Delayed event footage in Auto-upload Cloud


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2017
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Triple Viofo A139-3CH, Dual A129Pro-2CH, Blackvue DR900S-2CH
Hi, is it only my camera (again? :D ) or did anybody notice when you set to "Event Auto-upload settings", the uploaded footage is delayed from the actual event so you'll not to see what happened?

The event footage from the SDcard:

The event footage from the Auto-upload"Cloud":
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What are we supposed to be seeing? Both photos look identical.
Time stamps and graphs..?

The camera image is not important at this moment, because as you can see it's from garage(so "probably" parking mode) so you'll not to see anything more than this. Or do you want to hear a whining noise from the ventilation of my car and the door slam (G-sensor graphs...) which has triggered the event?

I've noticed it two days ago so don't have any "action" footage, sorry.
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Oh, OK. I was looking for something in the image itself. I see what you mean by the time stamps and graph. I see there is a time difference of 14 seconds. Just guessing here, but maybe it took this amount of time for the connection to the cloud and then at that point sent the image. Again, just a guess. I'll have to check my camera to see if this is happening as well. Up until now, I never took notice about the time differences between the SD card and the uploaded file.
My camera is connected to the cloud all the time and even if not, i'd expect it should upload the "event file", not something afterwards (or only half of the file). Yeah, i set to upload the footage from parking mode but have never checked what is uploaded as well.

I would really appreciate any feedback from you. Thanks :)
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Free plan. Is there a difference in upload time/priority for non-/subscribed users?
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Free plan. Is there a difference in upload time/priority for non-/subscribed users?

not sure about that, they just started serving up 15 second ads before you can see video though so perhaps there's some correlation between that and your results
Actually, i thought so for a second that it must be more than just a coincidence. :D The question is, did it work like that before?
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Ok, ads are gone and the issue persists. :unsure:

Seems the delay is not constant. Sometimes it's 14 seconds, sometimes it's only 5s.
might be a routing issue between your cellular provider and the server causing the delay, mobile phone internet is generally not a direct connection to the internet and you are routed through your providers network, effectively a WAN type setup, if the issue persists you might need to talk to your provider
Ah, now i've noticed in the app, the auto-uploaded files are probably in form of "live view" upload (means no trigger recorded) for all types of footage. I thought(at least that makes sense to me) the event file should be uploaded as a low resolution copy of the SDcard file...

Btw: I live in a big city and my provider has pretty stable 50Mbps/50Mbps, 20ms connection. I suppose it should be enough for 5MB files.