

New Member
Jun 5, 2020
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United Kingdom
Just bought a nice family car (always had old bangers before) so I want a front and rear dash cam to provide a little extra protection. I no idea where to start or what to go for. I have a Nissan Qashqai. Would want no wires showing, but want to spend under £100. Does such a dash cam exist??
Under 100 might be a bit much to ask, in general the Viofo A 129 duo come in high on the list of cheap 2 channel systems.
Wires are no problem to tuck away behind plastic trim / rubber grommets / seals and the headliner. often it is a tool less deal, or at worst you will need a Phillips head screwdriver.

There are just 1 major thing, you have to be careful not routing the wire to the rear camera in front of any airbags, and it is a good idea to do a dry run first just loosely arranging the wire along the route you plan to use, just to make sure the wire are long enough.
The shortest route are often strait across the roof on top of the headliner, but this also require you have something you can "fish" the wire thru with cuz that route are probably not just a batter of pushing the wire up and over.

in general you dont have to be a rocket scientist to wire in a camera, you can also find many videos on this on youtube, maybe not for your exact brand / model of car, but they are often put together much the same in the areas you have to work with installing a camera.
Welcome to DCT @Ladyblade8 :)
You don't get what you don't pay for, and right now I do not recommend any 2-channel cams below the level of the Viofo A129 Duo. It's not entirely without issues, but used for driving protection it is a reliable cam with good image quality; anything less will suffer in one or both of those aspects. The Mini0906 used to be a good choice but in the last few years build quality seems to have fallen as some report it being less than reliable at times, but if you just can't do any better and will watch it for possible problems as you drive it might be worth a look. The Aukey DR-02 is similar. Whichever cam you get, you will need a hardwire kit (HWK) if you want wires totally hidden, and you will need a good SD card of a decent size, which will add ~$30 or more to your initial cost.

There's really no way to go cheap on these and have reliability, which to me is the number one thing you need in a dashcam. The most expensive cam in the world is useless and worthless if it's not recording when you need it to :oops: You can get good single-channel cams for a lot less, but IMHO the A129 Duo is the baseline for good 2-channel cams. You can also spend a whole lot more and not get much better videos which makes the A129 Duo a good value too. You might also consider using 2 single-channel cams and adding the rear cam later as a way to manage the budget; a bit more hassle to install and may make accessing that cam and card a bit tougher, but still a better way than a bad 2-channel cam. Or you can upgrade to a 2-channel cam later and gift or sell the old single-channel cam when you do that. You may need to stretch the budget, but get a good cam- they're worth it :cool:
