Custom Cloud Dashcam


New Member
Apr 25, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

It's been a few years since I've stepped into the dashcam world and much has changed, it's nice to see that dashcams are starting to move into providing cloud functionality so I'm looking for advice.

I am looking for a dashcam which will automatically upload video to my server at home while out driving. I'm very technical, I don't have storage or bandwidth concerns. Setting up a custom MiFi system in the car is cool if needed, it would be a fun project.

Linux hacks/Gitlab/Firmware hacks are perfectly fine as well.

Essentially I'd like to upload the files to an FTP server at home while the car is out and about. The reason for this is that I travel a lot for work and need to have expensive equipment in the car at all times and my work often takes me into major cities where the car could be parked for hours or overnight.

The more customisable the uploading, the better really.

In Addition the camera would have to be hardwired, again this isn't a problem and installing extra batteries etc isn't problematic for me.

Budget is up to 10k, not including monthly costs if needed (Can't put a price on safety lol)

I understand that this is very specific needs, any information or self learning resources is appreciated, I love learning.

Most the research I've done basically states that storage and bandwidth cost would be the biggest roadblock to a system like this, as well as no real out-the-box functionality.

If there is any out-the-box software that this function built in, a point in the right direction would be appreciated. If anyone has particular dashcam suggestions that work well with custom software I would be grateful as well

Dumps of the best information sources would also be great, I've had moderate success with google searches but any really good discussion threads would also be welcome

Thank you all in advance for your time :)
all files is probably hard to achieve, I'd start looking at doing event files, Blackvue have the ability to upload to the cloud but to their own server, you may be able to modify things to upload to an alternative server

a couple of threads here that might have some useful hints to get you started

Thanks, Although my budget isn't an issue I don't really want to pay for 3rd party cloud storage as I have my own. But I'll see if theres a way to configure a blackvue to upload to my server instead

How are the blackvues in terms of performance?
Blackvue has good video performance- not great but good. They have always concentrated on features, not video quality but I'd say their newest and best has seen that situation improve. I'd be happy with the vid quality myself, but there is better which begs the question of why they can't seem to do that well too. Blackvue has always led the game with parking mode functionality and they're now leading the game with cloud connectivity too. Others are getting into cloud functionality but either lack vid quality or are not easily set up to do cloud.

So essentially Blackvue is likely best for your stated needs- perhaps the only real choice.

Blackvue has good video performance- not great but good. They have always concentrated on features, not video quality but I'd say their newest and best has seen that situation improve. I'd be happy with the vid quality myself, but there is better which begs the question of why they can't seem to do that well too. Blackvue has always led the game with parking mode functionality and they're now leading the game with cloud connectivity too. Others are getting into cloud functionality but either lack vid quality or are not easily set up to do cloud.

So essentially Blackvue is likely best for your stated needs- perhaps the only real choice.

Thanks for your input,

Out of interest, what cameras would you recommend for the best quality video regardless of wifi functionality?
Linux hacks/Gitlab/Firmware hacks are perfectly fine as well.
This is not (yet) a ready to use solution, but i have managed to run DDPAI Mini5 with the stock Raspberry PI Zero root filesystem image (Debian) using USB-C host mode. That means you can connect any Linux-supported USB LTE/5G stick/modem/ethernet router and do the usual Linux stuff: use rsync, curl, wput, ncftp, whatever in a cronjob to push your local 4K H.265 video files into any external server on the internet. You can also use ssh to login into the dashcam. Unfortunately it does not have a display, so you can't run firefox on the dashcam with the local display:cool:
This is not (yet) a ready to use solution, but i have managed to run DDPAI Mini5 with the stock Raspberry PI Zero root filesystem image (Debian) using USB-C host mode. That means you can connect any Linux-supported USB LTE/5G stick/modem/ethernet router and do the usual Linux stuff: use rsync, curl, wput, ncftp, whatever in a cronjob to push your local 4K H.265 video files into any external server on the internet. You can also use ssh to login into the dashcam. Unfortunately it does not have a display, so you can't run firefox on the dashcam with the local display:cool:

This is a perfectly acceptable solution for me. I'm used to running headless linux.

You've got me thinking a lot about this and if I'm running a headless linux system, is there a reason that I shouldn't just run a Pi and just have multiple cameras and a bit of storage running in the car? And if so, are there any standalone cameras you would recommend to run?