Just marketing words


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Nov 15, 2012
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Dash Cam
Viofo A229 Pro TeleQuad (the best dashcam in the world!)
Many cameras are promoting some words to sell their cameras. The most frequent are:
- Night Vision, IR Leds. As many people wrote and already know, this is the most useless feature. But still a good name to cheat some new buyers.
- Wide lens. Most of values are fake if coming from no-name chinese cameras. But even not fake, the wider the lens the smaller will be the details and if you will need someday to see the characters from a vehicle registration plate you will not see them just because the lens is too wide, objects too small. So stay under 120 degrees.
- GPS. If you like to watch a cursor on a monitor is a good feature. But after watching many videos will become boring. If you want to see the location without having GPS you can use Google Maps.
- stupid words like spy, new arrival, original (which are very cheap)...

I know the GPS think is the best selling from these 3 features. Maybe some of you will find useful for a thing like providing the location for that video. But you must to use the special viewer to see this. If you will be in another location you will use Google Maps like you don't have GPS.
But if yoy want the speed printed on your video, the GPS is a must. But remember that speed can be against you someday.
Or maybe in the future Youtube will add a feature to display the map when uploading the video file and the GPS log. Then will become a great feature.

For me, if the GPS is offered as standard feature, I accept it, but paying something like $30 just for the GPS is a no go for me. Better I use that $30 for a better quality camera or to buy a bigger and better SD Card.

I hope GPS fans to not be mad on me and just explain why they love the GPS. ;)

myself, I like to have GPS although sometimes I wish it didn't exist in these cameras, it is by far the thing that causes the most problems from a firmware perspective, life would be easier without it :( I could certainly live without it though, the video is by far the most important thing and the quality of video should always be the priority

another marketing ploy I personally dislike is the constant need to keep making new models with bigger numbers like it is somehow some upgraded model, the reality is often quite the opposite and the new release is lower spec internally than what it replaced, there are an awful lot of suppliers competing in the race to the bottom, not somewhere I want to go, I'm looking at other ways to be more cost effective, lowering the quality of the product to meet a target isn't an option even if we do miss business as a result, it's not the kind of business I want

WiFi I think will become far more common, another headache maybe but that's where the market is going, combining WiFi and GPS is not always possible in the one solution so we may see some innovation there with either the WiFi or the GPS becoming the standard and the other becomes the plugin upgrade option, maybe, a bit early to tell yet how this will go but it's something that I'm personally looking at
As a manufacturer I agree with your GPS perspective. But not only because the firmware but maybe because of bad GPS antenna position, weather, some blinking LED not working OK, but most of the time when people say:
Hey, I started my camera one minute ago and my GPS not working! I want a new firmware to fix the problem. Can you replace my camera? Why to wait 5-10 minutes for a damn GPS? In 5-10 minutes I am already home. I don't paid for a GPS to wait for it. He must work when I want!!! I want a refund!!!

Regarding camera numbers, in other topic I said something about the famous model named GS1000. At that time I said is better for every new revision after the first model which is considered to be the original, the others to not be considered fake because some things are different, the manufacturers to use just smaller different numbers like GS1001, GS1002, GS1003...
With unique numbers and corresponding hardware everybody were happy and nobody feel cheated anymore. And because of the first GS10xx characters, everybody know the form factor and the base model.
But when somebody is trying to sell a product named GS1000 for a smaller price and this only because of lower quality and specs, this mean that manufacturer want to cheat customers. There is no other reason than to cheat them just to make some profit. If he don't want to cheat and just sell his product, his idea about a dashcam, why don't use just another name even just a little different? Even the GS1000 is a public form factor, using a previous great camera history just to sell his **** this is cheating, this is fake.

But from GS1000 already the jump is to GS9000 in a short time. So the GSxxxx is finished now, end of life, no more numbers available.

If I was jokiin, my GS1000 camera wold have the name as GS1001 or GS1000A if I am sure I am delivering a good product. Just to be different at least for some time from now from the bastard cheaters until they will fake my product with their ****ty "New upgraded 2013 GS1001A...".

A little offtopic: there are some Android TV sticks which were launched with 802 number. In the same way, they produced also the 808 number, but the 808 numer is for another category of product, the spy cameras. This prove they have no brain, not a little google search before giving a name. They don't give a ****.

Mtz said:
As a manufacturer I agree with your GPS perspective. But not only because the firmware but maybe because of bad GPS antenna position, weather, some blinking LED not working OK, but most of the time when people say:
Hey, I started my camera one minute ago and my GPS not working! I want a new firmware to fix the problem. Can you replace my camera? Why to wait 5-10 minutes for a damn GPS? In 5-10 minutes I am already home. I don't paid for a GPS to wait for it. He must work when I want!!! I want a refund!!!

Regarding camera numbers, in other topic I said something about the famous model named GS1000. At that time I said is better for every new revision after the first model which is considered to be the original, the others to not be considered fake because some things are different, the manufacturers to use just smaller different numbers like GS1001, GS1002, GS1003...
With unique numbers and corresponding hardware everybody were happy and nobody feel cheated anymore. And because of the first GS10xx characters, everybody know the form factor and the base model.
But when somebody is trying to sell a product named GS1000 for a smaller price and this only because of lower quality and specs, this mean that manufacturer want to cheat customers. There is no other reason than to cheat them just to make some profit. If he don't want to cheat and just sell his product, his idea about a dashcam, why don't use just another name even just a little different? Even the GS1000 is a public form factor, using a previous great camera history just to sell his **** this is cheating, this is fake.

But from GS1000 already the jump is to GS9000 in a short time. So the GSxxxx is finished now, end of life, no more numbers available.

If I was jokiin, my GS1000 camera wold have the name as GS1001 or GS1000A if I am sure I am delivering a good product. Just to be different at least for some time from the bastard cheaters.

A little offtopic: there are some Android TV sticks which were launched with 802 number. In the same way, they produced also the 808 number, but the 808 numer is for another category of product, the spy cameras. This prove they have no brain, not a little google search before giving a name. They don't give a ****.


yeah the GPS cold start time is the hardest to achieve, not like mobile phones that use A-GPS and can use cell tower and WiFi information to approximate their location as a starting point, or GPS mapping devices that are geographically shortlisted by their selected map putting them within a certain space, the GPS navigators are generally much higher spec processors and aren't busy using CPU power to encode HD video so can work much faster to achieve a cold start lock, this is not a simple feature to support in a DVR where the majority of processing must be allocated to processing video, not all customers understand this though and can't work out why their mobile phone or nav device can do this much quicker

names like 802, 808 etc often originate out of a main component, board design or similar and the name just carries on, a lot of stuff like this has no thought put into it whatsoever, the evolution of that like you see with the GS series with 2000, 5000, 9000 etc is perhaps even dumber, no thought goes into that at all, just the design companies that pump out these public tooling housings trying to beat each other to market and catch some new business