If i was to build a house here, one of the items very high on the want list are a tall metal mast, not like a radio / TV tower tall, just a tall mast that can still stand on its own, and act like a very tall flag pole on which i would fly my own flag or announcements i feel like making.
Also with the hope it would act like a lightning rod for the heart of the property of course.
After that a tall concrete wall around the heart of the property, and it should be at least 16 feet tall, and i will deck it out with other things making it very unpleasant to try and get over.
And with a gate with a combo of RFID and code access, would not mind if it was a double gate, so once you passed thru the first one you still have one more.
And since Danes of old had a tradition of naming their house, my place should be named Fort Hard Knocks 🙂
And with enough money i would splash for a large LED billboard, also for signaling passers by, which might think they could score big in this place coming unannounced, or other unpleasant things i have to say about passers by.
I am thinking maybe have this visible over the wall so it can also act as general illumination of the main part of the property or at least the front of it