F500LHD - Bad Driver Videos


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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Hi. I purchased an F500LHD from CG Electronics on Aliexpress. Firmware is v6.9 T2L-KH. So far I am very pleased with it. Thought I would post some bad driver vids from this camera!

Here is the first one from someone who doesn't know what a stop sign is for.

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A video of 2 tough guys!

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Thanks for posting the videos blackcar500. The first video is just a bad driver who needs to pay attention.

I wonder why the guys in the second video were arguing? It doesn't even look like they are in Russia where you normally see these dash cam fights!

Dash Cam Man
Idiot in Jeep running a red light.

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Now it seems to me like poor driving is a skill, not a privilege. A truly poor driver must be selfish, prone to distraction and have a short attention span. But by staring at the measures below, and with a little practice, you too can suck with the worst of them.
Here is a distracted driver talking on his cell phone. Nearly crashes into another vehicle.

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