed to have been the border between the related Germanic tribes, the Jutes and the Angles, who along with the neighboring Saxons crossed the North Sea from this region during this period and settled in England. During the High Middle Ages the Eider was the border between the Saxons and the Danes,
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