dash cam video of recent CN rail derailment in Sask.

Hehe camera car are bailing, from what was almost a front road seat. :giggle:
But i cant say i blame him, even at a low speed a mass like a train like that can create a lot of death and destruction.

Trains are not that long here, and we just had a multiple death train accident on the great belt bridge where a trailer on a "flat" car came loose and hit a oncoming commuter train.
Second worst train accident ever here.


Couldn't see clearly enough to guess at the cause. Here where I live, the "stop" point for RR grade crossings is often so close to the track that a railcar that was fully sideways would seriously ruin your day :eek: And a lot of the tracks are in poor shape too :( So where I can, I stop at least one railcar length away from the track, and I always leave space for an exit maneuver ;) Plus a lot of the more hazardous cargo goes by rail instead of truck here, so if the worst happened I'd be doing what that pick-up did, but more quickly. I do like trains, but much of our rail system is just flat-out awful in my area :cry:

Yep stop lines are that close here too, well within striking distance of any train going more than 10 MPH.

The Danish rail network are not good too, they have periods with reduced speeds on some stretches, the high speed trains they keep talking about, well that will demand new tracks all together, and probably some rerouting too.
Some trains ( the disaster IC4 trains ) can and do actually drive at a service speed of 200 KMH
The crashed train above are one of the IC4 trains, but on the day the winds was high, near the closure wind speed for trains on the bridge, but a reduced high wind speed was in effect, and the trailer that came loose well it was not blown off, just poor handling at the site of loading the full trailers ( empty beer and soda bottles )

BUT ! 200 KMH that's not high speed in the countries around here that have high speed, hell in 1985 or so on a excursion to see the French railroads and their TGV trains i got ****faced while driving almost 300 KMH between Paris and Lyon.