Is a Dash Cam my best option?

Good News! It looks like the JooVuu X plus optional micro HDMI video out will be a great solution. (I'll add that accessory to our site shortly, will show up on the Pier28 JooVuu X product in the upper left)
You can aim one to the left and one to the right and have two small 1080P monitors.

Hey thanks for the video footage. I'm 99% sold. I'm curious if used for long term use of streaming, if it would damage the dash cam. For example, I live in a small town. So most drives, they may stream for 10 minutes to get where I need to go. During the weekends though, all the big businesses(malls, theater, department stores) are all 30 minutes to an hour away. Streaming for say an hour at a time, a rest for a few hours and another hour back...say once a weekend, would that damage the product? Instead of using your pier28 site, I thought of just ordering them from your Amazon store as I do have an Amazon card I can charge it to instead.
Good News! It looks like the JooVuu X plus optional micro HDMI video out will be a great solution. (I'll add that accessory to our site shortly, will show up on the Pier28 JooVuu X product in the upper left)
You can aim one to the left and one to the right and have two small 1080P monitors.

Pier I have another question for you too. Lets say I get this and set it to stream live while recording. If I turn my car off and turn it back on the next day, is it going to remember those settings or do I need to change the settings for it to stream live again?
You have a 1 year no hassle warranty. I haven't been able to test the HDMI for a long period of time yet as its a new product. Ok I'll list the micro HDMI cable on Amazon later today as well. Once it's added, Search for: JVXHDMI
You have a 1 year no hassle warranty. I haven't been able to test the HDMI for a long period of time yet as its a new product. Ok I'll list the micro HDMI cable on Amazon later today as well. Once it's added, Search for: JVXHDMI

Tested it today - working great.

To your second question yes once microHDMI cable is plugged in the live view on the monitor is automatic and the automatic recording starts normal.
Streaming for say an hour at a time, a rest for a few hours and another hour back...say once a weekend, would that damage the product?

it's not really any extra work for the processor, won't have any long term use implications
it's not really any extra work for the processor, won't have any long term use implications
Thank you guys so much for the help. Already got them all ordered and I think Pier is having them delivered on Saturday according to Fedex Tracking. If not, then will have them Monday. Love Amazon prime shipping. Looking forward to setting this stuff up, hopefully this weekend and if not then next weekend once this next storm system goes through my area.

Will gladly provide footage of the system setup after I got it all. Just hope this solves my problem!