GitUp F1: any good for dash cam use?

Did GitUp lower their price? I thought they were close to 100 us. Anyway, I'm powering from 12v from my motorcycle, but also want to use them STANDALONE, also with power bank sometimes. I'm paying 137 EU for two now. That's 68,50 /ea. Still a nice deal I think.
Its Gitups Black Friday pricing. But you got a good deal.
And yes it is good that they can be used standalone. If I would have only one then it would be battery version.

I have used battery versions front and back as I have two of them, but I was still wondering if the capacitor version with the faster lens would be better when cycling.
Its Gitups Black Friday pricing. But you got a good deal.
And yes it is good that they can be used standalone. If I would have only one then it would be battery version.

I have used battery versions front and back as I have two of them, but I was still wondering if the capacitor version with the faster lens would be better when cycling.

Maybe I should have bought one with batteries and the other with capacitor... Anyway, I will use them mostly in the day light times, and as far as I know these do perform pretty nice in the dark hours as wel...? And we have real 4k now for some 70 euro....!!
Yes they perform fairly well low light. And some 70€ is a good price.
For 4K there is a need for fast cards and I bought some 128GB U3 cards for under 15€. Still I mostly use 1080 50fps as anything over it takes so much space. Also I would really like to get a waterproof case for F1. Its no fun when its raining and no proper camera protection.
Yes they perform fairly well low light. And some 70€ is a good price.
For 4K there is a need for fast cards and I bought some 128GB U3 cards for under 15€. Still I mostly use 1080 50fps as anything over it takes so much space. Also I would really like to get a waterproof case for F1. Its no fun when its raining and no proper camera protection.

Yeah, I had my Foxeer Legend 2 helmet mounted a few years back, and had a nice motor ride out, but the last 10 minutes of the ride it was raining.... that was just wet, not cool! Still worked luckily, but actually it shouldn't have.

As to storage, I have a KODAK U3 512GB lazy laying around, maybe I'll put 'em to work in the F1 on 4K...
OK, I just gotta say it, I am NOT impressed by the low light performance of the F1, at least not on 4K/30.....

Some screenshots compared to the Caddx Dolphin:

driving outer town no lights, exact same place/time:

Parking lot, exact same time/parking lot:

I understand the Caddx has night owl-eyes, but come on, I really expected a lot better from the F1... It's not even close to my 6-year old Mobius 1.... Is 1080p/30/60 any better, anyone? Or do I need to bring in the cavalry again (F1.2)??

Oh yeah, where is the date/time in the video?? I have them set to include in the video, but they're just not there...??!?
The 1080p camera is going to be better in low light than the 4k camera, that's just physics

So, That goes for the F1 as well then, thanks, so for nice footage from (sunny) daylight ride-outs use 4K/30, and for dashcam use 1080/60?
I am NOT impressed by the low light performance of the F1
On stock firmware, you will always be unhappy with your camera.
GitUp F1 vs Maxi vs A129 (TonyM):

Also, the lens has insufficient aperture for night shooting.
Still, action cameras are designed for shooting in the daytime ...
So, That goes for the F1 as well then, thanks, so for nice footage from (sunny) daylight ride-outs use 4K/30, and for dashcam use 1080/60?
setting the resolution just gives a smaller picture, it won't change the low light performance, that depends on pixel size, a physically larger pixel captures more light
I thought the F1 had "pretty good" night performance, as does GitUp tells me on their site and in selling pages on Ebay, as well as some users, hence the disappointment.

Schermopname (2820).png

I guess I need to put the F1.2 on the F1 then.....

One other thing, I don't seem to be able to change the NORMAL, FINE , SUPER FINE recording quality setting, whichever I choose, it keeps telling me it records in FINE setting.
relative I guess, it might be great for 4k, that's not going to match a similar sized native 1080p camera though where the pixels are twice as big
setting the resolution just gives a smaller picture, it won't change the low light performance, that depends on pixel size, a physically larger pixel captures more light

So, I'm boned and need a Mobius MAXI after all??? I wish somebody had told that in my face me upfront, you know, when I asked... befor buying.... 2...!

Anyway, my own risk I know, and I've just tried in 1080p/30, and that actually does a better job when it comes to brightness in the recording, not much but still.

relative I guess, it might be great for 4k, that's not going to match a similar sized native 1080p camera though where the pixels are twice as big

Oh yeah, definitely, and don't get me wrong, it's just the low light performance we're dicussing right now, besides it was mainly meant for recording moto ride outs to begin with.

And they usually happen in pretty and especially sunny weather anyway!

PS: does anyone have any experience with changing lens in the F1?
The 90° battery and the newer capacitor version should fare better. I think
The 90° battery and the newer capacitor versions should fare better. I think

Oh, OK, but I'm still boned..... right? :confused:

I guess that's the reason for the sale then....
So, I'm boned and need a Mobius MAXI after all???
I don't think that would be better, really for what you want you'd be better off running two cameras, a native 1080p for lowlight and 4k for everything else, not like you're short of cameras ;)
I don't think that would be better, really for what you want you'd be better off running two cameras, a native 1080p for lowlight and 4k for everything else, not like you're short of cameras ;)

Yeah, it's getting pretty busy here, and I do get a few st@nk eyes every now and then when they're lined up on my desk... :unsure: To maintain a certain "truce" in my marriage I keep them out of sight (in the drawer) for as long as I can...

Besides I should keep shut until I've tested it out in bright daylight on th R6 and the R1200RT, but then again, (almost) ANY camera does great in perfect circumstances...
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