Mini 0801 with and without GPS

Mine is from Oct or Nov 2013
That sounds pretty recent. This one has Dec 2013 on the round white date label, though it only reached me this month. The EPR marker is inked out over the "9" (just visible int he photo) - I'm not sure what that means.

I guess e-prance have sent me a dud one, or one intended to be sold as a non-gps unit - though it has the GPS menu in the firmware supplied on it.
The PCBs of my 0801 are labeled with an earlier date: 2013-04
If anyone has a very recent 0801 they wouldn't mind taking a look at, it'd be great to know how many wires are connected, and whether GPS works.
E-prance have replied to me, saying that they have checked with the manufacturer, who says that they only have three wires to the connector. So that does seem to confirm that the design has changed, as post #19 clearly shows four.

They have said that they will sort it out if I send both 0801 and the GPS mount back, but to be quite honest I don't think it is worth the cost of the postage to China. That would be about £15 or so, plus the wait (two months last time). I could buy a new GPS mount for less.

The image quality of the 0801 is so much poorer than that of the Mobius that I don't think I'll bother.
The image quality of the 0801 is so much poorer than that of the Mobius that I don't think I'll bother.

Lain, thats interesting to hear, I've not got a Mini8081 myself, but was thinking of getting one, so a bit taken back to hear image quality is'nt as good as say the Mobius, any opinions where you think the Mini 8081 is poor in image capturing and is it possible for you to post up a clip of the offending footage please, many thanks if you can
I've not used either to take still images. As far as the difference in video quality is concerned, I no longer have copies of the side-by-side comparisons, but I'll see if I can make a new one today. There is quite a big difference.

The 0801 has the screen and the GPS. The Mobius is a smaller, neater package, is cheaper and has better image quality both in good light and in the dark.
OK, I had both running side-by-side today. There isn't much to gain from trying to upload videos because wherever I know of they'd be downsampled, so I've tried to grab screencaptures of the same moment with different lighting. These were taken at the same time, though one of the clocks is a bit off. In fact the difference is greater than the screen captures would suggest, so if anyone can tell me where I can upload video without having the quality messed with, I'll upload some video clips.

Look carefully at the shed in the middle of the first pair of images - you can see the boards on its right hand side in the Mobius, but they're just a blur in the 0801. Look at the details of the brickwork on the right: they can see where the pointing is missing on the Mobius , but not on the 0801.

In the second pair, look at the Give Way sign. On the Mobius, you can just read the writing, on the 0801 it is just a few blobs.

In the third pair, look at the dry stone wall on the left and the hedge above it. The Mobius is SO much more clearly defined.
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Even the 1 minute video at 1080p is about 100MB, so good luck with that.

The 0810 seems to have a slightly wider angle lens. Based on those screen shots alone, I prefer the 0801 over the Mobius... difference is smallThe clouds have greater definition with the 0810 than the Mobius.
Look more carefully. The 0801 image is fuzzy and the Mobius is sharp. Don't be distracted by different brightnesses, that's user-adjustable in both (and although both are set to the default settings, those defaults may not be the same), but the Mobius has (optional) WDR as well. That can actually decrease the sharpness to get better dynamic range.

I'll see if I can find another example. Yup, done.

If you look at the third pair of photos, look at the detail of the stone wall and hedge on the left, of the scaffolding poles on the building. The dry stone wall on the right seems less clear on the Mobius photo, but the detail is there, it's just that there is less brightness compression.

Oh, and that dormer window really does look like it is at the wrong angle - that's not a distorting lens on either camera!

Be sure that you are viewing them at 100% - your browser may compress the image (badly), so you may need to click it to zoom in to 100%

I'm not convinced that there is a significant difference in how wide the lenses are, but there is another version of the Mobius with a wider lens. I didn't choose to buy that one.
However, if your chief concern is good pictures of clouds, it may be that you are not looking for the same qualities that I value.
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It's just a dashcam event recorder. I don't think I really need super sharp images for that. Considering the low cost of both cameras, seems like both Mobius and 0810 do a decent job on the video recording feature.
You do need sharp images if you want to be able to read number plates. Given that the 0801 costs around 50% more than the Mobius and is not as good, it seems like a no-brainer to me.
I don't think that number plate recoginition is that important. Every accident that doesn't happen in front of you wont have a recorded license plate.
Lain, thank you so much for making the effort to post these, true most accidents number plate recognition isn't needed, but if one is to spend money on a DVR, well for me, I'd soone be able to recognise a number plate and not need to than the other way round, and if it can't capture it in daytime it sure ant going to at night when someone is more than likely prepared to do a runner after hitting your car,
not that I've been looking at the Mobius prises but surprised it's cheaper then the Mini 8081, I'l have to take a better look at the Mobius

many thanks
The Mobius is about £41. Mine arrived from China in four days (both times - I've bought two).

The 0801 is around £67. I bought from China: it took a month to arrive, but it took me 4.5 months to get one that worked, but now it has no GPS because the (working) replacement is not compatible with the GPS mount they sold me.
Would like to note for those thinking the wires relate to whether it hs GPS or not, Mine only has 3 wires attached and GPS working.
I have the GPS base already so ordered the mini 0801 without gps. You guys telling me that it's not going work. ? Damn. !!!
I don't think that number plate recoginition is that important.
I beg to differ. It is a very important feature to have in case you are the victim of a hit-and-runner. You have only video footage as proof and as a way to ID the culprit. Much like with the parking mode really.