Is it safe to have the Mobius run 24x7?

Sep 5, 2014
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United States
It seems that if I connect the Mobius to my car's 12v (I've put in a USB adapter) and turn the car off, the USB adapter still draws power from the 12v. This means that the Mobius would always be drawing a current from the car and therefore would be on 24x7.

Is this safe for the Mobius device--what about the car and the car's battery?

Since I don't know how to actually wire the Mobius to the car directly (either to the fuse box or the car's ignition), my only solution is to run a USB cable to a 12v adapter.

In the off chance that I am able to pay a shop to install something like this (is this the best one I could buy?), I wouldn't have to worry about leaving it on 24x7, but I'm not sure how much an installation like that would run me.
not advisable unless you change the battery for capacitors instead

Thanks! Is it because it's bad for the battery in the sense that it's ability to hold a charge will decrease dramatically (but it will still be able to function 100% as long as it's plugged in) or are you concerned about the battery because it might explode or something?
Mine have been running 24/7 for the last 6 month with no issues at all. I have replaced the batteries with super caps though.
It seems that if I connect the Mobius to my car's 12v (I've put in a USB adapter) and turn the car off, the USB adapter still draws power from the 12v. This means that the Mobius would always be drawing a current from the car and therefore would be on 24x7.

Is this safe for the Mobius device--what about the car and the car's battery?

Since I don't know how to actually wire the Mobius to the car directly (either to the fuse box or the car's ignition), my only solution is to run a USB cable to a 12v adapter.

In the off chance that I am able to pay a shop to install something like this (is this the best one I could buy?), I wouldn't have to worry about leaving it on 24x7, but I'm not sure how much an installation like that would run me.
Batteries won't last much more than a month if you record 24x7 so you'll definitely need supercaps. Unless the batteries become really puffed and bad you'll still be able to record with external power. However, with a really bad battery your camera won't react at all, not even when connected to a PC.
Minus the time/date stamp, can't the Mobius be run without the battery installed and on external power?
Minus the time/date stamp, can't the Mobius be run without the battery installed and on external power?
Yes, no problem!
Minus the time/date stamp, can't the Mobius be run without the battery installed and on external power?

In an accident, the impact force may detach the Mobius from it's power cable, & the file being recorded at the moment of impact won't be saved in the absence of an installed capacitor or battery.
Hmm I know this SJ4000 without the battery, pulling the plug saves the file. I was more thinking of a 24/7 recording use, such a security camera though.

However, with a really bad battery your camera won't react at all, not even when connected to a PC.

Is this because the battery sucks up all of the available electricity tying to recharge itself?
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Is this because the battery sucks up all of the available electricity tying to recharge itself?
No idea, but I would think it has to do with a 'short' situation. Maybe a low internal resistance. I haven't followed up on this. When my battery goes that bad I dispose of it.
It may also have something to do with the protection circuitry built into the battery. I've also had this fail on perfectly good batteries, so before disposing of a battery I often remove the board and keep it as a spare.
That you for the reply. I always thought the battery was just a sack of materials. I never thought a battery could have a circuit board inside.
That you for the reply. I always thought the battery was just a sack of materials. I never thought a battery could have a circuit board inside.

to be fair in a lot of the cheap Chinese cameras there is no protection circuitry and they do pose a risk, the Mobius though is not your average Chinese product and they do actually do things correctly
In an accident, the impact force may detach the Mobius from it's power cable, & the file being recorded at the moment of impact won't be saved in the absence of an installed capacitor or battery.

If the car does not power the battery after the car is turned off (the power is disabled after 10 minutes or so), would it be safe to keep the battery in the Mobius and a power cable directed to the Mobius from the car otherwise? I'd be worried that the Mobius wouldn't keep recording in the event of an accident without the battery in there. As of now, I'd like to avoid a super cap installation if at all possible (mainly for cost purposes, since I'll have to pay a shop to do the hot wiring as well).
If the car does not power the battery after the car is turned off (the power is disabled after 10 minutes or so), would it be safe to keep the battery in the Mobius and a power cable directed to the Mobius from the car otherwise? I'd be worried that the Mobius wouldn't keep recording in the event of an accident without the battery in there. As of now, I'd like to avoid a super cap installation if at all possible (mainly for cost purposes, since I'll have to pay a shop to do the hot wiring as well).

Mine's running like that since Nov. Always connected to car. No problem. I like battery as I use it off car too.
It seems that if I connect the Mobius to my car's 12v (I've put in a USB adapter) and turn the car off, the USB adapter still draws power from the 12v. This means that the Mobius would always be drawing a current from the car and therefore would be on 24x7.

Is this safe for the Mobius device--what about the car and the car's battery?

Since I don't know how to actually wire the Mobius to the car directly (either to the fuse box or the car's ignition), my only solution is to run a USB cable to a 12v adapter.

In the off chance that I am able to pay a shop to install something like this (is this the best one I could buy?), I wouldn't have to worry about leaving it on 24x7, but I'm not sure how much an installation like that would run me.
The hardwire kit is to connect car battery directly ,but with fuse box and could decrease voltage to a safe range,so when car shut off,there is still permanent power
to supply power. You do not have to take off car camera's battery
If tap off a switchon source ( powered only when key is in "on" position) then power will be off when key is turned off completely. Some car's cigarette lighter outlet like my Corolla is on a switch circuit while others, eg Volkswagen, some Fords are "on" all the time. Just look for a source wire that's only powered when switchon and tap to it. eg. radio .......