Do there exist DashCams without lens distortion (non-fisheye lense) ?


New Member
Jun 4, 2020
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Hi. I'm looking for a Dashcam for filming car touring. Therefor I don't like the fisheye effect and rather have a narrower view than having that effect. I tried looking in specs of cams but none says what type of lens it uses and I bought one that looked alright in specs and reviews and it turned out to be super-fisheye-e. I can return the cam no worries but how can I find non-fisheye lens dashcams costing maximum 100 Euros/Dollars ?
If you are handy and enjoy DIY projects you can install aftermarket lenses of any focal length and optical quality you wish to replace the one that comes with your camera. Quite a few members here have experimented with aftermarket dash cam lenses, although some cameras lend themselves to the installation of new lenses more easily than others. You can actually enhance the performance of a camera well beyond what the original provides if you go about it the right way. If you should decide you'd like to try this I'm sure you'll get lots of helpful advice here on the forum.

Here are a few of sources for the types of lenses I'm talking about:
Viofo A119 V3 has a narrower lens than most, and with 2K resolution you can remove a bit more fisheye in the editor, although I never notice it as a problem anyway. Take a look at some sample video.

Like jokiin suggests, a Gitup F1 90 degree is a possibility, or the capacitor version is wider and more dashcam like, and since it is more an action cam than a dashcam, the exposure is more set up for movie making.
I agree you should not use a dashcam for cinematic recording of drive, they are too wide angle and too low bitrate.
As mentioned the gitup F1 - 90 degree are a good option and it also have dashcam functionality so it start recording when you start your car.
It is also 4K and it support higher bitrates you need for small details.

If the 90 degree are still too wide for your liking the F1 as i understand it is also one of the more easy cameras to take apart to replace the lens, most of the cameras use a 12 mm fine thread lens, so look for that + the FOV you need & it have a IR cut filter + make sure it is a megapixel lens that support 4K / 8 mpix.
IMO in a drive video you do not want the hood of your car in the picture or the A pillars.

Many videos on youtube about how to change lens on different action cameras ASO, only different in how you take the actual camera apart, once you get to the lens it is the same for all cameras.