Gaps between files ?


New Member
Mar 4, 2015
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United Kingdom
I have a 32gb card and set the mobius to max recording time for my car journey to Wales :). I noticed when playing the files back that there was a gap of a second or two missing between the this normal as I thought it duplicated the footage by around a second between file end/beginning? Also, is it true that if I had a card of 64 or 128gb formatted to exfat, I'd still be limited to a 4gb (3.99gb) file size? Why would that be, I thought exfat eliminated the restriction of such a small file size?
I have a 32gb card and set the mobius to max recording time for my car journey to Wales :). I noticed when playing the files back that there was a gap of a second or two missing between the this normal as I thought it duplicated the footage by around a second between file end/beginning? Also, is it true that if I had a card of 64 or 128gb formatted to exfat, I'd still be limited to a 4gb (3.99gb) file size? Why would that be, I thought exfat eliminated the restriction of such a small file size?
You will get a 1 second overlay if you set the video file type to MOV. All other formats will give you a 1-2 second gap. See the tool tip in mSetup.
A max. file size of 4GB is by design and is also a safety measure. Imagine your frustration if you recorded for many hours hours and when you turned off your camera the card couldn't write your multi-gigabyte video. Instead of losing minutes of recording you would have nothing at all. Better safe than sorry.
If you use loop recording you should always format your card to FAT32. Otherwise you risk the camera turning of prematurely.
I did set the video to MOV but I still get a 1-2 sec gap. After a lot of looking about on various forums I did find a reason that made sense... ...the overlay will happen normally when you set the record size to a preset amount of minutes, ie 2, 5, 10 or 15 mins, but when you set file size to max, the mobius doesn't know exactly when to change begins the new one when the 4gb limit is reached, hence the gap. If you had say a 5 min file size then I can see the software beginning the new file at 4 mins and 59 secs so you'd get the overlay. But, as the 4gb (...3.99gb usually) limit can vary on time depending on the info coming through the lens, there is no real accurate way of determining the end of the file until it reaches the limit, hence the gap.

...makes sense to me, is it correct?

...when you say the max file size of 4gb is by design, do you mean by the mobius design? Is there any way to override this to record a whole journey on one file? I understand your point on the safety angle but it would avoid the need for a lot of editing if the exfat could operate as it should.