Hardwire as a dashcam


Jan 1, 2016
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United Kingdom
I'm trying to hardwire my Mobius, I'm using one of these, which I purchased for my SJ Cam
This has micro USB connection, so rather than having to pull the cables out, I decided to buy one of these adaptors

However, it doesn't seem to switch the camera on and begin recording. It did work when I first installed the camera, but now the camera comes on, then switches off.

I've plugged the cigarette lighter in and that works fine, so the camera is good.

Do I have to pull the cables out and install a mini USB version?

At the moment, it's connected to a piggy back fuse connector and attached to the park sensors fuse (as per instructions on the BMW forum)

I'd rather not use a cigarette lighter to be honest
I need some help with this. I've used the hardwire kit in the link above, it should work with any dashcam.

I have an E90 BMW and I've tapped into the park distance control fuse, which is only on with the ignition, this is the fuse others on the BMW forums have used for radar detectors

My issue is, it works every now and again, but it's not consistent. Sometimes the camera powers up and runs, other times I have to manually switch it on and others, it powers up by me, then switches off.

Any ideas? I've tried 2 wiring kits, thinking there might be a fault

Any other fuses to use? I don't want it on all the time, only with the ignition
I think the best solution for hardwired kits is to use a switch wired to a constant supply, then you can control the camera independent of the cars ignition system.

My front and rear Mobius..es are wired this way and work perfectly, it doesn't matter if I forget to switch them off as they use so little power, in fact they have run constant for 48 hours with no starting issues for the car.
Quite annoying now, as I started using the supplied cigarette lighter connection and it works 100% of the time, today I tried the hardwire cable again, having previously checked all the connections and its working!

No doubt it'll stop working in the morning, after being off overnight.

I think a multimeter is required to check everything
It's probably due to one of two issues if it's working OK now but then stops working overnight.

The first issue (however I don't think this is it) could be a dying battery in the mobius. If the battery can't hold it's memory, it might revert to defaults. However as I said earlier I don't think this is the case since it doesn't sound like it's reverting to defaults.

The second issue, is a power issue with the BMW. The power from the source on the BMW must be constant on once it is switched on. If there is a blip in the power when it is switched on, the Mobius can sense that as a "turn off" command. This likely wouldn't effect a radar detector but would effect the mobius. This could be due a number of things but two issues come to mind from the "overnight" comment. The E90 BMW is equipped with a electronics sleep mode and battery low charge mode. I had a lot of battery problems with my E93 and learned a lot about the electrical system. The car enters sleep mode (once locked and sitting for a set amount of time) and will shut down certain circuits to save charge. It also will turn off "non essential circuits" even when "awake" if the battery charge is getting low.

First, if the sleep mode completely removes power from the Parking sensor circuit, this could cause a blip in the circuit when it is turned on. This would explain why "it's working fine" but then doesn't work in the morning or after the car has been parked for a while. Second, if your battery charge is getting low, this could absolutely explain it sense the parking sensors are absolutely a "non essential circuit". When my car was having problems there were times my comfort access (touch keyless entry) would shut off and not work for a while then magically start working again. Once the battery charge got so low that the remote keyless entry stopped functioning as well and I had to use a key to unlock the car. The functions will only start working again when the car thinks it has enough charge to operate those "non essential circuits".

Hope this helps.

P.S. I don't know if leaving the car unlock will prevent sleep mode or not. I always left mine unlock since it was in the garage with the top down, but the dealer warned my that not locking it *might* prevent sleep mode which could have been killing my battery. I don't think that was the problem but that's another LONG story. ;)

Try downgrading to FW 2.33. I had the same issue.

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried that this morning with no luck. My multimeter is not working, which is a real pain, so I can't even check the wires. I've ordered a cigarette lighter hardwire kit from camerashop.co.uk, so I'll see how I get on. If not, I'll just get a very long USB cable and run it down the centre and into the centre arm rest, so its all hidden
It's probably due to one of two issues if it's working OK now but then stops working overnight.

The first issue (however I don't think this is it) could be a dying battery in the mobius. If the battery can't hold it's memory, it might revert to defaults. However as I said earlier I don't think this is the case since it doesn't sound like it's reverting to defaults.

The second issue, is a power issue with the BMW. The power from the source on the BMW must be constant on once it is switched on. If there is a blip in the power when it is switched on, the Mobius can sense that as a "turn off" command. This likely wouldn't effect a radar detector but would effect the mobius. This could be due a number of things but two issues come to mind from the "overnight" comment. The E90 BMW is equipped with a electronics sleep mode and battery low charge mode. I had a lot of battery problems with my E93 and learned a lot about the electrical system. The car enters sleep mode (once locked and sitting for a set amount of time) and will shut down certain circuits to save charge. It also will turn off "non essential circuits" even when "awake" if the battery charge is getting low.

First, if the sleep mode completely removes power from the Parking sensor circuit, this could cause a blip in the circuit when it is turned on. This would explain why "it's working fine" but then doesn't work in the morning or after the car has been parked for a while. Second, if your battery charge is getting low, this could absolutely explain it sense the parking sensors are absolutely a "non essential circuit". When my car was having problems there were times my comfort access (touch keyless entry) would shut off and not work for a while then magically start working again. Once the battery charge got so low that the remote keyless entry stopped functioning as well and I had to use a key to unlock the car. The functions will only start working again when the car thinks it has enough charge to operate those "non essential circuits".

Hope this helps.

P.S. I don't know if leaving the car unlock will prevent sleep mode or not. I always left mine unlock since it was in the garage with the top down, but the dealer warned my that not locking it *might* prevent sleep mode which could have been killing my battery. I don't think that was the problem but that's another LONG story. ;)

Cheers for the advice on the electrics. I worked out why it was running sometimes and not others, it was actually using the camera battery (I did quick test to determine this, by not having anything plugged in to it). So when the battery was flat, the device would not work, unless the USB power was plugged in.
Glad you worked it out!
I'm so fed up with this dam camera right now. Ordered a cigarette adaptor kit from camerashop.co.uk and just installed it, camera came on straight away and I thought brilliant, finally solved. Out to do the school run and notice camera is off! It now just refuses to power on.
I've checked the connection and its fine, as my phone charges from it.
Tried my car cig lighter and that won't power the camera either.
I'm at a loss now and think it may be a camera fault. Going to format the card, update the firmware and give it one more go, then if nothing, I'll contact the camera supplier

Edit - I've spent a fair bit of money on this and its getting silly
Oops! Looks like I spoke too early. I'm a bit confused by your post. Is this what you ordered? If so, where did you connect it on the car and what did you use in it to power the mobius?

If I think I understand your setup, I then assume the issue is still with the car, but it could be a bad camera or setting issue too. Try this... Unplug the power adapter from the cigarette lighter. Start the car and let it run. Now plug in the power adapter / camera and check to see if it starts. If it does, wait a minute or two and then unplug the power adapter / camera. Given it a minute to completely shut down and then plug it in again, with the car running this whole time. You can try this process a few times and see what happens.

If the camera operates as expected, I would assume a power integrity issue with the car starting (see my post above about power blips, etc). If the camera doesn't operate correctly then I assume a setting issue or a bad camera.
Oops! Looks like I spoke too early. I'm a bit confused by your post. Is this what you ordered? If so, where did you connect it on the car and what did you use in it to power the mobius?

If I think I understand your setup, I then assume the issue is still with the car, but it could be a bad camera or setting issue too. Try this... Unplug the power adapter from the cigarette lighter. Start the car and let it run. Now plug in the power adapter / camera and check to see if it starts. If it does, wait a minute or two and then unplug the power adapter / camera. Given it a minute to completely shut down and then plug it in again, with the car running this whole time. You can try this process a few times and see what happens.

If the camera operates as expected, I would assume a power integrity issue with the car starting (see my post above about power blips, etc). If the camera doesn't operate correctly then I assume a setting issue or a bad camera.
Yes that's what I bought. it's connected to the cigarette lighter fuse, using an add a circuit lead. I then used the power cable supplied with the camera. I checked my connection was working, as it would charge my phone, although with a different USB lead. When I unplug and plug in, the camera led goes blue to state it has power, then the LED is solid yellow with a solid red light at the rear. Then after around 20 seconds the camera turns off. I've just updated to v2.41 firmware too. The camera does exactly the same when I use the BMW 12v socket in the centre arm rest. My last option will be to restore factory options on the camera and set it up again
What do your setting on this screen look like?


Have you tried a different SD card? This has been a problem in the past with similar lights. See post #9 and below of this thread.

Unfortunately I don't have another card I can check, but this card is brand new.
It's your settings. You don't have it set to auto record on power up and have it set to auto power off after 30 seconds of standby.

Change the "Power On - Auto record" to either external only or both (your choice). Then set the "Power-off Disconnect" to immediate if you have a super cap or immediate, 10 sec or 30 sec (your choice) if you have a battery.

Then just make sure you save the changes and you should be good.
It's your settings. You don't have it set to auto record on power up and have it set to auto power off after 30 seconds of standby.

Change the "Power On - Auto record" to either external only or both (your choice). Then set the "Power-off Disconnect" to immediate if you have a super cap or immediate, 10 sec or 30 sec (your choice) if you have a battery.

Then just make sure you save the changes and you should be good.
Doh must have made a change by mistake the other day. I'll try what you've said
Sometimes when the mobius gets 'glitchy' the setting go back to default, or strange stuff. :)
Sometimes when the mobius gets 'glitchy' the setting go back to default, or strange stuff. :)
So I am not the only one who experienced this! I posted in the tech support and no one has heard of the settings going back to default before.