Innovv C1 vs Mobius wide & standard lens.

I am currently uploading to youbube, 2 X 900 Mb footage, i can allready say the C1 is no way near the night capabilities of my Lukas dashcam.

For now i only have daytime and night time in town with ambient light galore, but when you hit the rural roads where you only have the headlights the C1 get a severe beating.

Uplooad is painfull slow with only 1 mbit :oops:
I am currently uploading to youbube, 2 X 900 Mb footage, i can allready say the C1 is no way near the night capabilities of my Lukas dashcam.

For now i only have daytime and night time in town with ambient light galore, but when you hit the rural roads where you only have the headlights the C1 get a severe beating.

Uplooad is painfull slow with only 1 mbit :oops:

Comparison can be done with any dashcam "just for fun", but judgement vs Lukas is irrelevant.
You can not compare 400Bhp expensive car vs low cost 100Bhp car., - same with dash cams.
70usd vs 240usd, - 4x price difference.
I think Lukas maybe 1.5 ( max 2 ) times better, so price per value is way much better on Innovv, but again - comparison / judgement is irrelevant !
If you do compare and judge vs same price-range / same hardware used other dashcams ( like Mobius ), then yes - judgement is fair.
Havent looked really hard at the footage from the C1, but the daytime at least look really good compared to my lukas, ( Especially considering the huge difference in prize )
In the town at night it dont look bad either, but allready there it can be seen that the lukas is more optimised for night.
The C1 even look good compared to my Nikon Dslr, Again considering a monumental difference in Price, and the fact that the Nikon can only be used for "static" recordings, and not forgetting the C1 is mutch smaller and less heavy. ( both have approx 1 houer of battery time when recording )
Tomorrow i will try to play around with some settings, maybe that can lift the night time performance.

I am quite sure the C1 will do really good for what i will use it for, and thats not use in really dark Places :)
I am allso sure the DEV Guys can tweak more performance out of the C1, meanwhile i will just lean back and enjoy my C1 as it is at the moment.

Edit : We do some times drive at night in pitch dark forrest with our RC 4x4 trucks, but then they are lit up with at least 300.000 mcd of light, witch is plenty to navigate the forrest, or read a newspaper in front of the Little car ;)
Sadly both my trucks are out of commision when it comes to the bodies with build in light, but i intend to strap on the C1 to one and go driving in the daytime soon.
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I am quite sure the C1 will do really good for what i will use it for, and thats not use in really dark Places :)
I am allso sure the DEV Guys can tweak more performance out of the C1, meanwhile i will just lean back and enjoy my C1 as it is at the moment.

My friend, I and my team are encouraged by you. Thank you!:)
Good cameras for night mode are very rare and many expensive cameras are not great during night. The Innovv was created as an action camera and because of this I didn't expect to have a great night mode. But if the developer is reading our messages he will understand that experienced dashcam users are looking first for a good night mode.
Is not easy to understand when your camera is really good in night time. Only having also a great camera during night you will realize the situation.
The brightness during night mode is not coming only from firmware adjustments because this can be very easy from the developer: he can increase the EV up to +1 for example and we will have a good night mode, but during day the image will be bad, too bright. No dashcam useer will increase the EV manually even by just pressing a button. The EV must be increasing automatically by the camera.

Here is the 2 clips i have put on youtube as private videos, only with link can see them.
the C1:
The lukas:
True what you say about night Mtz, my Nikon for instance can be set to insane ISO values, but there it will not be good looking footage.
I think for real good footage at night one will allso have to use a camera with a sensor that is build for low light footage, and then in the day use ultra high shutter speeds so not to get too bright daytime footage.

Personally i am willing to live with moderate daytime recordings if night time recordings are super good, and i dont think any of the dashcams today are usper good at low / no light conditions.

I have not uploaded any RAW footage, but i will do so when i have some more interesting footage. ( my computer was uploading all night untill 4 in the morning.
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Thank you for your good job there.

I think for real good footage at night one will allso have to use a camera with a sensor that is build for low light footage, and then in the day use ultra high shutter speeds so not to get too bright daytime footage.

Personally i am willing to live with moderate daytime recordings if night time recordings are super good, and i dont think any of the dashcams today are usper good at low / no light conditions.

The New FW will be released in coming weeks for the above.
It is a very smart solution, and I'd like to share that is the idea from Mtz.
Having seen more videos comparing the Innovv to Mobius, I have these conclusions, at the time of writing:
- Innovv footage is darker
- Mobius footage is "sharper"
- Innovv footage has more vibrant colours, that is, the colours look more "alive" compared to the more "subdued" tones of the Mobius
- wider angle of view on the Innovv

My dream device would be to combine the best of them, ie. bright, vibrant footage with a wide angle of view. Not to mention great night time quality, of course!
Personally i am willing to live with moderate daytime recordings if night time recordings are super good, and i dont think any of the dashcams today are usper good at low / no light conditions.

Perhaps take a look at the Vico TF2+ to see if its night footage is to your satisfaction?
- wider angle of view on the Innovv

Only when comparing the 110deg HFOV Innovv with the 85deg HFOV standard Mobius. The wide angle lens Mobius has 116deg HFOV.

My dream device would be to combine the best of them, ie. bright, vibrant footage with a wide angle of view. Not to mention great night time quality, of course!

You would fit right in with the majority of my friends & family, who have adjusted their TV settings to the brightest, most lurid colour schemes possible! Meanwhile, I spent ages calibrating my TV to the most natural image I could achieve.

When it comes to dashcam video colours, however, I'm not that bothered. I'd happily accept monochrome if it brought worthwhile benefits.
Perhaps take a look at the Vico TF2+ to see if its night footage is to your satisfaction?
I am okay with my lucas can do for my dashcam needs, but it might be moved to the back window if somthing interesting come to the marked in 2014.

And i will keep my eyes open for new tecnology across the bord, even these days i keep up with computer hardware even tho i am no longer writing for a hardware site or update or mod my computer that often.
I am the kind of guy witch have been known to solder additional components to my computer hardware to boost performance ;) and i have allso been using many houres and mutch mony making sure my computer case dont look like sombody elses and have optimal cooling performance.

It will be interesting to follow the innovv crew, and see what they can do with ther hardware. ( witch to my knowlege do not differ mutch from the hardware inside the mobius )

EDIT: my tv witch is 3 years old and my first tv ever is running with the settings recomended by a Danish TV site, unlike my friend WHO have a phillips tv running with the store setting and therefore is mutch bright and oversaturated colors.

PS. my current tv will maybe allso be my last tv, as i have a hard time finding stuff to Watch, compared to what i have to pay for my channel package and in Danish multimedia taxes.
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Personally i am willing to live with moderate daytime recordings if night time recordings are super good, and i dont think any of the dashcams today are usper good at low / no light conditions.
Yes, this is a reason why many (experienced) users are paying a lot for expensive cameras. When buying a camera I am interested first about its size, to be smaller and then about the brightness during night. Only after this I will continue reading more about the camera.

I want to comment about your videos:
- I consider is better to offer the videos like you, just uploading the original untouched files to youtube. Too many user are lowering the original quality because of software when they are trying to upload some comparison. I trust more in uploads like kamkar1 did because I expect he diddn't reencoded the original video before uploading it to youtube.
Is easy to play both or the video same time on the forum webpage.
But will be better if the videos are aligned so not using any word before the video link, for better comparison.
- we can see the sky from lukas have not so much details it is almost grey. This is not a bad thing for a dashcam because we are not making Discovery nature movies and at so many dashcams I saw this grey sky. For us more important are the details so we can sacrifice the sky. But for Innovv also as an Action Cam they must keep offering nice image and they can't sacrifice the sky as a standard setting.
So I think some profile called as Action Cam, Dash Cam or maybe another ideas to be offered by the PC program.
- we can see the Lukas camera is more bright also during day. They understood that user want more bright than correct colors. More brightness added by default is helping a lot in night conditions.

The New FW will be released in coming weeks
Of course, we prefer week, not weeks.

Of course, we prefer week, not weeks.

Yes, this is a reason why many (experienced) users are paying a lot for expensive cameras. When buying a camera I am interested first about its size, to be smaller and then about the brightness during night. Only after this I will continue reading more about the camera.

Of course, we prefer week, not weeks.


I said weeks because I do not want to lost my words and people's trust if un-expected challenges happens.

It is worth for people to test this feature on GUI and a very smart idea.

For sure, the guys are working hard, Once ready, I will let people know.
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So the conclusion is that it's not easy being a manufacturer - some people prefer natural colours, some "lurid" :P, some prefer brighter footage, some prefer a more natural look. I guess if all these parameters can be tweaked in the settings it would make a lot of people happy. Not to mention the manufacturer too, since he'll be selling a boatload of the stuff :D
So the conclusion is that it's not easy being a manufacturer - some people prefer natural colours, some "lurid" :p, some prefer brighter footage, some prefer a more natural look. I guess if all these parameters can be tweaked in the settings it would make a lot of people happy. Not to mention the manufacturer too, since he'll be selling a boatload of the stuff :D

You should be appreciated by manufacturers, includes Cook from Apple, he has more headache than me now. :)
Yesterday I did quick test outside car on sky and against the sun.
Mobius has better recordings in darker areas ( maybe dur to more enhanced WDR ), but looses on colour correctness, especially sky.

Top: Innovv C1, GUI settings on daytime recording
Bottom: Mobius B-lens, 1080p-L, WDR ON, v0.59

NB! Both developers working constantly on firmware upgrades, soon both of them will have FW corrected / adjusted, so this test I would call a beta-test for both dash / action cameras.
NB! Both developers working constantly on firmware upgrades, soon both of them will have FW corrected / adjusted, so this test I would call a beta-test for both dash / action cameras.

Yes, for sure, FW upgrading continues, and new version is under testing, will be released soon.