How well does the Mobius hold up in an actual "CRASH"

I previously posted this photo well over a year ago as part of a similar discussion. It was an idea I had for using a standard binder clip as a simple, inexpensive method to secure a Mobius in its cradle sled in a way that can be quickly and easily removed. It offers the fringe benefit of enhancing the performance of the heat sink and the camera is extremely unlikely to come out of the cradle based on some "vigorous" testing I did. This was basically a "proof of concept" example but for vehicle use it would need to have a hole drilled in the back for USB cable port access and perhaps another to view the rear LED if desired. It would be very easy to make a light pipe to see the LED and perhaps do some other refinements.

(The pads behind the camera are Neoprene blocks that are usually used for installing heavy Thermopane window panels.)

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you just gave me an idea for mounting in my car... thank you :D
Well, this is my zip-tie job. I've had it out on a couple shorter distance rides (15-20 miles) and it's held so far. Now to solve the intermittent recording problem and I'll be good to go! (I have a separate thread on that as that was a problem even before my mount broke.)
