COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Nevertheless, I think we are all addicted to it in some fashion though.

Definitely a bulls-eye hit ;) We're all addicted to some degree. And while I may normally seem to be here always, part of that it how I do things: back home once I turn the laptop on at night it stays on till I'm heading out for work (or whatever). I log into my 'fave sites' and leave them up on their own window or tab. So for much of my 'logged in' time here I'm actually elsewhere and I check back here in between those excursions :cool:. And when you figure in my chronic insomnia and weird sleeping times I do spend a lot of time here, mainly because with me losing my old home and having a roommate now (and that's similar where I'm at now) I can't make any noise while they're asleep so no doing any of the other things I used to do when I wasn't so restricted :( Yeah, I'm still online and still addicted- oh well, I'm in good company anyway :ROFLMAO: But almost everyone I know actually spends more time online than me- they spend hours each day with their phone in their hand messaging friends and sharing pics instead of working and that's worse during lunch and breaktimes. It's as if they have no life without their phones because they don't anymore; they've fallen prey to the addiction completely and would be totally lost without it. I've spent so many years offline that I can function just fine without that; in fact I prefer to not even touch my phone except while at home so much that I get PO'ed when it bothers me at work :rolleyes:

I've had to go to using my phone as a hotspot here, which has meant increasing my provider plan to a crazy-high level as they don't offer what I need in any smaller packages :mad: 15GB/month ain't enough to watch the vids I've been used to seeing so I do miss that but at least I can loosen up a bit here and enjoy DCT more often sans vids, so life is better today but I'll be darn glad when I can get back home where I can have more for less cost.

with the amount of people in self isolation at the moment time online is only set to increase I think, my computer is on 24/7 with about 60 browser tabs open so won't make much difference here
I might have erred...I thought I remembered seeing something about alcoholics livers would not react well to the virus. Maybe I remembered incorrectly? Of course...those who are drunk would have a hard time maintaining social isolation when they misjudge distances or start hugging people. :p
You probably did see something along those lines, and certainly it is not advisable to be an alcoholic at any time.

There seem to be a lot of medical experts saying things like that without good evidence though, I like to see some real science behind the claims, which was why I linked that smoking article - it was the first smoking article I've seen based on some real data instead of opinion or guesswork.
I've been saying 75% rather than 50%, based on some testing by an Italian laboratory that tested 100% of the population of their town, isolated every infected person, repeated the 100% test, and found that they had reduced the infection to just 8 people. They were also able to check that the 75% who were infected and had reported no symptoms never actually developed symptoms. A level of testing that really isn't practical except for fairly small numbers of people with access to large laboratories, but it does show why it is so hard to stop the spread of this virus.
Indeed one of the nastier traits of Covid-19 is how prevalent it is in unsymptomatic carriers along with it's rather durable survival in our normal environment. With every disease it's the people who have the least ability to self-heal who are affected the most- elderly, those with weakness in susceptible organs, those with compromised immune systems, etc. But as we're seeing now, that isn't a prerequisite for dying from Covid-19 as there have been many cases of very healthy people in the prime of their life falling victim to this :( Nobody is fully immune and nobody is fully safe.

I think you have my friend beaten in open tabs then, before he upgraded his PC he often complained about his slow PC ( and it was just a cheap one ) but i told him, look at the top of your google browser, all those are not things you have bookmarked its things you have open in a tab and each take a little bite of your computers performance.
His new computer can handle it, but it was also put together by yours truly.
Seem like it is the days of bad world records.
The Americans have taken gold with 1169 deaths in 24 hours.
Spain are hot on their heels and taking silver with 950 dead in a day.

I sure as hell don't hope this behave like the Spanish flu that came back much stronger and killed many more in the #2 wave.

Age groups in hospital here.
0 - 9 YO: 5 persons
10 - 19 YO: 5 persons
20 -29 YO: 14 persons
30 - 39 YO: 22 persons
Of course older people see many more in hospital, these numbers are just to underline that no one are safe,,,,,,, not even rich people which for a change are refreshing news.

So just cuz you are young, and fit, you should not feel bulletproof, and even if you get it but don't get all that sick well you can still pass it on to others who are not as fortunate, and so in a sense be a murder like Typhoid Mary

So be nice and play ball with the rest of us please.
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I sure as hell don't hope this behave like the Spanish flu that came back much stronger and killed many more in the #2 wave.
If it was flu then that would be quite likely, but it isn't flu, we have a good chance to wipe it out before it is likely to evolve into something worse. The countries that are trying to restrict it are not helping though, all the restrictions make sure that only the most infectious version of it survives, and that could be bad news.
We actually had a problem here with something cough related,,,,, i think the English name are whooping cough , but the isolation of corona seem to be wiping that out.
Before we had like 1-200 weekly cases, now its under 50
We actually had a problem here with something cough related,,,,, i think the English name are whooping cough , but the isolation of corona seem to be wiping that out.
Before we had like 1-200 weekly cases, now its under 50
I haven't heard of that for ages, but we have a vaccine to prevent it, so here I think it only affects babies, and can kill.

There are going to be a several diseases that get wiped out for this year because of the restrictions, some scientists think this may lead to a low total death toll for this year, or at least not much above normal.
Same here but anti vaxxers :rolleyes:
No school without proper vaccination!

I'm sure the whooping cough vaccine, like the measles vaccine has been in use for long enough to prove itself safe, and they do both save lives, so there should be no excuse. We should have wiped several of these diseases out by now.
The countries that are trying to restrict it are not helping though, all the restrictions make sure that only the most infectious version of it survives, and that could be bad news.

I'm not a genius but I don't see anyone trying to "restrict" Covid-19 anywhere. What I DO see are efforts to restrict it's communication from one human to another, and that would affect all variants equally. Remember that this virus (along with many others) long existed in bats but simply wasn't communicated to humans till now, so it's a
pretty solid bet that it doesn't mutate quickly, and so far only one variant has been found.

Whooping cough killed one baby here in my State several months ago and each year there's a report or two of a school-age child being sent home from school over it. And making a vaccination a requirement for school attendance doesn't solve the problem, as then you end up with bunches of poorly educated kids who were home-schooled by their tin-hatted parents who are almost certain to follow suit and make the numbers grow exponentially. Same as with Covid-19, if an effort is going to be effectiive it has to be universal and complete with nobody excluded- otherwise you will have to deal with it again.

There are numerous lessons to be learned from this pandemic but I don't see that happening to the needed degree, so when something else like Covid-19, SARS, MERS, or H1N1 comes along later on we're going to be having much of the same kinds of problems with it. We can't vaccinate against everything nor can we cure everything, but we can make great strides forward in controlling these diseases if we are willing to learn our lessons, which is going to need quite a lot of changes in our societies. Thus I hold no hope for the future being better because nobody is going to want the very different world we need.

I simply can not reconcile these 2 things.
I would quarantine everyone keeping them on that ship until they are shown to be virus free.

Snap 2020-04-03 at 15.25.15.png
Should NYC be quarantined by allowing no one in or out of that city to protect the rest of the country?

New York City Has Nearly 1 In 4 Of All COVID-19 Cases in US | NBC Nightly News

As it was seen on the ship in Japan, you cant really do that on a ship, it is a problem of space, and how air is recycled by the ship ventilation. ( hotels actually do the same so often have to turn off aircon if you have sick people there, airvents have been the reason of some bad things too, legionnaires disease among other things, one such case the Belvue stratford hotel in 1976 in Philly.
So best thing is to get those people outta there ( Florida / US ) as soon and as safe as possible, and EU are by now quite skilled now in going dutch on charter planes to get citizens home from around the world.
Just yesterday around 200 Danes that have been stuck in Peru came home on planes with other EU citizens.
So keep them on ship, help the most bad off ones, and then ship people off to planes in buses as soon as they have landed and been refueled.

Denmark have just expanded from 1 to 4 adult sized incubators, for safe transport of very sick people by air.
so called epi shuttles.

if need be we will get more.


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People from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are apparently fleeing the COVID-19 crisis for Vermont and the more out-of-state license plates we are seeing on the highways has everyone freaking out. Vermont is a big draw for tourists many of whom have second homes here and the state is also home to major ski resorts where many out-of-staters have vacation homes and condos surrounding those resorts. The whole thing started out as a rumor when people started noticing a big uptick in out-of-state cars on the roads but the story has now been confirmed and our governor just ordered anyone coming into the state to quarantine for 14 days, although there is no way to really enforce it. The governor also shut down all hotels and short term rentals after it was discovered that some Airbnb hosts are advertising that the state is a great way to get away from NYC claiming that the stores are all stocked with plenty of food and talking up the quality of our hospitals. It's crazy! We are a small state with limited resources and hospital beds that may not be enough to handle all our full time residents without having to accommodate a flood of (possibly infected) people coming here from COVID-19 hotspots!
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O and before it is too late, today's Danish pestilence numbers.

Total tested.: 35,668 ( up 5747 over yesterday ) lots more testing going on, lab rats just scurry around night and day.
Total infected: 3757 ( up 402 over yesterday )
In hospital: 517 ( down 8 over yesterday )
In ICU: 143 ( down 10 over yesterday )
On ventilator: 116 ( Down 22 over yesterday )
Total deaths: 139 ( up 16 over yesterday )

Total recovered: 1093 ( up 4 over yesterday )
I think NY need to be cloeed down by the national guard, clearly people there are in a ME - ME - ME - ME mode and getting the hell out of Dodge, and this could be very bad for where ever they go.
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