F800 Pro Connected with Wifi, can't see Live View

Roga Danar

New Member
Aug 26, 2018
Reaction score
United States
I've got the F800 Pro, and have updated to the latest firmware.
I'm using the Thinkware Cloud app on my Nexus 6.

After I successfully connect with WiFi, I can see the File List, Dash Cam Settings, Dash Cam Info, and Connection Settings menu options.

When I click on Live View, all I get is a black screen with the center and hood guidelines (and I believe a progress indicator which just spins)...nothing else.

Do I need to connect a hotspot also to use Live View? I thought I saw online that folks were just connecting with a WiFi connection and were able to see the Live View.
Thanks @Nik , I'll attempt to get out this evening and try that.
Hi Roga,
Did it work for you?
Hi Roga,
Did it work for you?
Never mind, i just tested this method and it worked for me.
I have the Xiaomi mi6 and have nothing to do with T-mobile.