G1W no auto power off option?


New Member
Dec 23, 2013
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Hi guys
Sory for poor english, I didn't found answer for my question.
I bought this dashcam from ebay, it works fine so far, I'm satisfied with video quality and generaly with the device.

But there is no auto power off option?? My friend bought also g1w and his cam has this option.
Is thery any safe way to update software or implement this option?
... and which ebay seller have you bought it from?
It's a configuration item in System Settings:

AutoPower OFF: Off, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes

If it's set to off, the camera won't shut down when you turn the ignition off but it will 'die' when the batteries run down.
Check your setting and change it to 3 minutes.
No, there is no auto power off option at all! I know that I should be able to choose between off, 3,5,10min but simply that menu doesen't exist.
I have:
Beep Sound
TV mode
Screen Saver
Car Plate
Default Swtting
Version (it is 2013.05237.01)

I bought it from love dogs
That's too bad then. I have both the 2013.0925 and 2013.1017 firmware and they both have this feature.
Perhaps that's why Jokiin asked his questions, I'm going to guess that some cameras, perhaps yours, are 'knock-offs' and may not have the same chips and therefore don't have the same features.

Did your friend buy from the same seller? Was it a 'private' sale? What price?

I can't find a seller called love dogs on ebay....
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I hope this is the only difference...
It's not big problem, I will hardwire it, and shut it down manualy, or leave it until battery die. When I am not parked in my yard I have to remove the cam from windshield anyway, so turning off is not problem...
Only I have to attach wires in the way that when ingition is off, power to cam is also off.

No, from different one.
Not good to let the battery die too many times... stays dead then.
Hugh... I heard that isn't good to charge battery all the time not letting it to discharge fully, but I will listen to your advice!

I did, it stays on
I heard that isn't good to charge battery all the time not letting it to discharge fully

It depends on whether the charging system will 'cut out' when a full charge is achieved.
If it does, then you can safely leave it charging 'all the time'.
If it doesn't, the batteries will start to accumulate ions on the catheter and that will eventually make the battery 'bulge' and die.

I can't guarantee that your G1W has the feature because a 'knock-off' may not include it to keep costs down.
Yes, the one I got with cam.

But Jokiin you make me thinking... I took the home usb charger and attach the cam. When I attach, cam turns on and starts recording, when I pull out the plug, it turns off after cca 10s. I think now that is possible that in my car power source stays on (cig lighter socket) after I pull out the car key so maybe that is the reason why the cam is always on. I will test it.

Is there any way to find that out? Some sign on display?
I think now that is possible that in my car power source stays on (cig lighter socket) after I pull out the car key so maybe that is the reason why the cam is always on. I will test it.

most chargers have an LED light on them, would obviously stay lit

even without that turn ignition off and pull the charger out, cam go off? plug it back in while the ignition is still off, cam turn on?

some cars do have the cig plug wired permanently, others have a timer that leave it active anything up to an hour after key off, depends on the vehicle
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I didn't look at the led because the socket is below the hand rest, so I unplug it wiouth looking at charger.

In a few hours I will take a drive and let you know.
The car could also have a cig lighter socket like mine you can switch off ignition, remove key and the charger stays on charge until you open the door then it stops charging this causes my camera to switch off a few seconds after I leave the car. (car Vauxhall Insignia)

I checked, power stays on after removing the key, so I plugged adapter from socket and camera turns off after~10s. So, it is fine, there is no auto power off option to set time, but 10s is default.

Thanks guys!
This forum is realy nice, I'm going to read in detail topics about g1w