improved discrete mobius ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2014
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United Kingdom
Never warmed to the car mounting cradle that Mobius gave us and always disliked the usb wire out the back as it all intrudes into the cab area and prevents me mounting behind the mirror where I want it and looks tacked on anywhere else...

Sat with a few broken Mobius's in front of me some weeks ago, and wanting a buttonhole spy camera, it was easy to turn the lens 90 degrees and modify a case to take it and it works a treat with a wide angle lens and the sound quality is great...

I also modified one for a neater car fit so the usb wire heads discreetly up to the top of the windscreen as does the camera body and the lens just tucks out below the black sunscreen dots... Its an A lens for better number plate capture I was wanting..

The blury picture is because I cant use the flash against white paper, but it is the actual modified camera !

better picture in focus !

( only the back case part has to be modified and the lens can be adjusted up and down before being "fixed" for a particular windscreen slope. )

form factor is now that of a A118, B40 or street guardian but more discreete.

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