DVPlayer for Windows and Mac

So I've had a chance to play with the player for a bit now on the registered version. Perhaps it's because I have something misconfigured, or maybe I don't fully understand the limitations, but I'm struggling to get these issues resolved.

I'm using the T130 from Viofo. When I playback a given clip either as open file or open folder, and I have a three-window playback selected, often the videos that are playing back are completely mismatched.

For example, opening file 2023_0116_155230_F populates all three windows, and the _F in CH1

View attachment 63702

_I in CH2

View attachment 63703

and _R in CH3

View attachment 63704

However, if you look at the playback windows, you can see that the interior video is of interstate travel (which is incorrect) and the other two are correctly showing a gravel road.

Interestingly, if I double-click the CH3 (rear) file name, then all three videos displayed are correct:

View attachment 63705

Double-clicking on CH2 (interior) causes the rear video to go black, but the front and interior are ok:

View attachment 63706

The file names for the front and interior are identical (2023_0116_155230) with the exception of the suffix _F and _I. However, the rear camera file name is one second off (2023_0116_155231_R). There is little I can do from the camera configuration to make sure the files all begin at the exact same time, so I don't know what the resolution will be.

Also, when one segment of files reaches the end, and the player goes to the next file, it often will pick some other (seemingly random) time interval on the card - not necessarily the next chronological clip. That makes following a trip or locating an event while reviewing more than one segment, very difficult.

Lastly, is there a way to click on the GPS trip path on the map and have it bring up the corresponding segment of video?

Thanks !
Hello, the problem you feedback has been fixed. You can update the latest version:https://www.dvplayer.net/setup.html

thank you
Hello, the problem you feedback has been fixed. You can update the latest version:https://www.dvplayer.net/setup.html

thank you
That worked! Thank you very much.

However, after going through an entire folder of clips, I came across a few that were as much as 8 (!!) seconds different between the three cameras.


Those were still getting the player confused (showing unrelated clips in the windows).


Is there a way to widen the margin of acceptable time/name differences? Maybe even make it a user-adjustable field. For example: "Maximum seconds between clips to be considered the same interval: 0 - 10"?

I will send you a PM with a link to the three files I highlighted above.
That worked! Thank you very much.

However, after going through an entire folder of clips, I came across a few that were as much as 8 (!!) seconds different between the three cameras.

View attachment 63855

Those were still getting the player confused (showing unrelated clips in the windows).

View attachment 63856

Is there a way to widen the margin of acceptable time/name differences? Maybe even make it a user-adjustable field. For example: "Maximum seconds between clips to be considered the same interval: 0 - 10"?

I will send you a PM with a link to the three files I highlighted above.
Hello, the program has been updated again. Please reinstall the latest version:https://www.dvplayer.net/setup.html
Everything works correctly!!
Thanks !!
Hm. it so strange for my 70mai it didn't work. I see front/back video but no GPS data.

in SD card root I see GPSData000001.txt with attributes Archive and Hidden (it didn't shows in the File Explorer) attached.

my dashcam is 70mai DashCam Pro Plus+ A500S+


Hm. it so strange for my 70mai it didn't work. I see front/back video but no GPS data.
View attachment 63915

in SD card root I see GPSData000001.txt with attributes Archive and Hidden (it didn't shows in the File Explorer) attached.

my dashcam is 70mai DashCam Pro Plus+ A500S+
Sorry, I can't support this GPS data format. You can try to update the firmware of the machine.

This txt content is missing a video file name data
Thank you for your fast answer!

I'll try to update (or just reapply the same version) firmware.
As I see different just in one field - in case of A800 10th parameter is name of video file assigned to this GPS entry. In my case it is set to 0.
Possible I can update GPSData000001.txt file with filenames by script. Like have a loop on GPS file, check if exists video file for timestamp from GPS file - set parameter #10 to filename
How do you guess it should work?
Thank you for your fast answer!

I'll try to update (or just reapply the same version) firmware.
As I see different just in one field - in case of A800 10th parameter is name of video file assigned to this GPS entry. In my case it is set to 0.
Possible I can update GPSData000001.txt file with filenames by script. Like have a loop on GPS file, check if exists video file for timestamp from GPS file - set parameter #10 to filename
How do you guess it should work?
Try using the file I provided


DVPlayer It doesn't work. Does anyone know what's wrong with it? Thank you for the advice.


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DVPlayer It doesn't work. Does anyone know what's wrong with it? Thank you for the advice.
This problem should be caused by your operating system environment variables. You can solve this problem by trying to reinstall the operating system. I haven't encountered this problem. I haven't found the specific reason for this problem. sorry!
Try using the file I provided
I write small script with update GPS file with filenames. Now I have filenames for most of GPS entity (not for all) but still didn't see a map tracking. Possible I 'm going wrong way?
See my new GPSData000001.txt file.

at beginning you can see 223 lines without filename - this files already overwrite by dashcam. Several blocks at the end of some trips also without filename - I guess this is parking surveillance mode and I see one trip with some gap in the middle - I also guess that it is a emergency recording (I set it very sensitive, for testing) All other lines filled with filenames. but I still did't see anything on the map.
1. Is possible that lines on the top of GPS file without video file name some way affect application to show map
2. Where GPSData000001.txt should be. I return it back to the root folder of SD card and put extra copy to the video files directory.
3. I can remove from GPSData000001.txt trips without video file name in position 10. Is it help?



I write small script with update GPS file with filenames. Now I have filenames for most of GPS entity (not for all) but still didn't see a map tracking. Possible I 'm going wrong way?
See my new GPSData000001.txt file.

at beginning you can see 223 lines without filename - this files already overwrite by dashcam. Several blocks at the end of some trips also without filename - I guess this is parking surveillance mode and I see one trip with some gap in the middle - I also guess that it is a emergency recording (I set it very sensitive, for testing) All other lines filled with filenames. but I still did't see anything on the map.
1. Is possible that lines on the top of GPS file without video file name some way affect application to show map
2. Where GPSData000001.txt should be. I return it back to the root folder of SD card and put extra copy to the video files directory.
3. I can remove from GPSData000001.txt trips without video file name in position 10. Is it help?
Hello, Thank you for your feedback!DVPlayer for 70mai update:
1.win: http://www.dvplayer.net/DVPlayer_70mai.exe
2.mac: http://www.dvplayer.net/DVPlayer_70mai.dmg
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Hm... it still didn't work for 70mai

Both camera's shows but speed/coordinates/sensor data didn't.

See full GPSData000001.txt file attached. On CD card it has Archive and Hidden attributes and stored in the root folder of CD card.


Hm... it still didn't work for 70mai
View attachment 64471

Both camera's shows but speed/coordinates/sensor data didn't.

See full GPSData000001.txt file attached. On CD card it has Archive and Hidden attributes and stored in the root folder of CD card.
I test that the txt file provided by you can parse gps data

Do you use this version:

1.win: http://www.dvplayer.net/DVPlayer_70mai.exe
2.mac: http://www.dvplayer.net/DVPlayer_70mai.dmg

In addition, do you have a software registration code
Hm... it still didn't work for 70mai
View attachment 64471

Both camera's shows but speed/coordinates/sensor data didn't.

See full GPSData000001.txt file attached. On CD card it has Archive and Hidden attributes and stored in the root folder of CD card.
On CD card it has Archive and Hidden attributes and stored in the root folder of CD card.

You need to display this txt and remove the hidden attributes of the file
You need to display this txt and remove the hidden attributes of the file
Thank you.
I removed attributes from the file:

But nothing changed.


Possible I have to load GPS data some way?

And Yes I use version from you post and Yes application is registered.


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