Looking for a Full HD Dashcam


New Member
Feb 15, 2015
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United States
Hey everyone, been lurking for a while, but there is a lot of in.fo and products out there that makes it harder to decide on one. But maybe the community can guide me in the right direction.

- Country: US, for making easier to link products, etc.
- GPS: No need for GPS.
- WiFi: Prefer one that is compatible, but not required.
- Firmware: Prefer one that can be updated to fix any issue it may have.
- HD: Have to be Full HD 1080 or higher, at least 30fps, but the more the better, and wide screen. But prefer video quality more.
- Weather: Live in a desert state, so it can get pretty hot, so something that can withstand high heat would be great, since it parks outside also, but doesn't really get that cold. Maybe 30f.
- Color/Size: Prefer to be stealthy and not a huge box, but a medium size might even pass.
- Loop/Recycle: Yes please, I drive around a lot, and don't want to keep switching out SD Cards.
- Time of usage: Day and Night. Mainly around dusk.
- Others: Prefer one that can withstand audios in the car like a subwoofer (I know its impossible, but prefer one that have the most minimal shakes even with no songs playing). Also be nice for when I go out to public place that records motions when someone or a car is around, but no required.

I know this will be hard since there is certain conditions that needs to be met. But I am willing to look at any suggestions posted.

Budget: $150 +/-.

Thank you!
Panorama S, no wifi, medium size and a touch over your budget but certainly worth a look, good with high heat, good motion detect, audio recording on these is a bit lower than others so will tolerate the woofers better than a lot of other cameras, locally sold and supported by @Pier28 who are based in San Francisco
+1 for Panorama S, since it uses Full Size SD cards, you could always add a WiFi enabled SD card as well. The mount is extra solid, night performance is good
wifi enabled SD cards? what is that?
Those are links that just sell wifi cards, not describes what a wifi card is ;)

if it's not too much effort open the link and scroll the page, they explain what it's about, for someone named Google you don't seem to like doing any work of your own to find things out ;)
if it's not too much effort open the link and scroll the page, they explain what it's about, for someone named Google you don't seem to like doing any work of your own to find things out ;)
bro, we're here to help each other out. incomplete or ambiguous comments do nothing but frustrate others. perhaps you don't see it that way or you get some satisfaction in being vague ;)

any way, the closest info that is available on wireless cards is from wiki but it refers to the manufacturer and the service you (have to pay). i am not going to plug the manufacturer needlessly.
you asked what the link is for and didn't even bother to look, seems like you're bored tonight, not sure why I bother sometimes
As long as it's not the question of do I left click or right click, I'm happy to help :)
(my one friend always asks that any time I help him over the phone with a computer question)
I do what I can, I do this in between other stuff and sometimes don't have time to write a thesis when a link will at least point someone in the right direction to find out more, I give up
Hey everyone, been lurking for a while, but there is a lot of in.fo and products out there that makes it harder to decide on one. But maybe the community can guide me in the right direction.

- Country: US, for making easier to link products, etc.
- GPS: No need for GPS.
- WiFi: Prefer one that is compatible, but not required.
- Firmware: Prefer one that can be updated to fix any issue it may have.
- HD: Have to be Full HD 1080 or higher, at least 30fps, but the more the better, and wide screen. But prefer video quality more.
- Weather: Live in a desert state, so it can get pretty hot, so something that can withstand high heat would be great, since it parks outside also, but doesn't really get that cold. Maybe 30f.
- Color/Size: Prefer to be stealthy and not a huge box, but a medium size might even pass.
- Loop/Recycle: Yes please, I drive around a lot, and don't want to keep switching out SD Cards.
- Time of usage: Day and Night. Mainly around dusk.
- Others: Prefer one that can withstand audios in the car like a subwoofer (I know its impossible, but prefer one that have the most minimal shakes even with no songs playing). Also be nice for when I go out to public place that records motions when someone or a car is around, but no required.

I know this will be hard since there is certain conditions that needs to be met. But I am willing to look at any suggestions posted.

Budget: $150 +/-.

Thank you!
Also check out the Mobius with a capacitor kit for around $100 with all accessories. It's the size of a TicTac box, is really reliable, has a great video quality, a huge support group on two forums and has had the most firmware improvements than any camera I know. Most recently they added another lens choice as well as Auto Exposure Lock and Auto White Balance Lock.

There also a bunch of accessories options like remote lens option, and a ton of mounting options. There is also a live view option. You can buy it here in the US from Tom Frank, one of the development team. Www.BuyMobius.com
just a worthy mention.. eyefi card don't work unless the device have an option to turn on wifi on the eyefi card in the menus which a lot of devices aren't compatible with the eyefi card... Well at least dashcams aren't compatible as far as I know, only certain cameras have that function to detect the eyefi card and have a setting in the menu to turn on/off the wifi.
The only reason you would want to turn the eyefi card off is to conserve the battery of the regular battery powered non-dashcam. Since the DashCam has power 24/7 via hard wire kit, not much reason to turn eyefi off once it's setup.