Dash cam over five years old and still operating flawlessly. What are your results?


Active Member
May 6, 2019
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United States
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900S-2CH
A friend of mine just purchased his third dashcam in six years, all were unknown brand names from Costco. But this got me thinking, how many people have had to replace their dash cams due to failure? If so, how long did they last? If you've NOT had to replace your dash cam due to failure, what is the brand/model and how old is it?
I ran two Azdome GS63h's for 5 years until I replaced them with a Viofo A229 Duo and an A119v3 when the batteries started going out. The only failures early on were cheap sd cards that didn't last but since I started running Samsung high endurance and a Sandisk Max in my a229 I have never had a problem. I still have an original A119 currently used as a rear cam and an A119s back in the box for a spare. I used those for rear cams as I didn't want suction cups on the rear window falling off while driving. All work flawlessly. In my experience cheap non endurance SD cards are most of the problems and worn out batteries. Both my Azdome batteries finally failed that's why I replaced them last year. I had 2 G2 GS8000 Amazon dash cams around 2014 that ran fine except for SD card failures until I went with Viofo and Azdome and proper cards. Oh and suction cups on the Azdomes started falling off with temperature changes. Now I use tape mount Viofo's in my 2 vehicles.
I have never run a camera for that long, i think my record are 3 years or something like that.
I have several Mobius cameras that have been in use for as long as ten years. Two have been operating as side facing cameras and one has been in use as a telephoto camera for over six years now. I have a few other Mobius cams kicking around that I use for other purposes that are also still going strong.

Meanwhile I have two Viofo A119 V3s that are heading into their fourth year in service and they continue to perform flawlessly.

Having had experience with dozens of dash cams the Mobius and the Viofo are the most reliable cameras I've ever owned.
My first Dash Cam, 2014ish was some Cobra branded one i got for cheap on employee pricing at Microcenter... it was crap quality(320p? but it worked fine.
Bought a Mini 08xx something off ebay, used that for short time, but then started to research dash cams more....gave it to a friend.
Mid 2015, Then had a Mini 0826.
Late 2016, got a Viofo A119 (v1) for Front, moved the Mini 0826 to back.
As of Sept 2023, so, 7 years, those 2 cams still work fine. (well, the 0826 buttons barely work, but that is a known issue that started maybe after year 2)
I replaced both cams with 2x Viofo A119 Mini 2.
Upgrade was triggered by encountering a wrong-way driver on my local interstate hwy one dark, rainy night, and realizing the A119 V1 night time image quality was not good enough to capture anything useful in that situation, and also, its tech was severally out of date.
My BlackVue 750S-2CH is about/over 5 years old now and still going strong. Even on the original microSD. It replaced a 650S-2CH that died in the first year.
However, I had to back out a few firmware updates, and I'm still on (I believe) 1.14 since it just works.
Not super long, but all of my Garmins (DC55,56,57,Mini 2) operate daily without problems.
Just to add. All with original batteries except Mini 2...
Three years on a Blackvue DR900X, two years on a DR900X2 Plus, no problems at all with either.

Use Blendmounts on both, and replaced the OEM SD cards on both before first use.
I'm still using a Mio Mivue 508 in the rear of my car, it's 7 years old. Zero issues apart from battery not holding much charge, but it's always plugged in anyway. I have my Viofo A119 pro in the front, that's almost 6 years old, screen failed years ago, solved recently with an AV cable plugged into my TV!
mobius swapped from car to car all over 10 years old and footage is always there.....
got a boxed never used g1wh that battery is good on 10 years on and i still think these are a great camera for number plate reading and at night using vlc enhancement
Viofo A119S 6 years with no problem. Also with modified firmware with increased bitrate for about 3/4 years.
Still working in a friend car.
My Viofo V3 must be close to 5 years without issue now
Lukas ACE purchased in 2013. One just died, the rear cam still going strong. Debating on what to replace with.
Garmin Dash Cam 55 purchased from Amazon on February 1st, 2018 still running today. The only problem that recently occurred in the past month is the fact that one of the four black pins that hold onto the magnetic ball joint which connects to the magnet placed on the windshield has broken off. This means the dash cam can easily fall off under very hard braking (or worse). I'm probably just going to stick some cardboard inside the missing pin area so that the remaining three pins will better hold the ball joint mount.

I've been waiting for a 4k 60 FPS dash cam since 2016 and it looks like it's safe to say I'll be waiting until probably 2026 at this rate. I settled for the Garmin Dash Cam 55 because it was from a known brand and had "passable" spec's such as 1080p at 60 FPS, easy mount detach, and 1440p but only at 30 FPS though.

For about 3 years this dash cam just sat in my car with no sun shade use through all four seasons in the Midwest US so I would say Garmin has been doing a pretty good job. The other 3 years so far I've always taken the dash cam with me after parking at home. I haven't used the parking mode after the first year of ownership since I don't like dead car batteries. I used to use a set of 28,000 mAh power banks/portable chargers for the parking mode since I worked 4-day work weeks back then but it got cumbersome having to switch out power banks each time to charge. If I recall, I think back in 2018 Garmin didn't offer an easy plug and play solution for parking mode so I went with power banks instead since it was easier to manage and wouldn't drain my car battery.
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Street Guardian SGGCX2PRO purchased Sept. 2018 in my daily driver.

2 Street Guardian SG9665GC cameras bought in March 2015 are still in intermittent use.
Until about 4 months ago I still had the SG Panorama working flawlessly. Bought it when it was released, I think the model # was SGZ12SS Pro. Replaced it with the last 2K SG cam.

I still use the SG SG9665XS as my travel dash cam.
I think most of mine were replaced between 1 and 2 years old (a few even sooner)

I started off with one of these in 2010

Cost around £25 - £30, at the time I was pleased with the results it provided (not knowing any better) this is a screen capture of the type of quality it produced

Notice you can’t read the road signs so no chance of reading a car registration, but at the time I was happy

My first dive in to high end dashcams came in 2013 with the Blackview @£300 odd (in 2013 a bit of money for the time) and that was a big letdown right out the box, low bitrate made the image dreadful, lucky a Russian guy had a fix for the low bitrate that made the images captured decent, but that also made the Blackview very unreliable

Then for the following few years I had a range of the Mini series and they all at one time or another had focusing issues and power connectivity, some even had the shakes as the mount between the screen mount and the Dashcam body used to vibrate so had to modify that area of the mount

Then in 2018 I bought the Viofo A129 duo, and have been pleased with it so far

For one of my other cars I have one of these dash cams

It’s an added extra with the head unit, it’s compatible with the head unit, it gets power from the head unit, can save and/or view the footage on the head unit’s large screen

Files can be saved on the micro SD of the head unit or on the SD card of the Dashcam
I bought my first dashcam in 2010. It was a Karkam Q2. It filmed well during the day, but the evening footage was not ideal at all.
A year later I gave it to an acquaintance, and he worked in a taxi-cab. Then it worked in my brother's car. Then, in 2019 I gave my brother a new dashcam, and this one I took it as a museum piece.
At the beginning of the 2021 my current dashcam suddenly failed. I had to use the "retired person" for a while!
It is still in working order. After 14 years!