@viofo certain is 😀 ,Viofo is going to love this guy. lol
I don't think there is any reason to avoid the subscriptions? They work well.He is BIG on the interweb, i watch some of his stuff, but i have not bookmarked his channel, and the subscription bases way of keeping track on youtube ASO, well i do not use that as it is abused.
Yo Kremmen,That's the thing with a lot of reviews. They get brand new units for a few weeks.
Car reviews are a prime example, they don't have them long enough.
He didn't cover much at all, just the one point about image quality vs price.But Linus didn't talk about the long term durability and dependability of dashcams
Yes, the GoPro that got mentioned will not do well in the low light examples he was showing, and neither will his studio camera!On linus video i commented, why dont you strap one of your kick ass studio cameras to a car, and show how it is done ( me being a little frustrated with Linus seeming to expect low light performance to be better than it can be )
Same here, never heard of her.don't know who Linus is
Why I outta!thinking to myself that wow...this is the typical "open-box" review of random dashcams done by a majority of YouTube idiots.
Oh boy...Don't even get me started about that guy.Same here, never heard of her.
Why I outta!
I'll have you know I put a lot of hard work, and effort into my YouTube dash cam reviews.
Oh wait. lol
I had near the same exprerience watching that video.
It was filled with so many things that were not exactly false & misleading, but were definately not correct.
If only he would have contacted our resident DCT expert @Nigel and asked a few basic research questions before making his video.
But hey, he's got 15M YouTube subscribers he doesn't have to be 100% accurate, he just needs to be 100% entertaining.
Kinda like Scotty Kilmer. lol