HEAT issues to take into consideration?


New Member
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
United States
How does the Mobius stand up to staying in a hot car?
Is it recommended to take the camera out if it's going to be in excessive heat?
Will it damage the camera, the battery, both?
Would a capacitor fix any potential issues?

Thanks, and I apologize if this has been asked already. (search didn't bring up much)
changing the battery to capacitors will address most of you issues except perhaps through the very hottest part of summer if you're parked in full sun
Is this a readily available option, or is it more of DIY for the Mobius?
I see that the GW1-C is a capacitor camera.
Thanks for the responses. Do you know of reliable US based distributors? I've read that there are some fakes going around.
buy from the list of approved sellers listed in the sticky in the Mobius section and you won't have an issue
Will do,
you've been very helpful - thank you.