Is mobius still the best discreat camera?

Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So a while a go i purchased the mobius, and im after putting this to the rear of my car.

The most important thing for me is image quality at night and day.
The second thing i need is that it isnt very noticeable.

The mobius has worked perfect, i would like a better image though.
I too wish the Mobius had better night recording, especially now with daylight savings and it being darker so much earlier. I've seen some good night recording on other cams, but they tend to be much larger and 2x the price and I don't drive enough to justify it.
I've got the mobius too, used it for the first time yesterday and although the image quality isn't the worlds best at night I thought it was good enough, watched some of my footage back of the 150 mile return journey from Edinburgh to Durham, I'm happy with it. Never got to see any daytime footage as it had written over them by the time I'd got back (13 hour day)
The new JooVuu "X" cam has a very similar form-factor and promises to provide better footage, especially at night. You may want to wait for it's release and see whether you want to give it a try. Just don't expect miracles as every dashcam struggles with night video quality which is very hard to do well with at any reasonable price.

You can also tweak the Mobius settings for better night vids, but unless you manually switch modes between that and one optimized for daytime it will not do as well in the daytime. Tough to do with a rear cam and can be forgotten even in front. The "X" cam can be set to switch modes for you at preset times allowing it's best both day and night without having to access the cam itself.
