Mobius + 64Gb + overwrite when full


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
As expected my mobius hit 64 Gb today on the Kingston Card i use.
The cam started to do quick dual flashes followed by 1 singel flash, some times it only did 1 singel flash before it did a quick dual flash, but other times it did 2 or 3 singel flashes before it made a dual flash with the LED again.

I only notised this on the way home, but judging from the recorded footage it started 15 minutes into my drive out ( 1 hour drive )

It took about 45 minutes for the cam to find itself on my return trip, and in the process it reset itself to 1-1-2013, and the time was 5-6 houres behind suddenly.

I think it might was too mutch to ask that a not supported 64GB SD Card should work flawless, and it have been flawless untill the cam needed to overwrite older files.

So all in all i "lost" 1 hour of footage due to non suported SD card beeing full :oops:

PS. i am running the latest firmware, i will proberly go back to older firmware and try to let the SD Card fill up once again.

Included a Photo with todays recordings in highlights.

Funny i cant DL the 1.13 firmware, when i hit download a zip file appear on my desktop and the DL "meter" start, then the % hit 100 but the green bar only hit 70-80% and then the zip file dissapear from my desktop.
I have no idea where the zip file go, but i have a feeling it rasist and dont like Danes :(
As expected my mobius hit 64 Gb today on the Kingston Card i use.
The cam started to do quick dual flashes followed by 1 singel flash, some times it only did 1 singel flash before it did a quick dual flash, but other times it did 2 or 3 singel flashes before it made a dual flash with the LED again.

I only notised this on the way home, but judging from the recorded footage it started 15 minutes into my drive out ( 1 hour drive )

It took about 45 minutes for the cam to find itself on my return trip, and in the process it reset itself to 1-1-2013, and the time was 5-6 houres behind suddenly.

I think it might was too mutch to ask that a not supported 64GB SD Card should work flawless, and it have been flawless untill the cam needed to overwrite older files.

So all in all i "lost" 1 hour of footage due to non suported SD card beeing full :oops:

PS. i am running the latest firmware, i will proberly go back to older firmware and try to let the SD Card fill up once again.

Included a Photo with todays recordings in highlights....
Funny i cant DL the 1.13 firmware, when i hit download a zip file appear on my desktop and the DL "meter" start, then the % hit 100 but the green bar only hit 70-80% and then the zip file dissapear from my desktop.
I have no idea where the zip file go, but i have a feeling it rasist and dont like Danes :(
Interesting. Could you post or send me your syscfg.txt file so I can attempt to replicate your findings. My email address (remove ALL the 5s):
You can't download 1.13 with the GUI because it has the same name as the GUI requires! It's a bug, but since nobody has noticed it so far I haven't posted an update. Just download the file from and copy it to the mSetup folder and you're all set.
so, if the time on the clock resets, it does not delete the "oldest" video? not exactly sure what happened based on the description.

btw, are you running battery, super cap, powered into the car all the time, do you run the cam while parked??
Well i was planning to buy a super cap along with the camera, but offcourse stupid me i fogot it when i was shopping at joovuu :(

So now i have to shop some more over there :D

The camera is all stock aside from the alterations i have made in settings and the update to 1.17 FW, i have just changed the FOV to narrow but other than that i have not made any changes to the setup witch was on the camera when the SD card was full.

I have no means to tell if the camera have deleted some old files, but i assume it have as it did record again, after having flashed the LED in irregular ways for a hour or so in total.
When it did resume recording it was with the usioal 1 LED flash with a fjew seconds between flashes.
At first when i notised the irregular flashing i assumed this is just becuz the memory card is full and it do this to indicate old files are beeing deleted, but then i notised how irregular the 2 and 1 flashes where, there was even a couple of times where it double flashed the LED 2 times in a row. ( i could only see the rear LED on the camera in my rear view mirror )

The cam sit at the end of a 4 M long USB extension cable, and its powered with a 1.5 A supply, the camera is barely hot after a 1 hour reording session ( highest bitrate )

Other than this little issue i am wery happy with my mobius, if some one want it, they will have to pry it from my cold dead hands :p
Snap :eek:

I better read up on thet thread when i have some time.
You could probably save some space and not fill up as fast if you use the standard bitrate instead. Really marginal difference between standard and high, not worth the extra megs to me.
No last i was there i got 100 pages in, i will proberly have to skim some pages.
i have just tried to let my SD Card fill up, this time there is nothing strange, the cam record on and delete the oldest files, and the time/date remain true.
Only change is that this time camera was running on battery power, so i will delete a couple of the oldest files and then put my cam in the car tomorrow to see if the issue come back there.
i have just tried to let my SD Card fill up, this time there is nothing strange, the cam record on and delete the oldest files, and the time/date remain true.
Only change is that this time camera was running on battery power, so i will delete a couple of the oldest files and then put my cam in the car tomorrow to see if the issue come back there.
I'm still testing the configuration you sent me with a Kingston 64GB class 10. The camera stopped recording when the card was full, also when using a PQI 64GB class 10. :eek:
I'm now doing the same tests using a newer FW version and will compare my results. Testing 64GB cards takes a LONG time!
I'm now doing the same tests using a newer FW version and will compare my results. Testing 64GB cards takes a LONG time!
A newer firmware? Like maybe v1.18? Haha just kidding

No wait is it v1.18? :p
Did a test too today, plugget into power via the USB extension cable in the car the cam stopped to record after the 3.5 Gb empty gap filled up.

But i was expecting this to happen so i had my innovv pointed at the mobius to dokument wierd flashing, but after the 3 Gb filled up all lights on cam whent out, so when i reached my destination i stopped my car and put the innovv and mobius in my pocket.
A while later i discovered the mobius was still running as it was hot in my pocket, cant remember witch color light was on it when i took it out of pocket.
Again a while later i plugged the mobius into the USB cable Again for my return trip, and i allso put the innovv on it, i managed to catch the irregular red flashing of the rear LED and i allso discovered the LED on the side was flashing in 2 colors.

When i got home the mobius would not be found by my computer, or rather it would but only as a drive letter,and with no indication of what was on that drive, so i had to put the SD Card into a reader i discovered new Things. ( in reader Card and content on it was resolved normally )
1. for some reason the recordings from today ( 18-03-2014 ) was not on the Card, and the recordings the camera made later on when it found itself Again was labled 02-01-2013.
2. The camera had made a syscfg file on the Card dated 02-01-2013, tontent of said cfg as follow.

Date time=[2013/01/02-02:41:16];date time setting,format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Video Mode 1 resolution=[0];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p(Large AOV),1:1080p(Small AOV),2:720p(Large AOV),3:720p(Small AOV)
Video Mode 1 Frame Rate=[2];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p small AOV), 2:30fps
Video Mode 2 resolution=[0];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p(Large AOV),1:1080p(Small AOV),2:720p(Large AOV),3:720p(Small AOV)
Video Mode 2 Frame Rate=[2];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p small AOV), 2:30fps
Photo Mode Capture Size=[0];set photo size,0:2304x1536,1:1920x1080,2:1280x720
Set Time Lapse Shooting=[0],0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:60s
Photo Flip=[0];set Photo rotate,0:off,1:flip on
Movie cycle time=[1];movie cycle time,0:3 minutes,1:5 minutes,2:10 minutes,3:15 minutes,4:max to 4G byte,
Movie Loop Recording=[1];set loop recording on or off,0:off,1:on,
Time stamp=[1];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie sound=[0];set movie sound,0:mute,1:on,
Movie Flip=[0];set movie rotate,0:both off,1:mode 1 on and mode 2 off,2:mode 1 off and mode 2 on,3:both on,
Movie quality=[0];set movie quality,set movie data rate,0:Super,1:Standard,2:Low,
Movie high dynamic range=[1];set movie high dynamic range,0:off,1:on,2:Enhanced Brightness.
Power on=[1];set system power on time,0:delay,1:fast
Power off=[0];set system auto power off time when system pending,0:off,1:30 seconds,2:1 minutes,3:2 minutes,
Auto Record with External Power=[1];set connect with power to start video recording automatically,0:off,1:on,
One Power Button to Auto Record=[1];set press power key to start video recording automatically,0:off,1:on,
Auto Off with External Power disconnected=[1],0:Immediately,1:delay 10s;2:record to low battery power off,
LED=[1];set LED flicker when recording,0:off,1:on,
Charge from USB Host=[0]; when connecting with USB host, charge camera or not,0:on,1:off
Lens option =[1];select lens,0:lens A,1:lens B
Light frequency =[0];set light source frequency,0:50 HZ,1:60 HZ
TV out=[0];set Tv out,0:NTSC,1:PAL,
TV Display Ratio=[0];set display ratio,0:4*3,1:16*9
Motion Detect=[0];set motion detect,0:off,1:on
Motion Detect Timeout=[2];set motion detect timeout,0:5s,1:15s,2:30s,3:60s
Motion Detect Sensitivity=[0];set motion detect Sensitivity,0:high,1:nomal,2:low
White Balance=[0];Set White Balance,0:Auto,1:Sunny,2:Cloudy,3:Tungsten,4:Fluorescent,5:Custom WB1,6:Custom WB2,7:Custom WB3
Sunny(5000-6500K) used for sunny with clear sky(Rgain=301,Ggain=256,Bgain=368);
Cloudy(9000-10000K) used for shade or heavily overcast sky(Rgain=301,Ggain=256,Bgain=384);
Tungsten(2500-3500K) used for Tungsten bulb (or called Incandescent light)(Rgain=184,Ggain=256,Bgain=711);
Fluorescent(4000-5000K) used for fluorescent lamps(Rgain=333,Ggain=256,Bgain=525);
Customized White Balance 1 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 2 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 3 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Set red ,green,blue gain,256 is 1x gain,value from 100 to 999;
Color Effect=[0];Set Color Effect,0:Standard,1:Mono,2:Sepia,3:Cool,4:Cooler,5:Warm,6:Warmer,7:Vivid
Exposure Value= [0] ;Exposure compensation,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Contrast= [0] ;Set Contrast,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Saturation= [0] ;Set Image Saturation,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Sharpness= [0] ;Set Image Sharpness,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
{TLCAM MOV:TLCAM Mobius ActionCam 2014/02/14 v1.17}

The first time the cam freaked out this way i did not see a CFG file on my Sd Card. ( i have never seen that before )

Stay tuned for a video recorded today, and allso a second attempt to replicate the error witch i will perform on my computer table.

But first i have to charge my innovv c1 up and find a power source to power the mobius on, i am interested in how long it take from the Card fill up and the LEDs go out, and untill the leds come back online and LED flashing resume to normal recording flashing.
Since isoprop have been sutch a nice guy and make a new pice of software i have stepped back to 1.13 firmware for my next test :)

Not that 1.17 dident yeld good footage here, the Little footage from my mobius i have seen have been.
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Did a test too today, plugget into power via the USB extension cable in the car the cam stopped to record after the 3.5 Gb empty gap filled up.
I assume you are still using your 64GB Kingston. That is important!
You don't need to continue testing v1.17 because I have confirmed the issue of loop recording not always working correctly. I don't care about inferior versions, but others may.
Normally, the syscfg.txt file will only be generated if you do the magic button presses. Maybe you did them? By mistake?
The generated file can be very useful because it allows me to use your exact configuration on my test camera. But you've already sent me the profile, and that should contain the same settings. I can't check because the camera is recording and I don't want to interrupt it :). BTW, you should always use the GUI (or another method) to in-camera format your card before doing any tests.
On some of my tests the camera was in a freeze position when the 64GB filled up. Maybe that's what happened in your case? If this happens, the camera remains nice and warm and you have to press the reset button to turn the camera off.
yeah i will use the 64 GB on the next test too, after that i will proberly try a 32 Gb Card.

But for now i will try to resolve how long the camera remain in the freeze ( no LED ) state, before it wake up and resume recording, i estemate it is in a "coma" for 30-45 minutes before recording resume.

As i sait further up, the camera seem to Work properly under internal / battery power, at least the 1 time i tried that.

Uploading video to youtube ATM, assume it will be ready in a hour or so.

PS. Do not be scared by the unusioal lens on my mobius, i just had to do a Little experimenting in that department.
Here is the video i captured today.
Second test just started on a 64Gb SD Card with 3 Gb to the limit, now i just hope the innovv can keep recording untill the mobius have been thru its "coma" and start to record again.