COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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No. their take on it back then i think was probably closer to the Original Greek / Athenian concept of Demos kratos.
I don't like the way it is now, its stifling and not productive enough, and it sure as hell are not transparent, we Danes have so many laws now if they want to make a new one they first have to make a commission to see if the law are not already there, or the law crash with a already existing law.

In 2020 it must be possible to run a society with a thinner playbook.
It's historical, not rational.

You obviously want to deny the many, many millions of people who have been murdered, starved and tortured in the name of religion. So speaking historically, we have the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Muslim Conquests and various Jihads and militant Islam, Witch hunts and trials, the Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus, the Thirty Years War and the Gujarat Riots just to name a few. You could throw in the Holocaust too since it was directed primarily at a single religious/ethic group and resulted in 6,000,000 mass murder victims and, of course, there have been countless other religiously "justified" atrocities along the way.

While it is indeed true that more traditional international warfare, civil war and other conflicts have also killed many millions but to rationalize that the slaughter of millions of souls in the name of religion and ethic hatred down through history is somehow OK because these people "would have been murdered anyway in the name of something else", is merely condoning of such religious based slaughter and I find such an attitude of denial and complacency to be immoral and egregious! Shame on you! True people of faith and compassion would never rationalize mass murder in the name of their religion. It is staggering to hear someone on this forum express such a sentiment.

Oh, but at least we do have religions sponsoring hospitals (with quite few of them being for profit institutions).
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The church did not like when others became too big in the banking world, and that ended with the guilty ones getting branded heretics and if they was lucky murdered on the spot if unlucky first a trip past the church's dungeons.
And so ended the knights templars.


There is no end to the evil individuals or for that matter big organizations / companies will do if threatened, its a fact of life.
The last line in that article @jokiin links to is spooky :eek: I didn't expect mutations to be seen this soon which means no single vaccine can be fully effective unless it's aimed a a broader spectrum of the virus make-up. This may also explain the vast differences in kinds of persons affected and the relative severity numbers being different in different places. I guess we could come up with a broad spectrum vaccine/cure but I'm not sure we're wise enough to be playing around at a level where we could see numerous things affected by accident.

Discussions of religions never end well, but throughout history these 'bastions of love and goodness' only extend that to their own kind- everyone else is wrong and must be 'converted' according to their teachings. Most of them accept violence as an acceptable part of the conversion process with some openly advocating that :mad: Millions (billions?) have been killed in the name of 'love and goodness' simply because they had different religious beliefs, and after seeing many times over how people become emboldened in groups well past what they'd do personally, it's clear to me that many of those deaths would not have happened had there been no religious provocation pushing them to do it. Like George Carlin said "Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large numbers" ;)

You obviously want to deny the many, many millions of people who have been murdered, starved and tortured in the name of religion. So speaking historically, we have the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Muslim Conquests and various Jihads and militant Islam, Witch hunts and trials, the Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus, the Thirty Years War and the Gujarat Riots just to name a few. You could throw in the Holocaust too since it was directed primarily at a single religious/ethic group and resulted in 6,000,000 mass murder victims and, of course, there have been countless other religiously "justified" atrocities along the way.

While it is indeed true that more traditional international warfare, civil war and other conflicts have also killed many millions but to rationalize that the slaughter of millions of souls in the name of religion and ethic hatred down through history is somehow OK because these people "would have been murdered anyway in the name of something else", is merely condoning of such religious based slaughter and I find such an attitude of denial and complacency to be immoral and egregious! Shame on you! True people of faith and compassion would never rationalize mass murder in the name of their religion. It is staggering to hear someone on this forum express such a sentiment.

Oh, but at least we do have religions sponsoring hospitals (with quite few of them being for profit institutions).

"..other religiously "justified" atrocities along the way..."
That's the way you put an irrational justification to a rational purpose.

I could name "manifest destiny" "great leap forward", "war on terror", all those are lay portmanteau which serves instead of religion to exactly the same purpose, to give a noble (instead of divine) cover to a very human and rationale aim.

Even without religion, people always find a noble justification to their actions
Just to give a couple of historical example which may be considered religious massacres but were instead vey lay battles btw foreign settlers and native locals.
That nurse need a break so bad, but she cant get that, hopefully the video is seen by someone that can do something for her now.
I am so happy about one thing being a Dane, and that is when i have been in dead end jobs, and it made be feel bad too, i have just been able to go tell the boss to fire me, and if he don't want to do that, i have given him motivation to do that usually by calling in sick for a week or 2.
And so i have been set free, gotten my stuff together sooner or later, and then gotten a new better job.

The worst thing in the world is being in a job that make you sad or in my case don't even fulfill me just a little, and you can get pretty down if you stay in a place like that too long, which i have also done a few times cuz Danish social safety net or not, a guy got to work and pay his own shi,,,,, stuff.
Cuz even if it is tax funded and you are entitled to it, i never liked being on welfare, the only reason ( i think ) i have been there as much as i have, is my long time abuse of cannabis,,,, that stuff really slow you way down.
Going into a welfare office i physically feel sick, my heart start beat double time and my hands shake and my stomach can also get a bit lively at times.

PS: I am calling a cease fire on religion. :censored:
The last line in that article @jokiin links to is spooky :eek: I didn't expect mutations to be seen this soon which means no single vaccine can be fully effective unless it's aimed a a broader spectrum of the virus make-up. This may also explain the vast differences in kinds of persons affected and the relative severity numbers being different in different places. I guess we could come up with a broad spectrum vaccine/cure but I'm not sure we're wise enough to be playing around at a level where we could see numerous things affected by accident.
Every time a virus replicates, there are mutations. Since it doesn't have male and female versions, the only way it can evolve is to replicate with plenty of errors, most of which result in the death of the new virus, the good copies continue to spread, and only very occasionally is an improvement made, and extremely occasionally an improvement that can defeat our immunity or vaccines. All the mutations can be seen by DNA analysis.

Note that this article in the South China Morning Post appears to suggest that the virus started in Americans. I think there might be a little bit of the story omitted!

Discussions of religions never end well, but throughout history these 'bastions of love and goodness' only extend that to their own kind- everyone else is wrong and must be 'converted' according to their teachings. Most of them accept violence as an acceptable part of the conversion process with some openly advocating that :mad: Millions (billions?) have been killed in the name of 'love and goodness' simply because they had different religious beliefs, and after seeing many times over how people become emboldened in groups well past what they'd do personally, it's clear to me that many of those deaths would not have happened had there been no religious provocation pushing them to do it. Like George Carlin said "Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large numbers" ;)

Personally, I would include all the 80 million deaths from WW2, where the Japanese were fighting for their emperor who was a demigod, and they managed to kill about 20 million just through "war crimes", and the Germans were fighting for Hitler who had taken on the role of a god as leader of the 1000 year reich which attempted to replace all previous german religion and included the religious fight against the jews and the 6 million executions that resulted.

Some religions are a lot more peaceful than the alternatives!
The problem is power, and the people who follow the powerful leaders, not religion.
You should never give your leader real power, in the UK our leader, the queen, has extremely limited power.
"..other religiously "justified" atrocities along the way..."
That's the way you put an irrational justification to a rational purpose.

I could name "manifest destiny" "great leap forward", "war on terror", all those are lay portmanteau which serves instead of religion to exactly the same purpose, to give a noble (instead of divine) cover to a very human and rationale aim.

Even without religion, people always find a noble justification to their actions
Just to give a couple of historical example which may be considered religious massacres but were instead vey lay battles btw foreign settlers and native locals.

Certainly, there is no shortage of horrific examples of the slaughter, rape, torture, starvation and the forced slavery of hundreds of millions of innocents down through history in the name of conquest, treasure, territorial acquisition and the political/social domination of other peoples.

And when it comes to the number of victims history has witnessed in the name of religion alone, while there is some disagreement, it is estimated that the inflicted death toll across all religions over at least the last two millennia numbers in the hundreds of millions. Of course, this also includes atrocities against atheists and non-believers, the so called infidels, heathens, pagans and heretics; all of them massacred because they didn't happen to adhere to someone else's organized superstitions surrounding their own particular imaginary deity.

Man's inhumanity towards his fellow man seems to know no bounds. And while there may be some religious crossover between the two extremes and purposes outlined above, both of which are abhorrent, there is a huge chasm between atrocities committed for conquest, treasure and political domination and the murder of innocent people because they don't happen to put their beliefs in the same deity you may believe in or any deity at all for that matter, such that their lives have absolutely no value and these individuals are to be despised, reviled and exterminated.

So, in that context let's get back to what you said that started this discussion.

When I said, "Well, if it wasn't for religion a LOT of people down through history would not have been murdered in its name."

In reply, according to you, “They would have been murdered anyway in the name of something else.”

Certainly, with very few exceptions no major religion in the world holds the high ground for the restraint of cruelty and violence. So, to take but one example, according to your stated logic you are clearly perfectly OK with members of Islamic State of Iraq publicly beheading innocent “infidels” on video because, "They would have been murdered anyway in the name of something else.” Hey, what the hell, that guy would have been murdered anyway for some other reason, eventually!

Yes, that is at the heart of what you are saying, my friend!

I am sorry Matt, I usually enjoy my interactions with you on this forum but I find your philosophy and sentiments here to be morally bankrupt. At this point, unless you were to consider a different perspective there is nothing else you can say that would make me feel otherwise.

And BTW, not to diss you or anything but if you want to use big words like portmanteau, you should look them up first and learn to use them properly. Phrases like “great leap forward” or "war on terror" are merely slogans, not portmanteaus which are a linguistic blending of words or their phonemes combined into a new word such as “spork” (spoon & fork) or modem (modulate/demodulate) or docudrama (documentary & drama) or Futurama:) (future & panorama), just to name a few.
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My neighbor "Bubba" thinks "Spork" was a pointy-eared dude on a TV show and his sister "Bubbette" agrees. She's going to the dentist to get her tooth cleaned and polished tomorrow :ROFLMAO:

In digging up the YT "TED Talk" Bill Gates did on pandemics 5 years ago, I came across one he just did on this virus. To hear what he's saying today makes my skin crawl! He nailed it on the old talk, but now he's talking utter insanity like letting huge numbers of people die because they're of no worth to society and of forcing everyone to take a vaccine and have a 'digital certificate' before they will be allowed to travel. In light of this I'm not going to post the links, but I urge you all to find and watch both interviews yourself because doing that may change entirely what you think of him as that was what happened with me. I'm done with that man :mad:

In digging up the YT "TED Talk" Bill Gates did on pandemics 5 years ago, I came across one he just did on this virus. To hear what he's saying today makes my skin crawl! He nailed it on the old talk, but now he's talking utter insanity like letting huge numbers of people die because they're of no worth to society and of forcing everyone to take a vaccine and have a 'digital certificate' before they will be allowed to travel. In light of this I'm not going to post the links, but I urge you all to find and watch both interviews yourself because doing that may change entirely what you think of him as that was what happened with me. I'm done with that man :mad:
I just watched an hour long interview he did a few weeks ago on the TED platform and some of those things were mentioned, not in the context you're talking about though, is there some other presentation that I can't find?
It's probably what you've seen, and a lot of what he said can be taken in different ways- you know my take on this. He wants to be a humanist but IMHO he's lost track of his core values.

It's probably what you've seen, and a lot of what he said can be taken in different ways- you know my take on this. He wants to be a humanist but IMHO he's lost track of his core values.
yeah same video, I didn't see it as him saying what should happen though, rather as what he thought might happen
I have seen reports of people that recover and don't show any antibodies at all, reinfection would be possible in that case I guess, might make herd immunity a challenge also

These disconcerting reports have a nightmarish, horror movie sort of quality to them, like a deadly, fast moving virus that can't be stopped.
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