Mobius and Tinted Rear Screen


Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius C ( front ) Mobius B ( rear ) running Super Caps
Hi Guys,

Is anyone running a Mobius filming through a tinted rear screen?

Today I fitted my new B lens Mobius in the back of the car ( will post some pics in Mounting Solutions later) and it works great, but in the next couple of weeks I plan on having the rear passengers, rear quarters and rear screen tinted. I'm not going too dark with the tints, but just enough to aid security.

So, if anyone is running with tints did you have to adjust the exposure to compensate?
I run my rear mobius through a heavily tinted screen, from the outside the camera is hardly even visible. When I turn the ignition the first seconds of my recording has its colours off, but just a few seconds later the exposure / white balance (set to auto) compensates and mobius records as the tint wasn't there at all. Check your recording to be sure but I don't think you need to adjust the settings.
I run my rear mobius through a heavily tinted screen, from the outside the camera is hardly even visible. When I turn the ignition the first seconds of my recording has its colours off, but just a few seconds later the exposure / white balance (set to auto) compensates and mobius records as the tint wasn't there at all. Check your recording to be sure but I don't think you need to adjust the settings.

I found the same in my car. I have 15% transmission tint on my rear windows and the Mobius is fine.
Thanks guys...good to know that the Mobius will be fine filming through the tinted glass :)
That's nice to know. My car's tinted 5% at the rear. Will do a temp mount to try out before buying another.
No problem. :) Here is an example video. It was during a pretty overcast day. Nothing interesting in the video but it shows the quality I'm getting and has an overpass transition at about 2:03.

My biggest problem is the defroster lines and not the tint.

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Thanks for posting the video, mr milo...great to see how the Mobius performs looking through the tint.