Is a Mobius power mad ?


New Member
Aug 10, 2015
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United Kingdom

I have tried (and failed) to hard wire my Mobius to the fuse box of my car,
i have succesfully fitted another cheaper model to my last car, so i'm pretty sure i went about it the correct way, but obviously something is wrong,
I'm considering other options, such as plugging it into a car usb socket - like this in mind the lighter socket on my car is live whether or not my ignition is on or off, what i'd like to know is, is the mobius likely to drain my car battery, i only drive approx 6 miles a day,
i would have the mobius set to record on motion detect only.
i know i could pull the lead out of the socket, but i know there will be a time when i forget,
if it means anything, my car is a 1.4 fiesta.

thanks for any help,

Welcome to the forum neilmcca :) i have mine hardwired to a fuse that is hot when the ignition is in the start position. I experienced a similar problem at first when I had it in a slot for ACC the first position in my car. Finally, I had screwed the settings up and could not get it going because of that. Reading posts by @Isoprop and a tip by @Bungus got me going and have not had any problems since. Hope you get things sorted as it is a great little camera.
Welcome to the forum neilmcca :) i have mine hardwired to a fuse that is hot when the ignition is in the start position. I experienced a similar problem at first when I had it in a slot for ACC the first position in my car. Finally, I had screwed the settings up and could not get it going because of that. Reading posts
Welcome to the forum neilmcca :) i have mine hardwired to a fuse that is hot when the ignition is in the start position. I experienced a similar problem at first when I had it in a slot for ACC the first position in my car. Finally, I had screwed the settings up and could not get it going because of that. Reading posts by @Isoprop and a tip by @Bungus got me going and have not had any problems since. Hope you get things sorted as it is a great little camera.
I've tried several fuses, including the electric windows, light cluster etc,
Even tried different sets of cables,
Only thing I can think of is the bolt I have it earthed to isn't up to the job, I'll try a different one when I have time,
Thanks for the reply,
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No problem. You are probably on to something with the ground . I used the ground screw next to the fuse box that the factory had attached the ground wires from the fuse box. There are some very bright people on this site who will help you get that sorted. Hang in there it is worth it :)

I have tried (and failed) to hard wire my Mobius to the fuse box of my car,
i have succesfully fitted another cheaper model to my last car, so i'm pretty sure i went about it the correct way, but obviously something is wrong,
I'm considering other options, such as plugging it into a car usb socket - like this in mind the lighter socket on my car is live whether or not my ignition is on or off, what i'd like to know is, is the mobius likely to drain my car battery, i only drive approx 6 miles a day,
i would have the mobius set to record on motion detect only.
i know i could pull the lead out of the socket, but i know there will be a time when i forget,
if it means anything, my car is a 1.4 fiesta.

thanks for any help,


Does your radio turn off when you switch your car off? Not familiar with UK fiesta. If it does then you can take power to your camera from there. You'll need a step down transformer/ adapter to 5VDC to your camera.

Just connect positive to radio positive and the other to ground (anywhere metal). This have a angled mini USB connector, fuse and stepdown to 5VDC. All you need to install. PM me if you think I can be of help.
The radio turns off with ignition yes,
I have just tried moving the earth to where the wires from the fuse box are earthed and it's made no difference.

is there anything wrong with these settings ?

Assuming you already have a adapter to provide your mini USB 5 VDC for the camera.

I set up mine "Power on- auto record" to "both". I use camera out of car too. (also assuming you're on battery, not Super capacitor). "Power off Standby" 30 secs. Then click "Set Parameters" to complete setup.

Ground wire can be connected to anywhere convenient on the car's metal body.
OK, I finally got it sorted, and i feel a right numpty :/
the fuse i had it attached to (i thought) was the dashboard light cluster, turns out it was for the headlights !!
i've changed it to work off the electric windows and all is good, i just can't understand why it wouldn't work off the other fuses i tried, maybe it was the cam settings !
Only realised the other night, when i was driving to work and realised the cam had lit up,
i can't stop playing about with it, it's a great piece of kit for the price, i intend buying another for the rear of the car i'm that impressed.
sorry for wasting your time, and thanks.

Could you guys please describe what kind of problems you were having after trying to hardwire your Mobius? I connected mine to 12V in the headlight cluster (converted to 5V). Sometimes the camera won't start filming after the ignition is turned on (green LED is lit), and sometimes it will work just fine. I'm wondering if I should try another source or my problem is elsewhere.
When you say headlight cluster - what do you mean by that? My immediate thought is the power wire for your headlights, meaning the Mobius won't turn on unless your headlights are on.
A 12V source inside the large connector coming to the headlight switch. It always keeps 12V as long as the ignition is on, probably intended for the headlights since it was the only source in the connector. Mobius doesn't react to lights being turned on or off anyways. I don't really see any pattern, it just sometimes instantly turns on and starts filming after turning on ignition and sometimes it will turn on and charge instead. However if it starts acting one way, it will keep it that way until much later - i.e. if the camera won't start filming - turning ignition off and instantly on again doesn't fix the problem. However the next day it might work as it should.
Most folks who hardwire tap in at the fusebox where there is usually a circuit which will function as you need it to. Sometimes you have to try several circuits to find the best one. Always fuse the wire going to the 5V power supply low enough to prevent damage to the car in an overload (usually a 2A fuse will do OK).

Hey SawMaster, do you get some good video daily being in SC too?
Not much to speak of lately- my work is usually very local to home and I make it a point to avoid the congested and idiot-prone areas and times whenever possible ;)

I'm having a hard time believing that there are idiot free zones...(:
Most folks who hardwire tap in at the fusebox where there is usually a circuit which will function as you need it to. Sometimes you have to try several circuits to find the best one. Always fuse the wire going to the 5V power supply low enough to prevent damage to the car in an overload (usually a 2A fuse will do OK).


I might try the fusebox if this source won't work out, though I simply can't understand why it wouldn't - it's 12V and it probably goes straight to the battery (well, through the ignition block at least). I'm pretty sure the headlights have their own fuse anyways, don't see the necessity of a separate one. Again, could anyone who had problems after hardwiring their Mobius to the wrong place please describe how the camera behaved? Did it have erratic behavior, not turn on at all, etc.? Thank you in advance.
What are you using as your voltage converter?
What are you using as your voltage converter?
A buck converter I got from eBay, seemed to work fine when I tested it before installing. Should be able to supply up to 2A at 5V.